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Popish Indulgencies

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It is slatcd that.some cnnturies f-ince, remission ror l!:o punishment ol'sins commitled was publicly .oíd by lio official of (iie Rour-n j cliurch. These were BQpfJösed fo eiTocL deliV, crance from l!ic piinishments of purgaïory. The Pnrteslant denomiintiorrá of Una country, nimoíí. witiioiit cwocption, coritiniinlly i,Tfint indulgencies to commit the most oiurageous offonccs upon tiicir fcllow church iaemhsrB ana oevers, as Johg ás thcy clioose j to perpetróte thfih. Tlie Liberiy Standard speaks ihus conceihingr thi?n: "The. profasped cliristinn flaveliolders of tliis counlry iiave a complete, perpetual and rally vooched rijht of ndnlcnce, sipned bv officials of all ihe lUlVcn .".(. forni's of organizod cfirisJinniiv in ' :. Thcy have nn arttlrtntlo wnrnuit for bn!v síralinn1, wotueii vvuippiiiir, mía roijbiiir. nnd soii'-tradin-r: and when an iinpenchment s entere. lyrajijsl their clirislóan slnndiqg, auJ tl:o volidiiy of tlieir "right of indiiloiicp," a mi Ilion rif vojees nronnd the corn:ii!ini'on fablös :ill the country cry nut agaírjst speh "lüicliariíableness".'an'd "dênunciafion','' i.!i nccusod are wnrnily tnlcpn by il:e ha:id, nïid mn-t rrügious presses vohnifeer to repol'the nccusation. They are asserted to have the "rio-hl. of indnlfrence," in flavfholdin, nnl tiioir cbrtëtian character nn;] s;tandii)g sjiajj uot suffej in consequence of i:."'ÍLThe N. Y. Êvening Po-t has hri article o;i postule, sliowTn hpvy óñprossjvejy the present rales opérate on the poor. ín many places in the Wesl, il reruircs aboiit ;i hiishel of Whcat to pay Tor a letler to a fríen:!. An answer to the snme vll cost nnoMier busiicl. ín many places the vvarres of'laborers are frnm twenty ñ ve to fifry cents per day. Siu:h nre nlmost cut (líTfioni communicatinn vit!i their fricüd?. Theprice of tr;in=por!ation, both of pnssciigers ant] grootls, hasLrreat!y diminished durinjr the last twenty ycars; biit postado has not abated a fartliing. j , An eastorn p.iper tlius controsts the patrióte of '70 with the onginators of the recent (üsturbances in Canada: "Of 30,0L3 signatures on petitions against the Union of the Cañadas. SC. 5G0 wero thèmutrAy ofpetitioners and yet 24,253 wcre nndliolders! Could not the men of New England, who were in arm?, write their ñames? A bank of Canada issued bilis with rows of dollars, pictnred on the end?, to be connted by thosc who could notreod! Montreal, with its '10,000 people, has scarccly a romnion sc!ool, a Jihrarv, or a book store. Was this the case in Boston?-! IIow many who sj)oke and Hstened, in the hall where onr überty was born and reckcd, wcre graduate's of oíd Harvard?'ffThe report of the Vigilance Commitlee, of Albany shows, tlint durinL the past year they have akled about 350 fugitivos in the'.r escape from slavery, at nu expense qf about $ 1.000. Of these, 150 were men, 150 ivomeii and 50 chiltlren. Some of them wére niombers and officers of Chriátian chinches, fleeing from their ovvn professed brelhien, The committee say tlioy are veiy coníident thrtt no slave wili ever be taken back from Albany or from any other part of the State. So furas línown, only séve'n-iñBtaices of recapíure have taken place in the free Stales, in ten monlhs past, out of nearlyas many thousandy. Experienced slave hi:nters have been known to say it was vuin to pursue a dave who had twenty four hours the start.(tTAt the recent election of Representativos iñ Andover, Mass. the Liberiy men bari;;iinetl wjth the wliigs to imite forcé?, and support one candidato "rom each ticket. Tho y men votod acoouliiigf to iior'eemenf," i and tjie whigi - for thrir den ccindidutcs, to j bc sure! The result was, tbat one whig candiflnte vn.=? eloc'ed by lliis "compromisc." - We Ihiiik it will be a lesson to the Liberty raen. "Let tliem come to us; wc cannot go (LOtir readers will remember tliat Gen. Scott Jately wrote to Mr. AdamsJ dciiyi!) he was a The editor of a , Virginia p:ipcr gave iiim a sound fliigeilation for tliiis contempt on vlie timehonored pracüsp.s uHus t'atiiers, Tlie Globe j ii.'(! t!ie article thas g'w ing it a wide i lion.(tTlie excitcment jn the Jhstero States in refbrencu to the. coming of Ciirist in 1845, seems to bc on the increuse. A number oi'j pübiications ia disicminating the doctrine throug-fiop.t the country. Wé lia-e ];ife!y ■ ceive a few copies of the Bi'olc Exatniner, publishcd by Goorge Siorr?,Áat Albany. Rkquisition roii Latimkr. - -Gov. Davi?, cif Mass., it is said, after takniLf timo fbr con sideration, has dccli'.ietl compliancc wiMi the Virginia Güvernor's requisition for the deJivery of Latjmer at a fugitivc f rom jnsticc. - lic lias sent a writteu reply, but it has not vet been pubüslied. Ö-Ioshua Lcnvitt is now at Washington. ! reportitig for the Emurcipalor the doings of Cor.gress, and tlie inlrigiiés of the slavocracy. O'Tíjc corrcspondcjit of the Free Pre.cs says that Mr. Secratary Cass wül return to Dalroit with his faniüy in the course of the winter, to resume Jiis reoidence tliere as a cit izen of Michigan.


Signal of Liberty
Old News