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Executive Aggrandizement

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-Wetioncd lately that all paríies, (except the Liherty party J ngree in throwin out of oíiice thoir political opponehts, for the hoJiest cxprrseion of their opimons. Here is a confiriiMtion of it so far as Mr. Tyler and his friemls aro concorued, os publtóhed in the Madisonian, tho President's organ : " We hold it under existinnr circumstances to be üie cuty of the Adminsí"rntion to ihnw out of office alíj its CPPosEïts. Evcry public officer rppointed by tlio Prosidont is a rnember of his Administration- of his fa -and ihould be thriist oiit when he seeke, or if he has eoiíírht, to divide the Executive House ngromst iteeif. We doubt not "every tliing will beubout right" in the coiírac of fouror hve months."ttTMr. Birney spoke at Detroit,. Northville, and several places in Macumb couiity on hls return frorn the Stite Convention. it?"We understaiul llev. R. B. Boment is lecturiïjff on the Liberty principios with much suoceesin the western part of the State.


Signal of Liberty
Old News