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F 5! H ION A BLE HAIR DRESSING.- T. F reniñan returns hB sincere tlnnfcs 10 the ciMzens of Ann Arlior nnd it8 vicinify fir the libfi-iil paLi-onneo ihcy hnvp. e.xtrnded 'to hini. and (Trn s;lv saMcits f:ir))or conlinmnce of the sime Mc :ils- wi=l,,.s to purchflse n qúrfntfty of false hnir. for whicli lie will pny n 'iberaJ pricc, for tho pudrióse ;f mnnüfnrtiinng rinelets. Mr Freemnn nopra nrit ro ,rive ofTence tn.his old ciiJBtomers. whnn he nfnrms 'hëni. thnt here■ rter his shon wi! he dnsor] (!urncr the Sabbnlh 'hy. He will be vcvy nnxious and hnppV to rcc v,:p,vhe ibem. hy wnrkiqíra litt'o ínter and ajoré industriously on Saturdnv evenincs T. FREEMAN. OctoherS. 18-12. tf#DICKINSON & COGSWELL HAVE now on hami n exiens've and wll selected nsiortment of St;p!e and Fancy Ooof)t, ad.-.ptcd to the fall and winter trade. and ue consiüüiy roceiying fresh suppües. whicfc tnoble ihefti to ofkji grcat inducements to ali who wish to purflifse. Broad Cíotlis, Cn?s in-eres. Sntinetts. Full'd Clothé. M.iit-skins, Velvets, FianneU. Mireno Alpaca Liistcs, Snx.mies. Muslin De Lnins. Ji-own Shceiings nnd hirtintrg. Coiton Ynrn nod Batía &c. &!.. in great variety. at priccs lower i!i;in ever direrecf lie ore in JWiebigïn. iNeighbpyin'g Merchante are particul.rly "invited to cal] nnd examine dieir stock und prices, both of which ennnot fnil tè ple-'ise. Aun Arbor. Í Upper Town) Exchange Buüdng$, Sop;. 0. 1842. 24WW $J] eeting and Shirtings, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, in the Exehange Building by Dir.KINSON & CÖGSWBLL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Sept'. 2J, J42 24 1C TTÖN Yarn & Batü", Jaconett and Sarsenet' Cani bries and Prints, in great variety, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, excliange building, by DICKI.nSON & COGSWELL. Ann Arbor. (Upper Towtj) Scpt '0 ltii.TiMOTHY SKED. HJHE hfghcsl price paid for Timothy seed at the Anri Arbor Store, by DICKINSON &. COGSVVELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Sepr. ÜOth, lb-12. ttjlüLL'D Clothnnd Fat"■"' inetfs, for sale by the yard or piece at great bargaii]s,at the Ann Arbor store Exchantre building by DICKINSON & COGSVVELL. Ann Albor ('Upper Tov-n) Scpt. 20 1842. NEW GOODS!! FDEN1SON, is now receivingns usuallyn wi-ll selecte nesortment of fail nnd winler OrOODS. which wil! bo sold cheop ior cash or bartor. N. B. Aa chenp as nny in town. Septomber24, 181?. tf33■ - - ""- ■■- TfyTüuL, VVbent, Fl ,ur, Qrun öcoil, ftocrer. ,V yiSeso, Pork, A:c. wnted; also, Blnc illi(i Ashes; F. DEN1SO.V. bept. -J4. Iö42, t,._,;; YOUNG LADIErf SKAHNARÏ. Tlwhensuing termóï Miss Page's Seminancommences Sept. 20. Terms fortuition n the Engliáh branche, from 5i oO to 4 50 per quarter. Lessons on iho Piano, wïth tlie use pi ihc instrument, $10 00- Drnwinpnnd Pninting, $i 50- Lolin, S3 00- rrench, üs;5 00- Fnncy work, $3 Board. $] 50- Wii6line and Ir.ning, :7h per doz. No pupil will be rccciveii lor"ioss one quaiter. and no ilciiuciion i'or absente will Le mado excèpt in cnsescf protmctcd i!l lienliii In uldiiion to q plensüni and hcaltlilul iCBidencc. Miss Page has tnken the Acadtmy, a few siepa troiti her own door, ibr tho greater accommodation