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Kidnappers Foiled

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Oberus, Nov. L4tb, 1841. To the Editor olhe Standard:An incident has just occurred herc, which excites considerable interest. It was on this wise: a few evenings sinee, seven travelers, two men and five women orrived at our viihige, from Kentucky. - l'hey had been bul nine dnys from home ;. et as thoy were aboüüonists, the anti-slavery eloges, which thcy exclusively pntronised, traveled. gonerally, during the night, they had been so broken of their rett,tbat they slopped a few days boforo ihey wem on to Canada,their place of desination. They did not put up at the pubie inn, but [ook private lodginge, which were kindly provided by tbo hospitality of heir friends. From several circumstances which occurred, and inquines tbat were made as lo iheir whereabouts by strangers, it is believed that iheir southorn 'riends, or some of iheir sgents, were anxous to see theiñ, but ihe Irnvolers were of opinión that, undcr some circunistances 'oíd acquaintance should be forgot," and ïad nu wish to 6ee them. It wus ascertninod, however, that al - hougb they were disappointed io iheir vist here; yet tbey were not to be easüy 'rust ra led in thcir intentione, but were lyng in wait for tbem on the road they were expected lo take. Il was, iherefore, deerned advieablOjthat twoofour ciüzens should ake a carriage last evening, and ride out on ihtit road, accompunied by Beven or eight colored persons; part of vhom, wrapped up in Iheir cloaks, might be misükcu, in the niglit, for women. Tbey ïad gone but a railo or two,before a horsenan carne up wttb them and 10de by, Je bu-like, in the same direction they wero going. Nuihingelse uuubiml befel thero, uil ihey reached Elyria, a place about eight miles d stunt. It was now near eleven o'clock, and the villnge was asleep, except the people at one lavern. Just as ihey were passing this, the door fiew opeu and linvj er Benedict, wilh a score of biped curs, rushed out. Some seized the horses and cried out, "Stop ! 6top ! stop l" "Where is your aulhority for stopping us on tne highway,'demanded tbedriver. "Here is the constable,1' they replied. - Meanwhile, Benedict and some others crowded around the carriage, and tried to raise the curtains; but the passengers inside held ibera down, till at last they got them up a liitle way, and then they ehouted merrily, "Here tbey are! two men aod five women! jusi what we wanted - just what we have been looking for." By this time, they had got the carriage to the tav ern door; and Benedict, whofelt the seven nundred dollars reward aiready in his hands, slalked about as large as life. - When thoy carne up to the door, he cried) out 'let the ladies get out firsil Out with the ladies firsi !" All were duly escortod joto ihe bar-room aud put into cuatody ; but it was found there waa no woman acaong them. The driver was desirous to go lo the house of an abolitionist, who lived beyond the tavern; but in the tumult, the team turned round, and to get them headed the right way again, he was obliged to drive around the square. As he carao back, and passed by the inn, he uaw some men ia pursuit. They propably supposed he had been after the women, and had them on board. Starting bis burees into aquicker pace, he soon left the footmen uehind; but it was oot long,before Beae dict and ihe constable, monnted on horee Uack, carne in hot baste, and called out, as they rode up, "How many have you got?" "Satisfy yourselves," said the driver. The constable lookod in,and timing to Benedici, says They are not here. - What shall we do now !" "Set spies at every place. We must eatch them," replied the contemptible juckal. Having rode on some distance fariher, tbey presently returned witb three ruffians,armed wiih clubs who had doubieless been watching at a corner which the party would have turned, had tbey taken another road. Having returneö to the tavern they examined the men and selected two, which they thoughtwould answer the description telling the rest "You are at liberty now and may go away." (No' they replied, "We will go only as we camealtogether." Bang coniident thal they had cluiched, at lenst a part of their prey, Ihey desired to tiniáh the business as soon as possiblc;so Justice Biich was called up at twoo'clock at night and the two men were brought before hiiu. Benedict produced a handbij), describing some fugitjvest and offerng a reward of seven hundred dollars for ihetn; and he also showeü n document ai% thorizing him to act as a blood-hound in tracking out and seizing these men and women. Four witnesses were calledtwho teslified that ihey had known ihe men aa residenls of Ohio for a year or iwo. Ths justice then said "The handbill describe the slaves as having cscaped on the 9th of November; but the wimesses testify that they have known these men for a year or these, then, can not be ihe fugüivea.