Poetry: Temperance Triumphant

Tdne- Babyion is fallen Hail the day eo long expected, Hail the year of full release; Pools of water -Dow are flowing. And the drunkard üves in peace. Nou' in country, and in city, The Bhrill trurapet loudly roars. Chorus- Alcohol is fallen, is fallen, is fallen Alcohol is lallen to rise no more. Hark and hear the ueopJe crying, See the nuis-ance disappear; Trade and traffic, ai! are dying, Lo, they siuk to riseno more. Merchants who have bought her trafEc CryiDg from a distant shore, Alcohol is fallen, &c. All hor merchants cry with wonder, What is this that comes to pase? Murmuring like somo distant ihunder, Crying O, alas! alas! See the ancienta of the practico. Terrified at thia reform. Alcohol is fallen ice. Lo, the captivos are returning, Up and prosper as they fly, While the nations are rejoicing Shout them welcome in the cry; SwoJl the sound to kings and nobles, Priests and people, rich and poor. Alcohol Ãs fallen, Seo. Tune yonr voiceye temperance choir, Shout ye lovers of reform! See the tohiskey all on fire! Clap your hands, and blow the flauae, Now's the day of compensation, Jlope of mercy now is o'er. Alcohol is fallen, &c. P. S. I have laken the liberty to alter &n old Methodist hyran into this lemperance ode I hope no one will take exceotions.
H. K. S.
Old News
Signal of Liberty