Wheat Trade Through Canada

1 hml m [lic best ïnlormed quirtcrs hcre. fi fixcd heliel that thn wlient trade hetween the North-Western Staica und Englnnd, rit the St Lawrence river, is unquestibnably nlout 10 he rendered Ifiiritirnate; ut n mere'y nominnl rato of duty. That is. the import:tton of Amcriran wheat nto Cnnndn. will bc ullowed nt (jxcd du ly ofthree shülings per qit-trter. or ninn cpihs por bu8hel. and then t will he ndmiued in England as Conndi'in whcit. nt-pfte shilling por qanricr. or three cents a bnslie!. This will be a reni ndvnntnge lo the Nonh-Weat - it will makc n nmrket lor nll the whrnt the.y can mise. It will nlso benefit Cnnnda first by the duty; spcoikIIv. by the tollson the Canadinn canuls; thirdly, !y concentrnting the flour trnde tliere; and fourthly, by the immense fnc-ility it will give to a Ãipu,e: gling trade in Brifiïh eoods. all nlon? our Nor tlip-n frontier. It wiü sreitlv. vitnlly injnre the Atlnn'ip Smtcs - especilly New Ymk. nnd Poitn syKanin - rust. by cutiiii!; oÃT iheir hopes nf paying tor their pul!ic works by the tolls on wcs. tRrn whent. nnd on i!:e rciurn aoo:!.: eccondTy. by divertinrr the ttaiie of the NoriliWest awly froiri New York nn'l Jfhiindelplikg and ihlrrlly. by ciitiing nsun'icr. thu bon-i ofcominon interest which now binds these Stnies to Nor:h-Wesi. - It will nlso benefit tne Britfsh shippiñg intercsi, nt the expense ofonr own. becanse thcy wi'l mo nopolize ihf freieht ol tlns immense profluct. - In short, tliis willhe n minster stroke of British poiicy. to relieve her ow'n piWir. without a direct and open affront to the lÃiñ led interest, and fo cx'end her own shippin'j. and buihl up lier own oolony. nnd open a market for her gooci.a, with tho leasf p'ossiblè advnn'tnge to na. and with the efTect ofsnvering the interes's of two powérfiil soctions of the eonferjerary. nnd so far weakeninrr the concenirated energy of the Unioa.
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