Classified Ad

HOLMANS, Bone Ointinent: TUIS Ointment stands at the hcad of nll remedies ïor tlic following diseases whicfa naureis hcir too, viz:-RHEUMATISM both , Ãhronio and nflamitory- Gout- Sprains- Lruiscs and contracicd TENUONS oà long standIt diseñases oll tumours - rendcrs stifl' joints hmbcr by producing a heahhy muscular action. It assuagcs pains in Boils and Abcesses. - tfothin" equals it in sw'ellcd and inilamed Breasts â 'emalcs, if applied in early staSe, prevenÃs ;1ipperntion or matter formlng, and gives m all -ases iiiimedialeeasefrom pain. Certiiicates of iliis facà could be givcn if nccessary. Tliis remcdy is oflered to the Public with the iiil) iis8urancu that it fur cxeels tho Onodeldoc'a ulLiniments of the piesen! day, for the above seaees. A trial is on! wantod, to give it the l'ecided preference to every thing else. Man y iiyscians ot eminence have used this ointment nd èxtöïa its merits. n9 The above ointment. o for sale wholcsale and iètai" hy I BECKLEY. " A n n Albor. Oower town) June Ióth, 1842 9 TO PIIYSICIANS AND COUNTRÃ" MERCHANTS. np HE subscriber invites the altention of Phy JL iicians und Counlrv Merchants, to his noscijt stock of Drugs, Medicines, Pamts, Oilfi, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brushes, fcc. &c. comprising mie of the Inrgeèt and f ullest assortrrients brotig-Jit '.o the country. In his present .stock vvill be found: 100 oz Sulph. Quinine, superior French and EngTisb, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpeiuer's Witherill's Estract of Bark, 1 bbl. Fouclered Rhtibarb, 1 Chest Uhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdcred Jalap, 50 lbs. Calomel, S casks Epsom Salts, 15casksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cnndles, 2000 ibs. White Leacl, dry and ground, 4 casks Linseed Oil, Dentista Instruments and StocJc Gold, Silvet ind Tin Foil Platina Ware, Parcela in Teeth. A general, of Patent Medicines, al uf which wil! be sold on the most reasohable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 1S9 JefTerson Avenue, sin of the Gilt March 13. Moitar, Detroit. TAÃI.ORLNG KÃSINiSS ! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully inform the eitizens of Ann Arborand its vicinity. thal lie bus opened a shop in theLower Town. imnieâ liatoly over the late inercantiie stmui rf Lvmd & '"il)son. nnd opposite the s:ore óf J. Beckley Jt CoM whoro he is pseprnod at all titnes todo work i lii.i line. wirii proniptticss, and in a rieat am b!e menner. PafticuTnï oUentipn will Io paid to cuttins; garüents. Pj'bdUpè will be taken a! the usuai pri es, for work ilmio ai his s!iop. These wlio have cash to pny for s.mvÃccs oftiits kind, aro párticú1 !v invited io cali. Ãnn Ai-bOr, April 27. 1842. tf DR BANKS TER'S rïjliilS pill lias not only been used by my- JL eeli", but by a number or" Physicians of high standing boih in ; ! i h-i a.'il b.tjtér States, io (van tage. By the frfrquciil and ropcnietl salicitndonsof my "1?, I have oonsénied to offer (hem to the iuhlic' ns n most eincncious remndy for all th'osê 'lüJiuus dtaeoseas originating in a new counry. The above pi 1 is for saio who!e.---n!e and rctail by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lwer town1) June t5fh 14. 0 TO CLOTH1ERS. rlIIE sub?criber is just m recéipt of a fur- JL ther Fupplv óf Clolhier's consistÃny ot' MÃCJÃfNE CJHDS of tv;iy dfscrip f-ii; CLOTUIEW'JXCKtÃ. AT TINETW.inr. CARÃ) CLÃAiRSÃRS and PIOKERS, SüUiTf.EK. REEDS, KÃTTLES, PCREWS, PARKON'S SHEAIUNG MACHINE. EMERV. (erery sizej TENTER IIOOKS, PRÃSS PAPER, toseüter u-iih ü ir. V èclééfed pssorimèhi; of DYE 'ÃÃOODS.nvd DVE STUFFS of the very best growih and manuiacture. These goods (coming as thcy do direct from ïfsi hands) the subscriber is enabled to soll lowr thnn any other house west of New Ymk, he herefore solicits the attention of (irnis in ihe , iiothing business, io trieexaminatipfl of his stook ;ml p ices before going east or purchasing elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retnil Driiiigist, 139 Jeffeison Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Denoit. 71 STATE OF JACOB LAWT0N DE Jli CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. that the umlersigned have provcd (ho lnst will and testament of' Jacob Lawton. deceased, and have taken letters Testamciiiary thereon, and have üiven bonds according to law. All persons irvdebted to said estáte are requestcd to make paynicnt without delny. and all persons having claims â iust snid estáte are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authenlicated, foi paymeiu. â GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERANCE HOTEL, BY HOBERT& TERiaüiE. 'CORNKIC OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVEN DES, DKTROIT.) TFIE above House is pleasantly sifuated near üie Central Railroad Depot, and is now u n 'lorgoing thorough repairs. The rooms are plea s â ut, tli.! ds and Bedding all new. and the 'Pable vill be supplied with the choicest oi the market, nd the proprintors assure those who will favor Ãiein wiih their custom, that a!l pains shall be tacii to make tlieir stay with them agreeable. Park, vnry luw. and accommodation good. - 'arriages to convey passengers to and from the I I free of oxpanse. Detroüv Apn'i 1S42. SiECONOMY IS VVEALTH.'1 nrFIE Sunscrihors will pay pay two cents per X pOUiid in Goods or Paper for an quantity rif ;ood clean SW1NGLE TOVV, delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Avbor, April 27, 1842. tf DU. J, H. BARNES. 1M1YSICIAN AND SURGEON.- House and Office, i few liDtssouth of the Lafayette House, where hecan . fonnrl nL'lit ;:n'l 'l-v. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842. NEW GOODS Ã! â j i DE.MSON Ins just leceived a complete F stock ot DRY-GOOnS. GROCERIES NO CROCKERY, vhich will bc sold vcry eheap for money or most kinds of produce. Descriptions and prices will be givcn at theSlore. Ann Arbor. June 1, 1812.