At Leslie, Ingham County, 16th August, Mr. Benjamin Meeker, A...

At Leslie , Inghntn coumv, IG.h Aqgjwu Mr Bknvamix Mekxkr. uged 70 years; on rho 20th Ãs wjfe, MrS. Polly Mkeker. nged 63 jea s the Methodist Episcopal Church. Thcir sicknesa was short, and was supportod with Christia.1 hope, and wal, consolation derived from the holy relig.on they for many years professed to onjoy. They seemed entirely re s.gned to the wil! of Heaven. They have lived tosec all óftheir chüdren, eight in number, well seuled: all are pious. and some are ministers of the Gospel. "The memory ofthc juat is blessed "The eflorts wblbh a pious mother makes for the unprovement in knowlcd-e nnd virtue. are necessarily retired and unobtrusive. The world knows not of them, and ihe worid has been slow to perceive how powerful und extensivo, is this secret and silcnt influcnce. It has been ascertained that nine tenths of the ministers of the Gospel, have been born of pimÃa motliers. The w.iter of this anide has been acquaintd with this mother in Israel for five ye.irs- hns lieard her pr.-iyers and her e.xhortationá, and lias seen the results of her influence. She was always devout and serieus in her deponn.ent, and exemplary in her Ufe and con duet- eourteou8 nnd amiable in her mnnners- devoted to the service of her Lord .md Miste-; and ardently desirous for the salvation of souls. tn her. not only the relativos, and the society to which she belonged, but the whole circle of her ncquaintance. have lost a useful friend. All denomiimtious falend to her the hand of fellowship, and bear testimony to her worth; even the careless and the indifferent, listened with attenlion to :er exhortations. for a moment captivated by the simplicity and k.ndness which characterised the good lady. Although connected with one denomination for the enjoyment of thochurch privileges, ehe had none of the nnrrownessof pary feölings; and may truly be said to have belonged to the church universal. [COMMUNICATKO.]
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