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Foreign News: Fourteen Days Later From England

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Tho steam ship Ca'edonia, Lott, arrived at Boslon early yesterday morning, afler a passage of fifteen nd a half days trom Liverpool, baving left on the 19th of April . She brought 42 passengers for Halitax, 29 for Boston, and 7 from Halifax to Boston. Proceedings in Parliament -'■The corn law bill passed the commons. The corn law bill was taken op on the 5th. After a good deal of debate and many amendments offered and negatived by large majorities, the bill passcd 'o a third reading. On the 6th, the copyright bill was discussed. The proposal to give to authors a 42 years' copyright, and to their families a seven y pars' copyright after their death, was carried. On ihfi 7th the corn bi!l was called up for a third reading, and after a long debate, resulted as follows: For the third reading, 2-29; against it, 90; majority. 139. Tho bill was reada third time, and on the question thtit it do pass, wa3 ngreed to without a división, amid lond cheersfrom the ministerial side of the house. In the House of Lords, the corn importation bill was brousht up and read a first time. Onthelith, the i o use of Lords ordered that the second reading of the corn bill should be on the isrh of April. In the commons, April 15, the resoltition imposing a duty on wheatflour, imponed into Canada, from the United S:ates, was debate.) in committee. Mr. Labouchere though favoring Ihe genera] principies of the bill, was opposed to Ihis proposition; and he moved to stiike out the proposition- believing that the trade of Canada with the Uriiled States ought to be encouraged. Ho siso argned the motion from the great importance of securini to the St. Lawrênce the transit of the produce of Ohio, Michigan and the farther countnes of Mie lakes.Mr. Gladstono thought this arpument unimportnnt. He belioved the time had not come Cor Canada to compete with the cañáis ofthe United State? - particularly those of' New York. The debate was coniinuedby Mr. Roebuck: and bv lord Stanley in reply. The motion ot Mr. Labouchere did not prevail, and the resolution was adopted. The next íesoliition, embracing a duty of 3s on saltod and cured meal, Síc, importrd from the United Statos, was then tnken up. and opposed by lord John Rusell. Mis lonlehip argued strongly in favor of increasing the commerce between the United States andCanuda. The re.-oliuicHis pievuJed. aud considerable adance was nade m tlie taiill' durími tlie Fitting. In ilie Lords, on the lCrh. the Enrl of Rbon, moved the second rending óf the corn ithportation l'il!, and wjis left speakiiiir. On thes.'ime day in the commons Sir Robert Peel said it was his wis.'i that the opnalion of tbc income tax should comnience on the 5th of April next. He honedthe measure would not Jong be dclnyed. One of the Inroest maniifaciiring1 housos in Ireland, that of Joeph Beale fcco., of Mountmcllick has stopped paytne.nt. By this event nf' Ies8 tlian 1,000 persons were thrown oui of pmploytnenr. Tlie total chnrire for the China expenditure up to April, lí42, is L 1,1 9.% 69:3, of which. includincr L618,450 for the Cantou ransom Ll - 018,430 has boen provided for. The estimaed oxpenseof the year euding April, 1854, is L1,500,000.AFRÍCA. The Semnphore de Marseilles, of (lie 2d ApriJ, poblióhes an account of a dreadful hnrricane on the coast of África, near Grttn, in vvhich 4t vessels of nll sizes, perished. The French troöps hnve experieneed a reverse nt Tlemlecen. Abdel Kaper, vho was supposed to have rrtired towanis Mororc", re-npiieared in the vicirïity of Tlemlecen, with 8,000 men, and inflicted a heavy lo?s on Üie French troops, which had left that town urider Gen. Bedeou. FROM ÍÑtííAA. leffor tlatcf! Bombay, Mat'ch 1, from a general officer to a relnlion in England, cointminicnles the intelliirpnce: 'Accounts have come that Ghunzi has been loken, anH tlic garrison, 1,000 slrong, put to llie sword. Gen. Nott, it is also eaid. 9 prepnrinof to rr-tren!; althouofh in Candi har, at the hond of 12,000 men, lie ought to ho!d eood his position for years,as with 8iich a forcé he might command the country round. THE EAST. By the Levant mail, letters from Constant inople of the 27 March have been received, and Malta of the fth April. Syria was in a state olinsmrection, and the confusión more confoundfd by th employmentof Albanisn troops to reprpss it, they being-, in fact, little better thnn banditti tbemselves. Mahemet Ali was at Dumanhoiir. Admiral Waikerhad returnpd the sword presented io him by the Sultan, on the ground that it was inferior in value to those presented to oihers. PERSIA. The Brussels pnpors contain this stntement - "lettere froii Odessa annonncc that a revolution had broken out in Persia - that the Shch was dethroned- and that thirtv thousand inur(r,-ntK were on their mnrch to Teheran.


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