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MAP OF WASHTENAW. Bï THE STATK GKOI.OGI.-T. TOE Subseiibcr is appointcd agent for tbc Siate, to seil lho Mup of W;:s!itcnnw county. He will havo those maps in bis store br sale tna few weeks. Pricc aboui 63 cents. - ;lo is nlao nsent for sovernl other counties in the staic. A n elegant map of each couiity nmy hu expected in a 6liort limo, and ti map oí the eniirc State. JONATHAN LAMB. Ann Arl)or, Dec. 4th. 1B42. Editors who will copy the abovc notice will be entitled to an elegant engiavcd rnap o thcir respective counties. NËWGOODSTT FDEN1SON, is now receivingfis usunllya well selectccJ nssortnient ofiall anil wintei GOODS, which will bc sold cheap for cash or barter. N.B. As cheap os any in town. September 24, 1812. ' f-23 WOOD! WOOD! OUR Subscribers are requested to bnng us any quantity of DRY WOOD, immadiaielij, in pnynieïit of tlieir subscriptions. Dec. 2, 1342,DR. BANISTER'S CELEHRATED VEVER AGUE VILLS.-Purcly l'efctabti, A safe, spcedy. and sme remedy lor fisver ik ayuo. duin agüe, cliill fovcr, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new countries. These pills are designed for the iffjctions of the iiver and olher internnl organs whicli nitend tho diseases of the new and miastnatic portionsofour country. The proprietor baving fried them in a varicty of cases confidcntly belicves (hot they are superior to any remedy that lins ever boen oflered to the public for the above diseases. ]t is purely Vegetable and porfcctly Imrmlesa. and can be taken íy any person, male or fcinalé with perfect safety. The pills are prepared n two Repárate foxes. tnarked No. 1 and No. 2. and acccompanicd wilh full directions. A gieat nuniber of certificatcs might be procured in favor of this medicine, hut ihe proprieter has thouiíht fit notto insert them, in ns much as he depends upou the nierils of the sume for its reputai ion. The ahove pill ia kept constantly on hand by the proprieter and enn bc had at wholesalo and re tail at the store of Becklcy & Co. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Aan Arbor, (lower town) Mw29jh 18 0


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