
The liberty vote last year was 1415; this year 3800; an increase of 180 per cent. One Senator and about twelve representatives of the Liberty party were elected. The election of five Senators and about 80 representatives was defeated by the perseverence of the Liberty men in supporting their own candidates. This alarmed the pro slavery parties quite as much as the election of a few liberty men. The whig majority was reduced in from 14,500 to less than 900. The spirit of strife which has so long prevailed in Massachusetts among abolitionists is fast disappearing. The action in the churches is cheering, and it Ãs thought that two years hence slavery will have no foothold except among a few corrupt churches in the cities. Some well qualified to judge, say that the State will vote for Birney in 1844. Hon. Geo. Bradburn, a prominent whig member of the Legislature from Nantucket, was dropped from the Whig ticket this year, because he was so strong an abolitionist. In a letter in the Liberator, Mr. B. complains that it was unjust to proscribe him because he was an abolitionist, while he was as good a whig as he ever was. He avows himself ready to co-operate again with the whigs, when they shall do justice to abolition: but while they continue their proscription of all men who hold anti-slavery sentiments, he shall walk no more with them. He is evidently too much of an abolitionist, to be in good repute as a whig. Mr.B. says: "Now, you and I know well enough, that the vilest pro slavery wretches amoug us care very little how many such abolitionists, valuable as they may be, we have in the Legislature. They have no fears of dumb abolitionists. It is only to 'noisy' ones, that any special objections obtain, in either of the two great political parties. This is especially true of Massachusetts in general, and of this place in particular. It is a common remark here, and the remark is often quoted to show that Whig are not opposed to abolition, that I am objected to only because of my saying so much about it, or saying it in such a way They would be quite satisfied, if I would say nothing, or, saying something would say it in their way; as the slaveholder would be equally well satisfied with yourself, if you would just be silent, or would talk abolition only in their way."