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The whigs of this State are determined to run a separate ticket, where there is every probability of absolute defeat. The natural consequence of such a course wlll be to throw the State into the hands of the party they declaim so Ioudly against. If thsy can derive any satiafaction from such a result, they bid fair to enjoy it to their herrt's content. Ihe tollowing is fiom the Logan Gazette, a Whig paper, and is fully endorsed by the Xenia Free Press. "The whigs of Ohio, at least in this section, are hot animnted by that spirit and enthusiasm whlchisdue to their principlc-5 Böd thcir cahui---A-uecrrapatny seems to be universal, and ""lega a wakening vp takes place, the second 1 csday in October next, wlö witness the defeat of the Whig party- "horse, foot and dragoons." ;Ve say this wit.h pain; but it is bettcr that our "ïendg should know the truth. than that one ghou]d rely upon the cfïbrts of the other and all be deceived. Perhaps the knowledge of this fací - the dnnger that lowers uoon our cause - wil] besiir action in the ranks. We hope it niay. " The anniversary of the State A. S. Society will be held at Mount Vernon, June 7. A State political convention meets the next day. The 1 iberty men are beginning to cali their nominatins conventionrs. One for Trumbull County met May 25. Two Liberty meetincs wero held in Butler Cónnty on the 17th. whicli were addressed by Messrs. Brisbane. Chase, and Moore. - Mr. Mooro was an ardent Democrat, and went s'ronsr for genuine democracy. Judge Kincr. the candidato for Governor, intends to visit the State srenerally this summer, and it is supposed that Samuel Lewis and Thomas Morris will do likewise.The editor of the Dnyton Empire, n Democratie pnper. says - "we wcre really astonished in travelling through the northern part of the state, fo find snch nvnst number of Kiiig rren. The Kingpnrty is composed of lt., nbolitionists proper; 2nd. ofluke-warm, disgusted and discouraged whigs; 3rd, of- to sorae extent - no party men." - and he might have addcd, 4th, of disgusted detnocrats.


Signal of Liberty
Old News