The Coral Ring; Or, The Temperance Pledge: The Christian Sou...

'Thercisno time of Ufe n wliich youncr girls ore s tiiomughly selfi.-h os inm fitteen !ü twemy,' said Ãdward Asbtou, deliberately, os he laid down a book he haa been reading, and leaned over the centre table. 'Yüu iiMiltiuir fellow! replied a tnll, Imllinnt rro.ittire, v.ii was on fu o;t)i,in hard b, over one of lat woi k.s. ''I'iutli, coz. for bÃ] '.lint,' t=ad th pfonrleman witl, tlie air uf one wj( im-uns to provoke a cii ciiftnuu. 'iXiuv. Edwnrd, ihis is j-ist one of your whulesi.le declunition.-- lor norliing only to ÃfH meinion dispuie wi h you, ymi knów,1 roplied the lady. On your consc'ifiice. nuw, (il you have ouo,) is it not so? 'My c"i)?cieitc-p fce.'s qiiüe easy, cousin. in bHÃU&riOing ti tliat verv suntiinent, asmv con ffstion ot failh, replied tlie gentleuian,' witli pmvoking sang froitl. 'Ptfhnvv!- tà (me ..f your fisty o!d báchéÃer notions. Sei vvlml come.--, nÃivv, of living o your time of litV wiihotit a wife - iltitfcVpèti !or tho Frx, nnd all tlint. Rally, cousin, your symptom-s ure getling al-irmin" 'Ny, now. cousin FiorVrtrè, éoid Edwnrd. 'you nrc a girl go)d sense, wi:h uil your iKinseiise - now do'n't you (I knovv yo'i do) iliinkjiist se too? TliMik i-ist so too!- do henr fhe creature!' rppin-d Florence, 'o, sir-, vou cu" speuk u.r yn(irs:lf in this matter, bm I.h.e h-ave to piiler niy prutrst wlnn ynn Kpeok f.jr me ton. 'wru, m.w, wnereis Uiere, cz, tmioiitr uil oiir circl.-, a yomirr {rjrl tli;it hns ñlÃy soit ot piirAfè or ntijéci ni lile tospeak of, nxcept to m:ike h'rs!f ns i riterest in niÃl'oueible as t i)ssibl' - to bu lulrnrred, and ro pis lier time in as imufiïiw owny a sbe can? Wfiere will i-oü lind me betweMi tifie n and tvventy, ihat Ins iiiiy ff-rj .tus n'triinJ Tor tho improvnnent , nnd bost v!fnro of wi.'li wlio'm ftjie conncctfii .it nll. or thnl modihVs hér ëohdiic! in Ui" lea.-t, witli rcfereiu-o to i ? Nuw, ro'ism, in v-ry seiious e;irns", yon i:iV? hImhh as npirii renl rlnructer, a.s iimc.1! earnostnrvs D'l depili of f. lm. uiid -. hhicIl p.ud sm wtièn you c in t al ir as nny ywug hdy .t' Iliein all, nn yot, on jour roicicncp, can' von s.-)_v t'ial ymi üvr vi:li nrïy .-ort (' refcrciicó -o nny body s iriuvi - fir 10 nnv tliinrr bnl V'iir iivn tireir tminopireni and era tilica! i n!" 'What 11 shi.ckinjr iiiijiratio:),' replird tho Ind' , ', loo, t.y tli ee .-i!rv c .ââ,,_ ïiiciii! Wol. l"iiiir so utjare.i, I init ; to itui best. of ny!ity. Aivl rtow. spiinu't.Jy : ntül sà bel v. I i!-m'i s-c as I n'ni sHiish- do al! ihnt I li.ive any ofensión to do, for uvv bodv. Yn know tliat ivp linve sr-rvants to (!.' try t.liiiir tl):it is neci's8nry ubmit the Immi-p, so ifiat the e is do ócc-isiori lor my inafcin' n rlÃs phyof" liOMs--Mf,.rv exetiü. ii'cp, au Tà wni' mi ïnMDina if.-l.o hms n hradac.'