Poetry: Rise In Your Native Strength

Risc in your nntive strcngth, Mechanics of the land! And dash the iron ru!e From rude opprcssion's hand; By all ihe might of min 1, Afsume ihe place of men- Heed nit the scofTof thoso Who scorn the artizan. Ye sincvva of n State, Your nntion's pride nnH boast, Wliose glory crowns her hills, And guards her naúve coist; You are lier weahh n peace, Her vital brenth ye are, And wnen ihe bolt of dcath are liurlet!, Ye are her shiehls in war! By the Plcrn.'il sword, To S'crn-browei! Ji:stice givcn, By Fici-dom's holy sclf. The nijhi of u-roiifj is riven! Sironc moniuitcnis nriue, In rrcord of your praise; Trnnsmitting down your natncs, T.i men of otiicr dnys. Proclaini to all the u-orid Y usefulness and wortli; Spcnk-ou' wiih tnim[iet-tongue, Ye nrghty nu-n of carih! Wiis n--t ihe soil ye rcnl, Won y your fmhrr's bloodT Tlif n on qppresion's si-lf, Itoll lnck oppression's (lood !
Joseph H. Butler
Old News
Signal of Liberty