Colored People Of Washington City

-Thenumbor of Ãree col o red pooplo in the District is 8.200. The number ofsiaves in 1S-1à wns 4604 being nbout 12 per cent. of the whole population Thcre are no restramts on manumission ia ilie Dislrict, and the nunber ofslavcs a ditninis:.;; â by emnncipation, emigratioh, and the siles to the traders. There are &ix colnred cliurchea in the city. and three or four others in the district. The discipline of the colorcd churches s fóler rably eirict. The standnrd of piety and niornls to say the Jeas', will conipaie with thr.t in the white churches. In soine respects it is higfaer None of the colored churches would adrnit a manstealer to its conimunion; wherens all the v,]i;c churches, except the ltev. R. W. Clarit's [Pres byterian] have slayehqlding members. Tha church will not admit them.Thcre are now cight schools for colorcd peopleattendod by about 500 scholars. Some oà the freo colored men are quite wenlthy owners oà rna! cstace. bat most of them have but liale propery,and some are wretchecüy poor. Thcir groares: isability resulta froni :I:c rejeciion of their testinony in courts of jussice. A white man trisy lift, or connnit any violence otà a colorcd peron wi:h impuniiy, or defraud him of his wagos. n;l uniess the tcstimony af a white person can be ad, the injured person has no legal remedy.
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