.c. and hand papa lus slippers nd m-wspappr, ââ,1 finfj ân(.]ft Joiin s spcciaclcs lor htm iwrnly linieá a (ay, (no smill tinlUïr ihat.) nul ili-n ' ' aftpr al , wliat is the object and ptirpos" Vh - I havii't nnv. I don'i sec how à cm Imve anv - :hut isas I mn inaile. Nw. y.m know; l've none oFlie fisinir, baby teid'inff lit-rb-tea nuikinrr KCoinmoi.d-iMonrt ol' a-iiit Hiiüv. and divpis ptiipp ofihe d iss cominonly cnllfd iiMtiil. Indeel, to teil Uih trnrli, I thtnk vs fui pf-rsoijs air coutino'ly rntbfir fiisy and slupid Tht-y aie jut li'.eilie b m-set and liorphouiiii jiiid r.atni;, neciirv to bc raised n a garden, bul not n the Kast 1' And you rluirminnf yonn ladie.s who phi-' l'bizc in kid .--lipporV utij Firncli dres-es. me ile tnlips a id io-es - veiy fbartniiifr. ân i!e!i{jhiüii, and Wret, but fit" for on earihliut parlor oririnii'n'K.' 'Wcll. parlor oruumi'iirs are pood in tlifir va ,' snid liie yotiiig lady, colorit.jr, and lookinir a Iitlle vt-Xfïd. So you givy up tbp poinN tlien," pub the genileinan, 'Mint i- nj yon rirls .re nrooi tor' - juni lo H:ii-e yo -:r.--fvv, amuse othertj, look pu'liy, nnd bn .ic;rca!)lK .' tw.n ..i -i .i ...en, iiijfj ii we hHwv well tn o'ir pironts, niid aro ntniublp in the fiirrnly- I lon't - Mid yet,' iii.i Plorenoe, pijjjiinjj, 'J havo ofieh snrt .fv-MorHrt (j,.., f)f omotliincr lii.'lier Ifmt vp miflit bocfvrnr- vet pimHv - wlmt moie iIÃ.mi tliis s exoectod üïii wlutt clse can we duf 'I nsff] t ron] in nl.l fistiione,] novéis, i botii !,ifl!(s visi:inr the sick nn'd the poor,' replied K'lwiin!. 'Vou rroieiñbér Coelebs in en oh of a WifeT Ves, trulv; thnt ; to siy, T remembor the ! story, pjirt of it, nnd t!e IiÃvh f-ceiifs; hut na j ! t'or nll thosf ovorlnsM tij cmiversatians nf Dr. ! R.'rlow, Mr. Stanley, and nobudy know's who ' clso I skipped thote of courec. Dut rcal1ytihis visitiug nml tending the poor, umi al] that seems icry well in a story, where the lady goes uno n picliuc.-que co'tage half ovr erown wnh horwyouckle, and finds an emacinted. but sull lieaiititul wommi.siltin propped up by pdhiws. But ome ;o the dowhriffbt iimttiT offüct of poking a!uut in nll ihse vile. dirty nlieys, and entering linleciark roonii.amid iroops nf griñtúñg chiWren nnd mittting codfish nnd onions, nnd nobody knows what- dear me iny hcnovoience alwavs evapornted befare I gèl thrDiigh. I'd rnther pay anybody fiv (UyInrs a duy to do it for me thon to do it mye]f. T!:p fact if, à hayo neiiher funcy nor nerves Tor tlns kind of th ng.1 'Well, graniiiiir, then,that yon cando noth injr for y.,ur fellow cre;ittires unle.-s yon are to do it in the most gen-pel, com'oriablc nnd picMire-que m inner possiblo, in ihere not a steat field for a wornnn likeyoii, Fiorrnc-e, in youi influenre overymir associaie.-? With yur tnlents for conversntion, yonr tact nnd selfpossession, and ludy-like {rift of pnyin? any thine ynu choose, nro yon not responstble, in 5 ome wise, for the influeiice yon f-xert over tlio-ehy wioin you are snrrotmderl? I never tliought of it.' replied Fl-.rcnce. 'N.ow yoti the remarks that Mr. Forte q .e mide, the other evcning, on the religión., services at church! 'Yes, I do; and I thuught then he was too bad.' 'And I do not mippose thore was one of you lidies in th room that did not think s . too; but yft thfà mitter was nll pass d over with pm lei, and with not a single insmuation that he Imd s;id any ihing unpleas-ing or disagree able.' 'Well, what conld wc do? One does not want to be rnde, you kiiow.' Do!