Publication Information
Will bopnblished every Wednosday mom ing m Ann Arbor, Washténaw county, Michigan, by tho Executive Committee, for the Michigan Slale Aiili-Slavey Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tkhms. - 2,00 per annum, in advance. $2,B0 in six viunths. L3,00, if payment be dd;iyed to the close of the year. A strict odlierenco to iho abovc teiims will bo obser ' ved in evory ense. 0rNo paper will bo discontinuad untilall orrearagea ure paid..,) Apvertisements tlianlcfully reccived and inaertod at tbe usuol pricee in this vicinity. j Any friend of liumanity desiring to aid the ! caneo of Liberty is authorized to act aa j Agont. All REMITTANCR9 and all Communications düsignod for publication or in any manner ; relating to the "Signal of Liberty," will be : hereaftor ddresscd U?po3t paidO Ã'Sional of Libeiitv; Ann Arbor, Mich" Oïir TraveilïJtg Ãiasd L-ocal Ageats, ; THROTGHOUT THE STATK, AUK ESI'ECIALI.Y UEQUESTED TO .N0T1CE T!M! TERMS ON j WUICU THIS l'APKIl 13 PUUtlSHED As 1T 19 KXIEOTED THK? W1LL MAKE TI1EIR COLLECTION3 AND REMITTANCE-IN A.CCOEDANCE THEREWITH, IN EVERY INSTA NCE. [hKK PUOPüSITION.] SIGNAL OF IJVERTY. Wcdncsda), April 13, 1842.
Signal of Liberty
Old News