of her pupüs. As the beet and most decieive testimony in favor of any institution, is to be obtained iVom thoso who are ncquainted with the sulijects öpon vhich it opérales, nnd who appreciatc ite nfluence, Miss Page refera f or inforniation. to iho pa rèhts and guardians of her uupilt?; a catalogue oí wlioBo nameswill soon bc published. GREAT BARGAINS. -R. Banks rcipectfully informa the fiirmers nnd otliers visiting Detroit, thnt he stil! cohfinuca nt his old siand on Woodbridge st., ndjoining "WnrdeH's block, aud keeps dtí hand a genera! assorlnient of RE AD Y MADE CLOTIIIXG, which he ia determined to sdl chcaptr thiih the ckkipcstfor Cash. it. B. has jusi received from the Eaet an assortment of Cloths, CS8imcrcs, Öatinetis and Ve-sunsa, which will be made np to order in fashionable style at short notice. L, R. BANKS. Detroit. Scpr. 5, 1842 20-GmUJNIVERS1TY BOOKSTORE. J. LAÏB, HAS just oponed liis slore one door west of tho Post uiilce in Ann Arbor. He will be conatantly receiving books irom the enst and intends to keep on hand a large asortment of the clioicest Boo ks, Stationary, SCHOOL BOOKS and has nlready a large quantity of the Mimsachusetts Sclioul iibrary, the beat work of the kind ever pubhshed. Ann Arbor, Ju'.y 30th, 184. CFPleasecaH at the University Book Storo.NEW GÓODS I ! N. Y. CHISAP STORE. THE subscribcr fina just reuuned from New York with the fargest md best seleciedVissortment of DRY GOODS. GROCERJES, CROCKERY, BOOTS $ ' Sil O ES. AND YANKEE KOTIONS, ever brought into this marker, purehased previo us to ihe tanii'whioh wil! endblë him to bcII ror cash, as cheap ns uny establishment west of Buff.w.o As we do business on the Readt Pát SïsteM we wül nut be undersoM by any one in this maiket, whicli wil] be tor the interest of the pu robase r and dealer. Wewoulds-iy to tlie farmers thnt we sel! goods D proportion to the price of wheat - a Imslitl of wheát wül purchase as many goods at ihe present !ow pripes as it did last fall. Now is the tiir.e fbr people to buy goods if they wam q buy theni cheap. The assortment consiit in art of the following nrticles: BIluADCLOTHS, PILOTdo. BEAVERdo SATIfJEJ ajid CASS1MF.RE, KENTUCKY JEANS, FÜLL'D CLOTUS. PLANK ELL; (o! all kinds,) SHEEP'S GREYS. UiMBREJXAS, S1LKS. MüSLTN DE LANÍOS. ALAPINF.S. MERINO TAGLIONE, CSSI.MERE SHAWLS. VICTORIA do VICTORIA do. CARLlSEdo. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do. JJRASS CLOCK. SFIFCETINGS. HOSE SIIlfïTJNGS. TÍCKJNGS. CRÁVATS ? TWILLKD JEANS. COTTO.N" YABST CANTÓN FLANNELS. GIKGHAMS.' COTTON BATTING. HDKF'S. DIAPERnnd Tahle Clotlis, MITTENS, CALÍCOES. (oFall kiiuls.) LA DIES DRESS IID'KFS. GLQVES, (f all kinds,) LOOKING GÍLASSES, &c. &c A ehoice : ■ésortment ot Groceries. uch as, Suatara, M)bpSes, &c. tc., al! of which win be s.ild at wholesnle or retail. Pedlars can be supplied at flus establishment 80 !w as to aslonish them. Thesubscriber deerns it uselsss to go into fiirther detail, hut asl;s ïhein to cal} and examink Tor themselves.' D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1H-12. 3m75SALARATUS - A prime nrticle n hoxes or barrels, for sole at the lowcst prices by F. DEN'ISON ?;Pept. 24, 1842. tf23


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