- could you not, Florence, you who have a Iways taken the leod in society', and who iv been noted foralways being ablc to sav and do what you please - conld you not have sliown him that these remarks were unpléannff to you as dmdedly as y.iu certamlv would have done if thcy had related to the character of your father or brother? To mv mind, a womnnof true innni feehng sliould feel herse!J' :is innch iiulred whrti her religión is treiter! with con'empt asifihe centempt were sliown to h.-rself. Do you not know the j ower wlüch is givp to yóu Women to au-p and restmin ns in your pre?ence, and to guard the sneredness of lliings which ymi treut ns ho!v? Bulieye m?, Florenre, that Fortesqne, infid cl a ho in, would reverence a wnman with whom ho dareil pottriflle on saerod Wibjocte.' Florenc-e rose from horsent with a heiglitened color, lier dark eyes brightening ihrough te:rs.â i iim sure wnnt yon say Ãs jnst, cousin, nnri yet Iluivonevwr thoucrht ot'it bofore. [ will - I mu detennined to begin, ifter tliis, to live ! witii so ne better nurpose than I have done.' 'Ana let me teil yon, Florence, startinjr riew course, as in lomnin lo waÃjc, taknr ilie h'rst step is ovory Ãi'mg. Now, I liuve afirat sÃep lo propose to yon.' 'WVII, COU.nilI - ' 'Vel, yon know, I stippop, thnt nmonu yonr trun of adorers you mirnber Colonel El" lii.l?' Florence .mtlod. 'And perh;ips you do nof know, wlint is certip.nlv iruc, ih-it iimorifT tli(; ,nost diseernmà nnd rool p.irà of his frieñds, KUiot is coiisidered 'is n lust rriTin .' 'Good iieavens! Edward, whtxl do yon I rnenn?' 'Simply ti i?, tl;it wi'li 1! lii? br.llinnt tnloii?s. his imiiablo ihkà irÃ-'iieroiis feeiiii}s, and liis success !i socieiy Küi t hns nt Ã-eTf contril t-noiiiÃli to urevcnt his becomnf coiifirnied in nif-mppr.iie liol)its.' 'I tiever Ã?.:ft.iiiitÃd oà i his,' repliod Florence, -'I w thÃ't he w:ts pr:el nnd ïrec, fond of mi ii-t.y, :md â¦'xci'abie, but never su.-pected anv XU'uig bevond.' 'KNio' lias lüct enoiii!) neyerfo npprar in 1 (ios" s(K-ÃPtv when be is not in n fit state for 1 1, replied Edwnrd; 'but yet it is so.' 'But is lie leafly so !kk'?' Uc stuud.- just on tliü vcre, FIr)rfincf whpre a wurd fi'ly sp.ik-ii mijrlit turn hi.m. He Ãp n no!U crc.-iture, fiill bf aJl sorts f line impulsos nnd IceiiiL'.S tiionly son of n ni'ithe' vvim dn-Vf onhim, the Idolizéd brothéi (it'aiatera who love hirn as voü love yonr biotln'rs, KlornncÃ1: mi he tünnci- where u word, n lo-'k- so t.hey bpoftlie right kind- might su ve ti un .' And wfiv, then, do yon not speak to hm?' tà ii FItpiii-p. 'IJeCitnse I :im not iho best oerson, - FlorénctÃ; TtÃPte is nnother who cotill d it better - â nu wlnim he adinircf!, who stnnds in n po. siti ni wlÃicli vv.mld lorhid his fe.liop augry n persim. cou-in, I liave hejird in uvei nioments sny, that slie knew fin'w to suv anv thitj she pleased, vi:h..ut ofTetiding uiiy body.'HJ, Ivlward! 8ll Florpncf, cojorinw, 'do not liriïiir iip my fiinüsh speerhe-; arninst uio and do not spèiife ns if I onht lointe-Tere m tliis mnttr, lor ndeod cairnot do it. I ne_vp.r coiild in the wurld: I mi certu'in I coiil.l not.' 