
The frienda of the Itiver Rnisin Inetitute are requesled to meet at the school on Fridny, 2 o'clock, P. M. the 31st nst. for the pnrpose ortakmg measures for the future progress of the school. It is desinible that the property alre.idy invested in the school should be placed under the control of trustees. The individuals who now ho!d it are desirous that it should bc; and the stibscriptions which have been made cannot othenvise be coüected. It is hoped that our fiiends n Detroit will be represented by as many as can conveniently come. J. S. DIXON, Principal cf Rivcr Raisin Instltutc. Rnisin. Sept. 7tlj. 1S42. gw
Signal of Liberty
Old News