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Selections: Specimen Of Slaveholding Society

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We have extracted the following items lrom our exchange papers for the last threc weeks. - The South is truly "the land of the pistol and the lowie knife." It is vvorthy of remark that though all go arnied to -prottct their livcs, yet Death makes use of their very precautions to ensure their destruction. The Sou th ere evidently relapsing into baibarism. They burn people alive there without any form of trial whatever, am ill the people say, amen! A rencontre took place at New Orleans on the 27ih uit., beuveen Major Louis Gally and Mr ?. Arpin, the French editor of the Bee. causee by some strictures of the latter on the battalion commanded by the former. On the 27th u!1.. ibout 7 o'clock. Major Gally met Mr. P. Arpin n Chartres street, and accosted him - ;'Arc you Mr. Arpin?" "Yes Sü-r? "Then I have to teil yóu thatyouarea ," "npplyingan opprobious cpithet.] "I shn 1 1 reinind you of your words. Sir." "But, I hnve said that I would break my cane on your shoulders." 'M know it, but I have not yet received the )low." At these words, Major Gally. having a cane in lis hand, struck Mr. Arpin across the face: and he latter, drnwing a poignard from h:s pocket, stabbed Mr. Gally in the abdomen. Fears are entertained that the wounrl wil] prove mortal. Weunderstand that Mr. Arpin has given securiy forhis appearance at the criminal court. A runaway Bandit Slavc was shot near Mobile, on the 9th inst.. by Lieut. Smoot. of the eveivue servtee. When he was taken up hc had onhis.fic .. ..ued pistol, a bowie knife and i dirk knie. The Lieutenant gave himself up, and was to undergo an examinaron.U tifo r túnate Ocairrcnce. - We learn from the Mernphis Appcal, of June í$J. that on the Mon dny previous. John Tresier, the captain of a flat lioat fro:n Indiana, was shot through the body on the river in íront oí that city. in a contcst' between the hands of his boat and armed posse under Col. Locke, the city constable. Trester died the following evening. A Duel. - A duel was fougJit by two silly midshipmen in IVorfolk, on the 20th uit. Öne of thera had lus thigh bone broken. Thcy are bolh from the South. Two young negroes killed several whites recenlly, in the parish of Concordia, Louisiana. One of them was caught near the Mississippi - the other escaping - and was condemned by the moh. to be luiriu alive. The pile was prepared - the victirn bound - and on his giving the word, the torch was applied. The flanies began to feed on his body. when after almost snperhuman efforts, he wrenched out the iron staple and leapcd from the fire. He was instantly shot down by balf a dozen rifles, and his lifelcss body was again put into the pile. The atrocity of the punTshment is at least eqiial to that of tbc original niurders - Det. Advertiscr. Homicida. - A drunken man,Patrick McFn.lI, was killed by his wife with two blows of an nxe, at Froff. Bayou. Arkansas, on the 22d uit. The deccased threaiened tomurderhis boy, and, upon his escaping, seized a gun with the intent to destroy bis wife. In defence, she struck him onc or two blows which werc fatal - verdict of inquesl, juit'fiibln homicidc. A Qlarrel. - Two Germán quarrelled in Louisville about a house, of which one was the owner, ihc other the tenant, and resulted in the former being shot in the head with n pistol loaded with buckshot. The tenant w;is arrested and bclged in jail. A shocking Murdcr. - We learn frem the Sporta [Tenn.] Gazette, thnt on Wednesday night the llih inst., as Mis. Mary Flunter (relict of the Inte Joseph Hunter) was sitting by her fireside. a few miles from Sparta, in company with two other ladies, she was shot through with n rifle bnll through ihe hcad by ponie person unknown, out of doors. and ezpired in n few -minutes. The perpetrntor of this horrid deed fired in the dnrk through the window, and has thus far escaped detection. AJfnnjin Dawrillo. - The rcpublicnn raíales a singular ifliay Which carne oft' at that place on Tuesday lust, nfter the close of a circus perfoimance. Sihis Brookins stnrted to see youns wo man home from 'e circus, living [i from the villriirp. u Ji ;: 5e vna ■ ' ' ' Hiller, witli t'iii-i' di ibu otl (' s ly intflrrupted Brookins ashe wus walking aioüg, pulling off his cap, pushing and striking him. -At length Brookins drew a knife and stabbeil Hiller just above the heart, penctrating hts Itghts. Recovery doubtful. Brookins was arrested and was to "be examined the next day.- Bcst.n Times. Disgraceful Affair.-Tho Bardstown (Ky.) Gazette informs us of n most revoliing occurrence, which took place in du adjoining coumy. (Washington.) on the lGth instant. This was a vile attempt made upon a young girl of only (ight or night ycars of age, ly a man natned Delore. Frighiened by theapproachof ihe inotlier of' the girl, thevillain made his escape bel'ore he had efieeted his fiendish purposes. He was however, pursued and taken on the 17th, a lew miles frotn this place. When his pureuors came up with him, they found him asleep. in an old shed. with a pistol and a bowie knife by his sido. He was taken back to Washington, wherc he will no doubt bc dealt with as he deserves. Assassination of Mr. Pctrkh, Sadptor al Washington. - Two men disguised entered ilie room of Mr. P, on Sunday evcningand inflicted upon him three wounds supposed to bc mortal. Neither he nor any ono else can imagine a cause for the act. Mr. P. was in the employ of the government, nnd has recently been designing four bas relief panels for Greenough's Washington. Case ov Semmes. - The Baltimore Patriot suggests that in the case of Semmes.ihe murderer of Prof. Davis of the Virginia University, who had been bailed in the surn of $25.000 and fled the State, the money thus paid into the Trcasury should be given to the widow and orphan of Prof. Davis. The Charlottsville Advocate proposes to buy with this money for the use of the State, the copyright ofalavv work published by the late professor Davis, ol which it speaks as a most valuable work. Bold Effort to Escape - A curious occurrence took placo at Opelousas, La., on the 27th uit. - In the District Court, Eugene Martol had been on all day for perjury. The juiy were out and their verdict anxiously expecied. Just after di.rk, the prisoner jumped from the box and made for the door. The Sheriff and his deputy wcre in close pursuit, when the former was pushed aside and the latter knocked down by a severe blow from a Ijaded cañe. Two individuáis, the brothor of the prisoner and Beaupere Cachere, were arrestod and found to be armed with pistols. They were committed to prison. The prisoner had not been taken. The Sheriff oflers one hundred dollars for his apprehension. Severc Scntence. - Abraham Cart, a negro slave, in Charleston, having been convicted of stealing, has been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment,. during the first six months of whic'u, he is to receive 20 lashes each month in the public market, and if not transporteJ by his owHer after that term, to be imprisoned five years more. - This is not the first oflence of Abraham. Worsc than the Tombs! - By a recent presentment of the grand jury, it appears that the prisons in New Orleans are in a most shocking condition. Women and children are crowded into their apartments, without bedding or even straw to sleep on. In the pólice jail the prisoners are half starved. Forsupper and brenkfast, nothing but corn-meal niush is furnished: and at dinner, imifh again. with one ounce of salt pork to each prisoner. The prisoners are kept at hard labor on this scanty diet, and their victualing is left to two colored men.A Barharous Seiitcncc. - The notorions Callaham. of bigamy memory, wastríedat Person, N. C, íast week, before the Superior Court. He was convicted, and the following sentence pronounced ng.iinst hitó, viz: The letter B branded on tlie left cheek, three years' iaiprisonment, aad nine-and-thirty lashes [well put] on lus bare back, once a year for each year of imprisonment.


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