Capture Of A Slaver
-U. B. M. schr.Fawn capturcd the Portuguese s!aver,Dous Fevereiro,on thecoast of Brnzil, Feb 19. They founü tbc slaes all below and the ïatches fastcned down. Oh tearing lliem up the scène was most horrible. "The living, the dying, and ihe dcnd. judjed togeihër in one mass. Some an'urtimales in the most disgusting state of small pox, in the confluant state, covered lom hend to foot, dislressingly i!l with ophlhulmia, a Ãew pcrfcctly blind; olhcrs iyin'g skeletbn.s, with difficulty crawled rrom below, unable to bear the woight pflheir 'migerahle bodies. Molhers wilh youns infants hanging at tFieir breasts,unjMefcr-ive them a drop of nourishment. Uow ihey im'd brought them thus far apjeared astoiiiehing. AU were perfectly naked. Their limbs were excoriated from yingon ihe hard plank for so long a penod. On going below the stench was insupportable. Huw beings could breatbe such an atmosphere and live,nppeared incrediblo. Several were unde.r the plank, which was callod the deck, dying - one dettd. The slaver luft the coast of Dcnpruela wiüi 510 negroos, and when cáptured, 19 day? aftër, fihe had but375, deaiiis 155, and 45 more licfore the vcssel arrived at Berbice. The alaver was 280 ton burthen, Portugueae cut. The extreme lengih of the Spacë aliolted to the males below was 00 feet; mean bréadlh 15, height 3 ft. ,8 in., yiving a litilc over 3 and a halfequare ft.
Dous Fevereiro
Slave Trade
Old News
Signal of Liberty