Publication Information

Will be published every Wednesday mom ing in Ann Arbor, Washtenavv county, Michigan, by the Executive Committee, for the Michigan State Anli-Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRÃNTER. Trrms. - 2,00 per annum, in advance. $2,50 in six monlhs. $3,00, if payment bo delaycd to the close of the year. A strict odherence to llie above terms will be obsoi ved in evory cnse. (fcrNo paper will be discontinued unlila arrearages are paid.e0 Advertisehientb thankfully received an inserted at the usual prices in tliis vicinity Any friend of humanity dcsiring to aid th cause of Liberty, ia authorized to act a Agent. All REMiTTANCRs and all communicntion designed for publication or in any manne relating to the "Signal of Liberty," will b hereafter addressed {ïpost paulQ "Siohal of Liberty; Ann Arbor t Midi. Oisr Travelling aud Local Agents TJitouanquT the State, are especially BBQUE8TED TO KOTICE THE TÃJRMS ON WHICB TUIS PAPER 13 PDBLISHED. As IT 18 EXPECTED THET WILL MAKE THEIR COL1RCTION3 AND REMITTANCES IN ACCOUDANCE THEKEWITH, IN EVERY INSTANCE. S1GNAÃ. OF LIBERTY. Wcdncsday, Febreiarf 9, 1842.
Signal of Liberty
Old News