For The Signal Of Liberty

In pursuance of a cali of twenly legal voters of the town of Pittsfield, a meeting was held at tho Woodard schoolhouse, on Saturday, the first day of January, A. D. 1842, for Ihe purpose of organizing an independent Liberty Party ofsaid town. F. M. Lansing was appointed chairman, and Horace Carpenter, Secretery. The object of the meeting was hriefly slated, and their chairman addressed the Throne of Grace. After which, brief and pertinent remarks were made by several persons on iho importance of such an organizition, when the meeting unanirnously resolved to proceed to organizo. Voted, That there be a standing committee of three oppointed in said town whose duty it should be tocorrcspond with the county committee and irnnsnct all olher business that tho interest of the party requires and their duty enjoins. Samuel D. M'Dowell, Moses F. Collins, and Horace Carpenter, were appointed said committee. Voted, That there bo a commiltee of one in each school district, whose duty il shall be to correspond with the standing committee, and preside at all meetings held in their respective districts for the purpose oi'lecturing or discussiug the principies of the Liberty Purly. Josiah Newell, jr., Joseph Collins, John Mosely, Isaac Elliott, Alvah Pralts, Philo A. Prichard, Daniel Underwood, Iïorace Kellogg, F. M. Lansing, Jarvis Leonard, nnd James H. Mills were chosen said committee.Votecl.That there be n commiüe of ihree todraft resolutions expressive of the views of the meeting. Resolved, That os mora! suasion alone, is insufficient lo accomplish our object in establishing liberty and equal righ!s,where people are bound by civil lawshereforea resort to puliiical action is oar only remedy. Resolved, That slavery is a foul blot upon our national institutions, and !o continue the system is inevitable ruin lo our republicanism. jeopardizing the interests of our nominaliy freo nation, an insult to humanity, and a burlesque for the subjects of monarchial frecdom, to accuse us ol hy pocrisy in professing to be what we are not as a democratie government. Resolved, That the time has arrived in the polilical history of our country in vvhicli the patriot, philanthropist, and christian should carry the principies of liberty and equal rights to the ballot box, and that wc recognize in the independent liberty party the elemenls of those principios, and that there is honesty, activity, and perseverence enough in the citizens of the town of Pittsfield to (approximaté,) nay cause those principies to predominate. Resolved, That the proceedings of thie meeting be eigned by the Chairman and Secretary and request it to be published in the Signal of Liberty. The meeting then adjourne3 to meet at the school house near Charles Woodard'.s, the 15th inst., at one o'clock, P. M. Pittsfield, Jammry lst 1842.
Francis M. Lansing
Letters to the Editor
Liberty Party
Letter to the Editor
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Francis M. Lansing
Horace Carpenter
Charles Woodard
Samuel D. McDowell
Moses F. Collins
Josiah Newell
Joseph Collins
John Mosely
Isaac Elliott
Alvah Pratts
Philo A. Prichard
Daniel Underwood
Horace Kellogg
Jarvis Leonard
James H. Mills
Pittsfield MI