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Slave Case In Albany

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- The Tocsin statestliat a free colored man named Burger, bis wife and two children, who were slaves, and a sister in law and two children,also slaves, arrived in Albany from Maryland. Just as he was lea ving for the West, he was arrested on a charge of stealing $400 in Virginia from one Peyton, who made oath íhat he suspected this Burgee of the theft. Burgee and thein-kw wcre imprisoned duririg the night.-- Next morning Peyton and an overseer he brought with hún wero arrested by the counsel of Burgeo on an action for slander and defamation; and having been discharged on that accouut, they were again arrested on a charge of false imprisonment of Burgee, and notbeing able to give bail, wcre committed to jai], where, eays the Tocsin, they yet remain. - That paper exclaims: "Reader - dear Southern reader, 'm particular, I want to pause at this point and upon thÍ3 very thing: only think of it! Southern KN1GI1TS of the WHIP and the CHAIN, taken on a writ, and thrust into a common jnil for slandering the character of a NEGRO 1 Oh, 'tis a burning 6hame! Out upon such low-livctl, home-spun notions of EQUAL RIGHTS1" Burgee and his sister-in-law were released aft er examination , hut the latter and her two children were arrested as slavesj under the Revised Statutes of New York. The counsel for the prisoners pleaded the invalidily of tho warrant, the legal requisitos not having been complied with, and he also demurred to the jui isdicüon of the courf, contending that a slave case can only be entertained in the U. S. Courts, under the act of 1793, all State laws having been aniwlled by the decisión in the famous Maryland and Pennsylvania case. The judge released the prisoners, thus sus taining this last plea.OCTThe whigs in Maine seem to have boen onsifierably riled by the appcals of Alvan Stewart on the Christian duty of voting ibr righteous rulers. The Bangor VVhig says: 'With the religious appeal, the allusiona to the Savionr and the soul,to acquire political )ower, those engaged in it seem to have the Sible in one hand and the sword in the other, and to cali upon their followers to 'trusl in the Lord, but to keep their powderdry.' ,(tMr. Giddings was invited to nttend the Liberty Convention at Bungor, Maine, Sept. 2. He declined on account of his private and professional engagements. After expressing the gratification heshould reccive from viesving the country, he says in his roply, "R would give me still greater pleasure to meet the friends of freedorn in your State, and to contnbutc any aid in my power to the causa of Northern rights and human liberty.'' {L-rThe following noble sentiment was adopted by the Liberty Convenlion of Maine. Does it not express the eentiments of the friends of Liberty in Michigan? .Resolved, That the Liberty party is not undertaken as an experiment, but as a per rnaneat measure, not to be continued or la aside by the results of a single election, bu we hnve entered npon it as the great political object of onr lives; an object, whalever present appearances may indícate, which we will not yield, or abandon, untü succesa crowa our efforts.flJohn Leeds Kerr, U. S. Senator from Maryland, has vcry politely requested Mr. CJarrison to discontinue sending him the Lib3rator, because his servants are ail slaves, and Lhe constant appearance of the paper in his family, wherein all the newpapere hereceives ire open to tree perusal, ;miglit lead to unpleasant circumstances." ''Tis conecience makes cowards of them all."


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