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FASHIONABLE Hafis, Eaps, &, JBonncts A GOUD ossortment, at the New York Chepp Store by D. D. W ATE HM ANAun Arbor, Muy J61I1. 18ISÍJH. LU:D s now receivlng direct from Bostón and New York, a large and well decied stock oí Merchaniííze, contisting of STAPLE AND I'ANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, $ GLASSWARE, DRUGS Sr MEDICINES, NAILS, ORADLE AND GRAS8 SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SBÖEB, C 4-C. vvliich ho offers lor s:do citap for the ready. üated, Ann Ardor. May ü. 1842. (JLLVJON SJEMíNARY. THE fall term of this iii3t!ution will commenee on Mondny. Aug. 15, and continue 12 weeks. Tuiiion, for eiutfi:s pursued by sntull children, $2.5' - for cominon Englisli branches $3.u() - for Latín, Greek, Frenen, JJubrew. Chcmistry, Astronoiny. Alyebra, Geometry. Book-Keeping. Moral and Iniellcctuul Fhiloaophy. S-1 ,)■ lt ís vc-ry mucb for the studcn'.s ndvíntntre to onier at the bcginning ol the term, nnd yei thoswho enter afíerwarda will be charged :uitiononly from the lime iliey come in 10 the close ol the term. Tuiiion to bc jtaid in adcmicc. A envenient and eommodious building in a picas ant rmd retired location has been procured. Board, nicluding room ; nd svasliing, may be liad n good families at 1,25 to $1,50, or rooms may be hired nnd students board themselves at mueh less expense. Patraña nnd friends e respectfully inviied to visit the school at Rhetorical excrcises, tohlch oceur on every Wednesday, P. M. A shori lesson in vocal music forms a part o! thc daily exercises, "Juvenile Sonns, by Thomas Hastings." has been recenily introduced. Weare h:tpfjy to be oble to inforin our (rienda, tliat we trust ilie school will oe rerxlorcil roö're yaluable ihan heretofore by the addition of thc services of Mr. James S, Smedley. A. B., who will èómmènce bis labors as teacher of Hcbrew and FreTch at the opening of the ne.t term. From Mr. Smedley's experience ,ind succoss ns a teacher, together with bis known chnracter for ptomptneas. e ergy, and induslry as a scholar, we feel eonfident be will fio much towards rendoring thc school what we wish it to be, n [linee whare the physicQl. imellectUal and moral powers of the youth of both sexes shnll be trained for future usefulness and rcsprctability, and happinefs nnd henven. GEO. W. BANCHOFT. Principal. Mr.s. BANCROFT. Assistent. Clinton. Jiilv 5. 1882. i _ JR WALK KR lospcoitul.y inxoru.e . f;iend9 and the public in 'l'chpi;i1. that hc has recently commenced business, in the tailorinrr lin-'.one dooreast of Bower's dry pioodsstoie. vvhere be is ptepnred io execiüe oidcrs in the rténtesf and mo3t fashionable style. Garmentswill bc made to order, in strictconforrnity vth tli'e present nrevailins ftishion and tnste ol' the day, and warranted lo fit or no charge. Ladies' Ridincr Hobits made in the latcst Pvew Ynrk or Phttejiephiai fashiona, Friend?. or Quakers' garments will be niade in the nentest and plainest style. Cutting done at shortpst notice. All kinds of Military Unifonn nnd nndres coats nnd pnntaloons. made ncrceable to il.e present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 2ñih. 1842. r14- 3m.LUMBER constantly on hand nnd for sale by F. DENISON. June 10. 18-12. tf "T VRRON'S SHF,ARINGiMACHINEs7' X -Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. Jeffer"n :ivi;,i;c. nrethe eole ageii;s of these vcry celébrate! machines. 12-8w SATTINETT WARPS ON BEA1WS- ■ Theo. H. Eaton & Co.. 138. Jefferson Avenue, offer for sale a lanre stock of Saitineir Waips, fiom the New York milis. These Waips are considored superior to nny otlier in the country, and wil] be sold, for cash, at smnll ndvnnce. 12-Sw In Attn. l;n'ent. hef O re L ?tillson, Justicc o! tho Pcaro nf Wnphtcnnv County. James B Munchester ) Vüi Jnhn Mnnroe. ) Notice is herehy given that a writ of Attr.chment has neen issiiei! in ihe ahove ontitlcd cnusc. fiSninsi the uncios and chatlels rijrh's, cflitp. 'tioneys. and effcefs of tlie ahove nnmed defnndnnt. an absent and nonresident debtor. nnd that 'he siid cause hns been continued for Irial to the eighth (}ay September nejíf ai ten o'clock A. ?'!.. before thp snid Justice. in the fown of Ann Arbor in said Cóurily. JAMES BMANOF1ESTER. Ontod Ann Arbor, July 8th 1842. 13- 7w E STAT EOF ELLEN WÍL.MOT tiECEASED. Notice is hereby given that the undersrjfoèc! has been appointed by the Hon. G-corre Sndr wiek, Judge of Probate n and for 'hc Connty of Washtenaw, adininistmtor on thr nsinte of Ellen Wilman Inte of Saline in said ('ounty. and (jas giv.en bonds aceording to law. - A'l persons havinsrdemands against snid estnic nre roqueeiecj to prtsent them for adjustment. and üll persons indebied tosaid estáte are rc-.uestcd to makc payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arhor. June 30, 1842. 12- (5w


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