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Communications: The State General Committee To The Liberty P...

Communications: The State General Committee To The Liberty P... image
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pies are of the highest miportance; tlmt tliey nrcnotlike thoseofold politica] partios Ihe croaturos of passing wants, shifting their scope or fading bcforc others, as time laya its changing Jmn(} on uj aroun but tiat t)ey are mmutnble, as the great primary trtiths from vhich they spring. Cast a hasty glance over i he short politica] history of this nation, and ou will find principie díase principie across ts surface witli the rnpidity and variableness ' f the April cloud and sun. There vvere the 'cderalists and State Right men- the B;mk nd Anti-Bank party-the Embargo- the nonniercouse - the war and peace - thc free and he protective trnde- the socond Bank ,ñon - then the tn riff and nullificntion - and of modern times we have the sub troasnrv tlie infernal iiryrovement question - nnd the tariff. In facr, the policy of the United States has flucümted betweon contrariniies - nnrturing ot one time a syste::i it warred agninst tlie next, and preserving nothing of dura (ion save the untnitigable opposition of two partios wlio undor sorne name, continued a never sluinbeiing struggle for pre emtnence. Describe n general terms the conduct of either party, ivhen in power, and you faithfiiijy depict the jther- bolh were huinn - the common frailics ofinan opcrate.d aliiie on ene]) and proluced similar results. Éach crieJ out econony - reform.and other populai principies; each oved to liberty and democratie institutions, md yet exjicnditnre bas steadily increased, ibuses grew lo monster .--tature, and' profosions of public virtue have become u fcoffand uspicion with all becmise beüed by the acts f the only partiep havinig tlieir representa.ives beforo the people. The fact cannot be Üsguised that whüe each party contained inividuals óf sterling worth and unsuïlied inBgrity, the party was corrupt and sought not !ie maintainance of principie, but ils elevaon, and possession of power. Al! this time the great princip'es-of liberty ave been on the want. Read the sentiments f Washington, JefFerson, Jay, Madison, 'ranklin, and of every revolutionary sage aruse the sentimems of the revolulionary ress. Examine their natjonal embodvmenl in ie Declaration of Ind.'penrlence and the Conitutión - sec the first exercise of legisla tive :)wer under that Constitutioii, to proclaim jerty in the north western Territory - and as ese noble sentirnen:s on American slavery ld their glowing expectations of itsspeedyj'1 nninalioh crowd your oye, contrast with iRin tlie prtsent pro-slavery feoüng of the nitcd States - fjlace them side the odium, arce yet mitigated, that lately attached to c ie name aboljlionist - the outrao-es on perms and property in the inheriiors of these tl volutionary sentiment?- the unrebukrd, nay, e approbated violntion of the U. S. e; n again and igain - thal virulent hate & it check or limit might siirfeit gratification in e stiangle of liberty's faintest breatii. Seo, ni so, the half million of slaves of '76, now st elled to over three millions, by the m v care of a foreign and domestic slave trade, ider the U. S. sane tion, and slave products ,. ii come thestaple i.f the iiation - a source of h jalth to individuáis, and of polilical eminence sc a section, under the benign opération of v aties and foreign policy made by Presidente, th ranatingalmost cxclusively fron) the South; yc d as you thvs read and see, what a mass of idence crowds the mind of the dorileciion fy principie in this reptiblic, tind how Pr oly an exhibition is afibrded of the or s conseqcence of a compromise with so as with any other sin! trl All the time, too, that the great principies .' liberty ere fading in the American repub , they were mcreasing in feudal Europo.- án tthough thus woning here, ihere wns a th ilily in them, as irreprepressible as tlie vegitive principie of the herb- they alone have tic nainedunchanged and unchangable.and now '" it they have found their vicioiious way Pe ough all obstacles to light - now that ihev brotight forward seriously and in a wise '? 1 practical form, to doubt their final triumph uld be to distrust truth, nnd dfcbclieve that re exisfs viriue, intelligence, and love of' of e liberiy n te mass of the American upi fGof ome therc are whó admitting the justice of ! principie!?, think they can be best s hed by union with one of the oiher paities o!)1 vord to them. VVhere is tlie warrant foi i)dI li belief? It is not found in the polilical iession of either Read their bannor llic lamtion of principie?, and you vvill jiot find l n liberty of speech orpetiiion among th?m. - iiiduah may hold onr opinión?, but tlie . ,. ly does hot - it is not the opinión of tho-o t[ie vjduals that wields the power of party, Uuluut meir banner creed- the Democrats have j ever prolessed hostili'y to us, they are thereforeout of thequesiion- the whigs hovvever are anxious (und with good cause too) to eusure our co-opcration, and hold out to us vague promises, or a profuless sympathy, but if thcy were sincere would they not adopt some of our principies? If those principies really are Iheirs, vhy sbould they not avovv them? Are they ashamed or afraid to do so, or do they hypocritically conceal them. We care not what the motive for silence is- -it is enough to know that it exists, and tlmt tiere is not a party declaration of a single lihcrty sentiment in any whig paper oj the Union. But is hope of future aid from ihe wliigs war -anied by their profession to be found m their iets? Let history declare. Their presidentiul candidate of 1840 claimïd pubile suffrae on the higbest pro-slavery loctrine- the very first ground on which lie battle of liberly is to be foughr, that Conrress had not power to abolish sla very in the )istnct of Ccltimbin, unies as Maryland and 'irofinia pioneered the way.rr'f1' !' uut uui [JcviiiUfioI their secretarios, Webster and Granger, were not deemed fit for office, except on ropentance Tor past liberty eentiments, and proniises of better behaviour for time to come - Uieir foreign ministers were taken seven from the Sioith and one from the North, while the first Northern man, Everett could hnrdly spcure tlieir Senate confirmation because of"hissupposed libcrly sentiment?, nnd at last did get a scant majority of fonr, only at the end of the session, nnd whpn the Norlh shcwcd a unanimous léeling ofindignation. Al their recular session, the whigs renewed the gag - hut nol content wilh it and the oíd pro-slavery aciion, they took the high ad. vanee to silence members themselves. Such j was the Adams war, and such the Giddin-s war; they passed a law to give away public lands in Florida, these we paid for, so as to , draw population info a slave state, and thus fo8lertlie slavc power of the nation. They excluded the blacks from the army and navy except as menials. thus to degrade the race by shutting up one road the whigsfound their utility and ndvanecment; and finally tïiey Dasstd an apporlionment bilí, giving to the i South increased legislativo wjlumce, and a )ositively increased power in selecting president?, thus helping to perpetúate an evil they affected to deplore- the enormous diproporon of Southern Presidents. And lilis too vhen Nortliern white population had nbou t L reblcd in tiie past ten years, and federal poplation had more than doubled. The last act of this whig catalogue was to ame a slaveholder for President, nnd thus f utrae the fceling of every anti-slavery man. For the Central Conunittee,


Signal of Liberty
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