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ATAILORING BUSINESS ! M. NOBLE, would respectfuliy inform the citizcnB of Ann Arborand its vicinity, thnt he has opencd a shop in theLower Town, immetiiaiely over the late mercantile stand rf Lund & Cxibson. and opposite the store of J. Beckley & Co., whare he ia prepared at all times to do work in his line, with promptness, and in a neat nnd durable manner. Particular attention will be paid to cuttinr garments. Produce will be taken at the usual pri ■ ees, for work done at his shop. These who hav cash to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf WOOD! WOODÜ WOODÜ! TTTANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cord TT of good dry wood in exchange for the "Sicnal of Liberty." Ann Arbor, Apr. L2, 1842. HULLOVV WARE, STOVES, &c. THE Subscribera have juet received from tb. Geauga Company's Furnace a large consiga ment Df Hollow Ware, consisting of SUGAR KETTLES; from 23 to 60 gallon CAULDRONS, several sizes; POTS; KETTLES; BAKE-OVENS wilhlid1" TEA KETTLES; GRIDDLES; SPIDERS; and Fire Dogsof all sorts and filM They will also ehortly be in receipt of lot of PARLOR, COOKING, AND BOX STOVES, embracing all the varieties of the moet improvdi patterns - all of which they will sell at furnac prices; adding transportation ; at wholesale or rt tail. They keep constantly on hand to Bell at Iowmi ra tes. SALT, fresh from the worke. FLOUR AND TAR. PARRISH&CO. Near the Rail Road Depot, Ann Arbor. Sly


Signal of Liberty
Old News