
The bilà lo repeal the Uankrupt law has ' passed the House by a vote of 126 to 94. j After coüsiderable discussion in the senate, the bilà was lost; ayes22; nays23.- So the bankrupt law is not repealed. The bilà authorÃzing the emission oà Treasury potes to defray the expenses of Government passed- ayea 104, nayB 86. Mr. Giddings presented a memorial from citizens of Ohio, callmg ihe attention of Cougress to the wheat growing interest of ihe Northwest, and asking the adoption oà measures to procure the adtnisaion of wheat into foreign ports on terms of reciprocÃty- It was referred to a select con milteo of r.ine, of which Mr G is chairman, composed oà four members from the [ree States, and five from the elave Siates, This conimiitee is to protect the interests af thoNorthwes'. Anü-Slavery pstiúüiÃs of various kinds were presented by Adams, Granger and )thers, and Iaid on ihe tabie. Mr. A. preFented a petition of respeclable citizens jà Georgia, complaining that Mr. A. had jeen nppointed chairman ofthe Committee m Foreign Relations. Tliisthey considered a great grievonco to them. A very exciting debato followed. Mr. Adams presented a petilion from [Iaverhül, for a dissohUion of the Union, i)eciute the advaniages were not recipro;al, becauaa tho resource3 of one section ,vere drained by the waste of armther, and jecause history provcd that such instituiong as existed in one part of the union, voukl in the end overwheltnn the whole .vith destr uctioH . Mr. A. moved tho rcference of the peition to a oelect committee with inslruc iona to report reasons why the prayer of he petitioners ought not to be grauled. Mr. Hopkins asked f it was in order to nove thaà this petition bo burned in the resenco of the House? Many questions vere asked, and motions made; the rpjecion of the pelition; the printing of it; a all of the House; adjournment, &.c. Jan. 26, Mr. Marshall presented a reso. ution to the purport that J Q Adams, by jresenting this petition, had offered the ieepest indignity tothe House, and an inmlt to the people -of the United States, and s worthy of expulsión front the nutional sounsels, and the House deern it an act of race nnu' mercy that they content themselvea with inflicting the severest censure )f the House. The question came up, " Will the [ïouse conside-r ihis resolution?" The Bubject was debated by Messrs Adüms ind Marshall' tül Mr Fillmoro moved to lay the whote subject on the tablo Lost, ayes-OO, nay-s 100. .'Jan 27, Ma .Bott3 asked Mr Adams to wilhdraw bis question of consideration, but be refused. The question whether the House bad jurisdiction ofthe case was decidedinthe affirmative, nyes 108, noes 75. Mr Underwood opposed the whole proceedings. To bis mind t was more than bathoB to say, that whereas a mernber of this House has been guilty of treason, and Bubornation of perjury, therefore you will censure lum i These crimes were implied in the resolutionand the House was called upon to inflict censure for crimes meriting the severest punishmont. Mr U spoke ofthe right of petition. - Said he, My doctrine is, that there exists no right to peiinon, where there exists no authority to grant tho prayer of the petitioners. l have voted against the XXIst Rule, because, by that rule you exclude petitioners who havea. right to be heard, as well as tbose who have not. A thinking people will not tolérate the extstence of any rule that conflicts with their just rights. As a slave-holder, I have differed from my brethren on lhÃ3 flúor, in reference to tho whole gag proceeding. I wish the question discussed - discussed to the hearts content of all who choose to discuss t; and let me say to my friends and brethren of tho south, that if we cannot bear the discussion of thÃ3 question, we are already gone - gone beyond all hope of redemption. In alluding to the threats which were sometimes mado by souiherner?, to dissolve the Union rather than give up sla"very, Mr U. said it was idle - the remedy â was the disease itself. There is no state in the Union that has a deeper stake in the result of this question ihan Kentucky. D8solve the Union, and make the boundary where you will, between the free and lave 8tatos, and slavery is at an end, - The slave has only to cross a river or a raeridian line and he is free. Bat will the abolitionists dissolve this Union? Is this what they are aiming ai? I will not believe it. No, sir, 1 will not believe that my brethren in Ohio,by whom wo, in Keotucky, have always stood inimes of peril and (langer, I wil! not be ieve that they seek lo separate from, and Ãut off their Iriende, their kindred - and Mr U. washere uifected to tears, and Mr, jiDDiNos rose, and wilh cotnmenduble eeling, replied that he for one, would icver desert his frier.da of Kentucky; and ie spoke ex catkedra,wïiQi he said thai 10 abolitionist whom he knew or ever icard of, would refuse to defend their 'riends and Anglo Saxon brethren in case )f extremity. Mr Underwood concluded with con uring the House to pausa before they look he step vvhïeh was proposed by the re3olu ion before them. Let us beware how ,vo give the gentleman from Massachu ettsan opportunity to go home a inartyr 0 ihe riht of petition. Mr Bütts thentook the fioor, Ho bc jan by remarkiug that, however wit ly he "night differ from the gentleman from Ylassachuseits in manyof his views, and :ertam!y he did, yet he must loose all res iect for himself before he could soy an hing to wound the fcelingsof that venéfico gentleman. Other members mighi reconcüe their course in this respect U heir own ideas of what was due to age, lignity and honor, but such were his feel ngy. Mr B. thcn took up tlic rcsolution of Mr, M, and said that it was strange thui uch a 'tempest in n teapot' was made bout ihe nresentation of a 'pelitiyn' when 1 resol ulton lo the very effect proposed t e coosidered in the petition, was offerec' )y n gentleman from South Caiolina, ir. his bal!, fuur or five years ngf. any charge ofpenury and high trea onthen? Thiscal'.ed up Mr Rhktt, who was the nember allüded to, and while he readsa )amphlet we close. The debate was continued by candle ight last night. Mr Btts made a cut ing speech, in which Mr Jfise was han lied in a severe but parlianienlttry styie, 'or liis abuse of Mr Adama. Mr. Botts also implicated the Secreta y of the Navy in a charge of favoring the lisolution of the Union. Mr Thompson of Indiana, nwed to lay he whole mnlter on the table,und pending :his quesiion. the House adjourned.
United States Congress
Anti Slavery Petitions
American Slavery
Dissolution of the Union
Gag Rule
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Joshua Reed Giddings
John Quincy Adams
Francis Granger
George Hopkins
Millard Fillmore
Joseph R. Underwood
John Botts
Robert Rhett
Henry A. Wise
John Thompson