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Massachusetts Legislature

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-Tlie ('oiifoii.t&Smn tMiuains n table showing the ilificreni raseioxjs of maiihers of the Mrtesachusi fs Leg shuurc. The following ia the'f22.1 romark: -Ar h,!f p!lf=r , O'c!ock yesonf.-.y, thcre was o storm n the Jnnil- ore of he most severa that we witnease.i for r Ion tune. Tlirmin descended n heavy nnd onor" and bur city wns "mostlv de;".-Fd f"r a PI1ce of moro ihan ihirty minutes. Il.erewns little th..n.?er, b,U the wind was strong, dashing awningrs, partition, fences, and lir,t cliimneys aboui like plavíLings."A noble Oak.-Ur. Cnimnn, of the Genere hnrtner, snys the Inroest tree that ever en me un'Vr his obs-orvaí on s an oak m he monrlovvofMr. Wadswnrth. in Goneseo, beinjr fnll pigrht fpef n ílinmoter, out in itsmnjesty nsthe enntempornry of oíhñr "enfratinns, nntl the nuite historian of departed centtiries.A drbcate prt.-Wx nv o 3'onnjr man. on nfnrdny cnrrvinrr tlirong-h the strpp.tP, wifh a frenuine air of nnronr-Prn, a livo allig-atorobout 1 yard long-. He bom the níy bni?e under is nrrn, ifs honñ profniilinnr npnr his hreasf, mff ïfs tnil. sfiokir.nronf ns if sim-ilrl, bphinrl urn. T)f)fh mnsfpr nnrl pot sppmpd on the bost poPsiWe torms: nnl thp' exhibitlon pe mi ofc trans Of-caraiitv and 'vondnr to wörfe to ac onnt Tor t,e tn.cfein humanity which coiild be prntifip.d in Bcfi nn ossociatO. [ftfipnllicrnfor rtncifr is nnt .ilrpndy nmrrmd, it Wnu!d he inerrsfinnr to .ppcnlnte uron the üpériefi nffem une beanty which wonld Ipih] enntivp hi siiseptible nature.- -PMadtlpMa JYorth Americn.Cnmmerce oj Va } para f so .- In the year 1841. there wero nt thoport of Vnlp,irnisn621 orrivnls of vepsols of nll clnpsep, nnrt'615 clenrancps. Of fhp arrival 187 were Entriish vespHp,.61 Amorirnn. 59 Frenr-l). 2.r Hnmbnm, 21 Pomv.nn. nd II S'pfljjish, Thn Enfflnml h.s threfl-tentbs of the whole commerce of Valparaíso, anrl thR UnitPf] Stetes ono-ienth; while Snnin, which h.s flio most nntnral nllinncfi uith thai nort, enjovs onlv nbont n fortiPth pnrt. The suWnoe of.this ftatempnt wn find in The "Mprmrin.1' publiPhecí at Valparniso. -PMiadelphiu JYorth Jlmtrican.Ban'cmpts in Mnhe.-The mimber of case? on this popular ánckrt. for ]nst Tuesdny wns424,and the wliole numberofentries tS47. There nrC frorn on to two htindred pelifions nled. on which notice has not vel been iven. A. Y. Express. ■ JfDvfi.- Cautain HirW, of the Nntchez Vninfeers. nnw in Texas, hao bppn shot th'oiiEfh hoih thighs; fracnriutr the bones, by Gatvtèiö Stevens, of the Sf.. üuis Volunteer in n (ImpI. The situatjon of Capt. H. was ve ry dangerous.


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