â - -' ' ESTA! E OF ELLEN W1LM OT DECEA . SED. Noticeis hereby given that tho undersigncd bas been appointed by the Hon. George Sedgwick, Judge of' Probate in aud for the County of Wnshtenaw, administrator on the csiate of Ellen Wilniot. late of Saline in said County, and has given bondsaccording to Liw All persons havingdemands ogninet said estáte are roquested to present them for adjusinicnt, and all persons indebted tosaid estáte are requested to make payment without delay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, June 30, 1812. 12- -6w TR WALKER reapectfully informs há friends and the public in general, that hé ïas recently commenced business, in the tailorn ine,one dooreastof Bower's dry goodsstoie vherc le is prepared to execute orders in thé neiitest and most faehionable style. Garmentswill be made to order, in strictconormity with tl ie present prevailing fashion and aste of the day, and warranted' to fit or no charge. Ladies' Riding Habita made in the lateat ISeW York or Philadephia fnshions. Friends, or Quakers' garmenis will be made: in tho nentcst and plainest style. Cuttingdone at shortcst notice. AH kinds of Military Uniform and undress' coats and pantaloons. made agrceable to the present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nt4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for sale by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES.' ' - Tuko. II. Eatom & Co, 138, Jeffcrson avenue, arcthe sole agents of these vcry celebrated machines. 12-8v SATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS - Theo. H. Eaton & Co., 138, Jefferson Avenue, offer for sale a large stock of Sattinèü Warps, from the New York milis. These Warps are conbidered supeiior to nny other in the country, and will be sold, for cash, at a small advnnce. 12-8tv NEW GOODSà CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subsc'iber, a new and splcndid assortment of NEW GOODS at piicesso cheapas to astonish the pürchasers, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIÃS. CROCKERV BOOTS, SHOES, AND LADIES' SLIPPERS, SHAKER AND LF.GHORN JiONNETS, #C. SfC. Muslin De Lane at two shillings per yard; cilicoea ut six cents per yard, and other goods at piiccs to carresppnd. To be convinccd. just cali and 86e tlie gjodsnntï price3. 4000 pounds g-jod butter wantcd: 99099 bushels of house ashes vantcd. at 10 cents per busheh Likewise field ashes, dehverèrj at my ashery, near Chnpin's iron foundry. N; B.- All kinds of Furs taksn in exchanfe for goods. H. BOWEft. Ann Arbor, (upper town) Juno 2. 1842. Wool Carding asnà CJoÃh Dressing1. THE Subscribers respect! uily annonnce to tl: citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity. that thev are prepared to card wool and dress cJbtn Ão, cus tomers, in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Having good niachinery, experienced worknien, and longpractice in the ?)usiness, thcy have the utmost coniidence that they shall give complete satisfaction. J. BICCKLEY &. CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25, 1M2. "Ue Vifeé of tvfnftfnrj ffiS'fnc forLot." JACKSGPy TEMPERANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Coid Matbs Br. J, T WIJLSUN, E'ist end of Main Street. Jackson, Mirh. Eiver Haisin rï"1HlS lnstitution is locafi-fl in the town of Jl Rnisin, near the north bank of the bcautiful river it bears, one nnle enst of the direct roud ñoñi Tecutnseh lo Adrián. This eligible site has been selected for its quict seclusion. ihe fertility and elcvation of its soil, its pure and healthful atmosphere, and pleaeant scenery. Roo.ii-s. - There aYe now on the premises suit-1 ble rooms (or the neeoinmodation of forty stu denis; which are designed to b? occupied for private study and lodging. Other neeesssry build ing areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXP EN SE-. Tuition per Term of eleven $4,00 Board " with 4 houra work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 88 Incidental, ' 50 Total, J2,95 Thcre will be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursuinp the higher branches as Philosophy, Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin, or Greek an addition of two dollars will be made. Scholars are expected to provide themselvcs with what furniture they will need in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel; and washing - none will hereafter board them selves. Bills to besettledin advancc'. The school is open to all applicants ol suitabÃe age and moral character irrespective of comjrtez ion or condition. Ã3Tie snr.ond term of this summcr icill commence Wedncsday July 20th. It is very desirable that all who design to at tend the school, should bc on the ground - havo their bilis settled, and thei'r rooms prepared, before the first day of the Term. Any further in formation can be obtained at the Instituà tion. of by ad.Jressing, post paid, J. S. Dixon, Principal, Raisin. Lenawee Co Mich. Rnisin, May 19th. 1842. n5- 2m NEW SPRING AND SUMMEfi GOODS. JUST received and ïeceiving at the NeM York Cheap Slore, purchased at the present low prices in New York, which will enable him to sell Iower llian ever before oflered in this place, a large lot of Frcnch, English and American GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Looking Ghsses Also, a largo lot of Yankee Notions. wholesalc and retail. D. D. WATERMAL Ann Arbor, May 11, 1842. 8w THE Subscribera are prepared to card Wool lor customers; having first rnte machines.r.nd ïaving employed an experienced workman, they feel confident of giving grood eatisfaction to all ivho will favor them with their custom. Their nannfactory is two and a half miles west of Anrt Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, fcCo. Scio, Mayllth, 1843.
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