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HOLMANS, J BoneOiBitinent. ■ THUIS Ointmknt stands at the bead of .'dl w] :iUi)üic nd fo , ,-oMífüctudTENDOiNSoí long ,' . cli )i dlscusses ;il! tumours- rendéis stifi joints liibcir !y pnuu;';ng a hcáhhy mliscujar action. y lt nssuaea pains in Boli.s md Ackstos.-,jhing pqunls it m avu'llcd nd rtflaméd Bfen?té n h Peínales iL npplio-.l m cr.rly atáge. prevente „mperáúoñ or mner forrninp, nnd grvee in al liñreenaefroín.puía; Certifícales ol c, cl ouW be givén if This n :■!-!■ ie ojered ; the Public wnh tbi uil cswurance tbat 't fnr rxcfls the Oi-odrlooe f .(JT. . iio piesen! day, for thé jjSovc '. tri?:! is onj'y vamcd. to 'give it the to evo-y fhing else. Mnny ,,hce have uscd ibis ointmenl (3 rWpïïtS. nÖ Titc above ointment ig for sale wnolosologpd L BECKLKT. Án n Aibor. (lov.-er tov. n) June 1,'tl,, 142 9 TO FHYSlCrANS AND COUNTüV MERCHANTS. "flHEöiibscribcr invilt-s theattention ot Phy _5L jdcians and Country Merchantu, to hï= inesont. stock ol' ftïiféo, fJedicFriëé, l'ainte, óils, Dye Êstuffs, Vcrnir:i, Brushes, íc. fcc. il 'mg one ot' tbe lurgest and fiillest asáortuieiiis bcSfiit ;o the country. IÜ his pieent stock v.ii! bc f'ound: 100 07. gulph. Q,uir.:i;o, superior Fi'ench and L0 bz. ourpb.. Morphia, 10 f-.. Acct'i do uk. Carceiitei'c 'vVhl.crili's EÁÍract öi i::irk, l 11,1. i'ovv'ored K'hbfirb, 1 ("; b ilnot, j : 1 ij'l. r.-.vríored Jalap, 50' Ibs; ;';Joiih;1, :) r--.. ■':.'" .; ïpsofn Salís, 15 c.;,,:... Fall and Winter .Sponn Oil, 40 bóxss SpferiTj Üanéi . '.Vhüf? Lr.J. o:yand ground, , Oí!, . ;.';ts ra.- í?íor GrW, íS'iViie?re, po'ccain Tcrth. .(.ioí-nl a-soií;).',i. 6 Pr.f.snt Medicines, all -.'■ vviiich d bc sold on the most rensonable errns". PICRRE TELLEU. 130 Jefïbrson Ave.-Mic. s;;..] ófïh'e Gilt vifirc! 13. 'iï, Detruit. . ' ■. ■ üííS.G B SS 1 A ! íVilly inform the 'Í ' ' r.r.d its vicinity. thnt 1 ,i-..r;r T'.rn, irrfrrtcitrl ■ anti ! Lunrl c: C.'yify i'í in;rs tr (io work ; : bia l::i-,;, -.-;i prcffriptireas, and in n jeH ;uid ■■'. : rstidh wil! f e p-i'i to cnttinc gariteaoi ri ii p. 'i'heso v.ho hnyé . - of' tins kir.d, are purticu!;nly invi'ci i. r:-.!l ; , Apri! 27. 1PÏ2. tf __ .___.__ riífS pit Í has noi :T.y V.ppti ükuI b'y iny &eifj b'iii by o ïiiiSibef of Physicians of :r. boih in ihi Í otftèf Ölèfö, to f!y rh. ■ ■■ ithtiohs-of ny .'-. I , -.■ . to ■-'-■r t'nïtti to tfie ml'Aii renicd for ..i those b'jUïousdisGi'aec púipoAúng in ■'. n$w ccrtinpili ia for sr:!j -. hoié'hjc a.Irl rcfuil 'KL7.T■ . ■} v; ■ ■.. .; I5tb l4y. it nrIlEei in recéipt of n fur. -X ■' ■ ■ ■ : f i; f:i( : ,■!;. consistfi of i . i(s:nyi . ■-"■''- . , ' e.. . r :' 'S. .11 ' ■■, : -. LES-. ■■:.-; jAc. '.':.' ,-; ():".', pp.i 't ii ,r,r : ■:■.!.:■,' : i ': fyoopsavd ! b''j ,.. ól ,ov'ih ;:r:;l . ibey cío direct fvoni jyf.1 . . á fo --■ Ü luw... Kcv York. In n ol fiïrns n tin ; : ;■■: .-■..-., . .:.!-■ i-QJ hïs stoel uing eost or purciiíising' elíi; PÜLRRE TF.LLEH, JciTt-rson ■, tbe Gift Mortar-,; E il LAVv'TON Dh '. SKI).- Mctice is htireby given. tha ii;.: tij ved tiiü Isfit W'tll ai testan 'j Lavion.'tleccsedi and ïjav.é t;kén loti . i fenrdry thereon. ñnd have iitg to Imsv. All portons in■ üTte-I tn uir.kc p-iyrhciji widioín delay. and :11 (mronr. haviüg claime rist said egta-e ;ire reguestcd (6 rceuüt the scrÜH-rs. weJl itaihemicuted. for i ■ itenú GF.ORGÉ LA.WTQN.. p.A.yjp t. m'CoiXíjm; Execui"is of thé last wül and Testameni ot i La'.vtó-ri. Dntcd, Anii Arhor, IIny 7. 1842. 3ni TEMPKRATNC HOTEL, ;y DOBERT& TEKBIUilE. KR O'.' JlicUIÖAJI .I) iVASHISGTlJN AW.MTKS, ; i i i;orT.) rffli-IS nhiivc Hciiist1 is plenpantFy sifuuttd ne'1 .1. the ("'(.■niial l?;nh!.-'! Di'poi. und is nnw u" oing (lioKiuuli vrpniix. Tlic rc.onis ure p!ea s '. ;:; ■ !'. ás -mi! Bedding lt hcy?, anl ihe Tnblfc vili hc supplied wjtb the choicest hl iho mnrket. xv the pj'o'rjj'ifiiflre as9Üre thpee jvhó wHl fvo,r w t'i' ciisttjin. i'nni ;i"I parn? i-hull lr t'a.■i: id inakè iln:r grny wi'.h ihciñ HeèabTe f''.iu . ■.'■ .o ond icpoiinnodjition oi?d; - ■■;i ennvev piftssèVifretfl to uno frm the il wcperisc. int, Anri.' ' is o ;-KCONO?.IY ÍS rF.ALTH." T' I ''. Snnsoribors wil! -pay ji:iy Iwn cents per [xui.d in Goo'Jí or i.'nper for, nri qtuintiïy of .,! clan SWINfU.E TOVV, delivered at the ui) Arbor Paper Mili JONES .&. ORMSBY. v.n Abor, April 97, !4% tf XKW GÖÓDS ! ! FDEXïSOV !i ■ -..'In completr sYóc'k ftl i'KV.aoODS'. GRÖCERrtS N ÓJtO . whjéli ui!) hc sriW %'ery !l kinds ii;; liifC. Dcss vvill be üivtti: ai t!u Pmre. nn ÁiboV, JTn.nè I, [P. % DR. J. T5. BAH!VEíJf.PHTSFCÍAX AlíÓ SITRGKOX.- riousc nnd OHee, i fe.w ïoórssouth of -tbp i--i%ette House, where hecan be found nighrand dny. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1849. 6


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