A Tropical Climate

. - -Tha beauties rmdblessmgs ot tropical climate are thus described by a writer who had experienced them: "Insects are the curse of tropical cl imates 'The vete rouge lays the foundation of a trememdons ulcer. In a moment you are covered with ticks. Chicoes bury themselves in your flesh, and haten a large colony of chicoes in a few hours. They will not live togelher, bot every chico sets op a seperate ulcer, and has his own private pus; flies, get entry into your mouth, your eyea. into your nose. i ou eat flies dnnlc flies, and breathe flios. - Lizaids, cock;urices, and snakesget into your bed - ants eat the books- scorpions sting your foot - every thing sting?, bites or bruises - every second of your existence you are wornided hysorho piece of animal Vife, that nobody has ever seen before, except Swammerdnir. and Miriam. An insect with seven ]egs is swimminsr in yonr tea-Cup -a nondescript with nine legs is struggling in '.he smal] boer,or a Caterpillar wiih several dozen eyes in hie belly. is liasteninir over your hread and botter! All tiature is alive, and Sêferttfl to be gathering her entomological hosts to eat yon up as you are standing, out of your coat, waislcoat and breeches. Such are the tropics. All this reconciles us to our dews, fog, vapor and drizzle - to our apothecaries rushin? about with â argles 8nd tinctures, to our Ilritish constitutiorial coughsj sore throats, and swelled face."
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