'Andso,' unid Edwnrd, yon whoiu I have har.l Hay so inanv ihinffs wliicn no or.e else co ild s:iy, ur d .ie o say, y.m, vv f i . Iptvo gone I on wit h sucli iMiiirhinpr ownimncè in yonr nwn i po.vprs (t')lo;isnr, .hriok (rom tfyi.ig lint ptm'èrwhen u n--l)le nnd {ronftrous lieurt mijrht bo snvpd by it. Yon Imve heen WilJfnp to venture n rre--it deal lor s;ik. of ;iiiiusmà your soit' uvi wiñÃiiñg admiraUun, hut yon dTue not i Kiy a word for any mjyfi or imhie pnrposc. I).t yon nut se;? how yon confirm -liat I taid ol'lhe teifislitio.-s oÃ' yo'intr woiupii?' 'JJut yoi tr.ti.-,t rom-in r, Kdward, thia is n tmi'cr of g eai ?ël!c.icy.' ;Tfiát word (Iflicary s n charmhig cover all, in nll tlip.-e fa-e.-=, Flnrrnre. Now, lieie is a I fnip. iiotde-spiriteil younir mnn, uway fmtn his Tnoiher and si.erÃ,!ivay Iroin nll faniÃly fnonds who tni:lÃt care for liim, ienipted, heÃmytd, alniost to min, and n few words Trom von, raid ns a 'vcinan knows fiow to hay tÃiem, niij.'ht bu his favalÃtÃn. But yñg will look coolly on aid go to Ãlo.trnction, von i liue too mnch dtUcaty lo imketlie effrf, like t.,c miin ÃMtt woidd not lidp liis nciglihor ont nfdip water bornnsc lie liad never iiad iho lioivr o' nn nlroihiciioti.' 'Bnt R Iward. considor how pecnliark fas!i i dkiux Elliot is - how jratoúfl ofany attcmpt to j rest rain nnd gtride h'iin.' 'And jn8t for Ãha' reason it is tlint mm of ' his ncqnninlnncc can do Mothirig w-itli hun. Bnt vvhat are yow wonjen uiadc witli sr rotichIncr and power of chnrmiiij; tor, if t s not ló do tho6e vory thin#6that we men cannot do? If is a delicate matter - true; anJ hus noi Heaven given tcyrou a fine touch ond a nico rye forjist snoh dHicate mattert? Have yon not seen, a thotisaiid tirnes, that what mijh be resentod, as nn iinpertinent intttrlerence on tlie part of a, comea to us a flatter nr expression of interest, fronJ the lpof a worñan?' Well, btit rou.-in, what would you have me do? how would you have me lu'do iiT saii Florence earnestlv. Yuu kuow thut Fashion, who ninkes so mnny wronr turns, nnd eo mmy absurd one.--, has at lenst mnde one right one, and it is now a fashiunable tliinnr to sipn the temperance pledye. Elliot himselt would be phid to do it, bu' he foolidhly commilted liims.'lf agiiinst it in the outs"t, a:id now he feela bound'to stand to hie opinión. He ha?, too, been ratlior rude ly assailed uy nomo of' the aposiW of the new state of tiiinjfs, who did not undcrstnnd the peculiar poinls of hls cliaracser; in short, I ani aflVniii that lic will feel bouod 10 o to de strurtion fot Ãhe sake et" snpporting his own opinión. Now, if 1 should uuderinkc with him. he might offer to ghoot m?; hut i hardly tJiink thore is any thintr of the sort to apptehrnd in yonrcnt-e. Just try your enchnntmelus: yon have bewisehed wise :nen inicdoing silly thinijs, bnfore nw; try, now, if yon cnn't hewitch a ibulish man into doinr a wise thii-e.' Florence stnilrd archly, but instantly grew mom ilioii}rhtful. 'VVell, consin,' shesaid, 'T will try. Thongh I ihink you are rather lüieral in your ascriptïöna of power, yet I can put the nutter to the test of experiment.' (Toba continnrd.)
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