O'connel And Slavery

On our first page will be found a speech of Daniel O'Connell, at a meeting of the Iris!) Repeal Association. It is well worth ronding, as indicative of the state of feeling in Ireland, as well as on account of its intrinsic merit. It was spoken in answer to the remarks of Rev. Mr. M'Garahan. of Mobile, wlio was present, and who had undertaken to instruct his Irish countrymen on slavery. Heassured thcm, from nine yenrs personnl knowledce, that the American slaves were bctler fed. better clothed, be'ier housed, and more independent and happy thnn fourfifths of their pnpnlnfinn at home - thnt with a few exccptions. they were trented with the greatest indul?ence and care - that blood wonM flow in rivers were they emancinated at the present, time - that the Addres3 to irishmen hnd had scarcely any eflect, and the Association hnd better keep eilent on elavery, &c. Yet notwithstanding the alavés were so happy and independent, the Rev. genileman afterwards said he deprecated slavery, and xcas sorry Jor thecondition of the slavcsl Mr. O'ConncIl announced his intention of Bending n letter to America assoon as he returned from Parliament, in whicli he would farther diacu3s the subject.
Signal of Liberty
Old News