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UUTrico of wheat in Ann Arbor 50 cents per bushel; of flour, $3.25 per barrel: tVe Icnrn from the Wiltnington (Del.) Ropublicnn ofihe Öth insr. that Mr. William Webb. living within a half mile of that city, hos aow in lul! opcration a mili ninnn'fncturing silgar from corn stalks. It is stated that a commitiee of the i Newcastle Agricultural Society.and I ed stigar grawer from Louisnua wijl sliortly visit Mr. VYebo, for the purpose of witnessing the simple bui in;eres:irig proceas, and judging of its piacticability. Rctaliation. - !t ia snid that, in conscJucnce of the late Americari 'J';ü ff n phti is on toot in Comida to impose resrtieüve duiieson uil Aniericnn produce enieiingihe Provïnce.and thajt the ! poso is 10 prevent tlio introdtiction of American! flour or wheat in order to carry on the corn laws ' pf li'iiíííind, and to give the agiiculturaliais of'l Camrh a monnpolv over the Bn'tish niaikèt - ' DU. VtCa Prc?s ' )fCT Wo are elid to Icarn thnt n íard oil rhafiufnctory is in procef=s of ereclion at Marshall. - Wü have nol heard ofany movemein in Detroit, j A goot] nrticle o'fíhrd 'm nov rctniling in tlii.s ' city. at seven shiliings per gnílon. transportad i hither froin Cineianati. Surely ilit enn be tr;:n ] spirffëd tio;n nnd s;ild at ri prafit, it can be nado hore and sol.l nt n mitch lowcr rate vvith rhc same profit. - Dct. 'limes. üakland Co-mty Bank. - The Oakland Counly Banu lir.s estsibliehed an afícney in tlus city and optMït'd nn office in Drew's ncw building. w!:cro its bilis ure uèdeemed ivitlj specie. - 'íi:ues Silgar as a Manme - A London paper erales. ihnt a merchant oí' Liverpool, engnged in the Brazil trade, liaiïniemorifilzcd the Board of Trade i to perniit the imporiation into that country öT ■ 2ar from Brayil to be irsed as mannre. The meivmriíi) st.itos; it 3 rnmored, thní, whero:.3 tlie new manúré guane, cannot be imponed for Icss thari L15 per ion, coarse Brazil sugar can be


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