Views Of The South

"We are assured in almost every number, that public opinión at the North is sound, and that only a few obscure powerless individuáis are moving in this matter. It does not enter into my present design lo prove that abolitionists are increusing, and increasing with a rapidity wholly without precedent, in any similar association. Neither halt I pause to show that tl i oà r boldness and audacity keep pace wilh their numbers. On these puints no man acquainted with the l'ucts, and capable of the simplest procees oà rcHsonini;, can hesitate a moment. Look at abolitionists in our halls oflegislation; we see therr: daily forcing themselves upon Congress, in spite of all the rebufFs that they have rcceived. This year, for the first time, they have a reponer of iheir own, sitling as a guard over tho meinbers ready to record and praise whatever they nmy say favorable lo the abolition cause! and to represent in the worst and most unpopulur light,all thatlhey may say against it; with hundreds of abolition papers ready lo spread all this before the people; with a distinciwZe'lcaZ organización, influcncing und often controliingelections,as a distinct politica) party. Do all ihese things argue that they are fesvin rrtimber.ör weak in power? What element of power is wanting? Add lo all this thefact, now nolorious, that the gieat State uf New York has taken up the abolition cause, in her corporate political character, and add, also, what ia the necessary consequence, thal our slaves are huw more frequently taken "rom us than heretofore, and that il is absolutely impossible to reclaimone in anv
Pro Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty