Elements Of Political Economy

Bij FrancisWaylavd. Boston : Goulil, Kendall & Lyon. Fourili Ediiion. siereotyped. Tliis is onc of the est woiks upon Politicnl Economy thnt has ever nppenrei!. Il is the production of one of the first ninda of the ag%. The style is concise and nccutatc, without the least appnrem attempt nt clegnnce. The v.-ork is. in fact. a complete text book of the scicncc, and. to be fully nppftciaied, must not ooly bo read. but studiid. Jt is mucli to he wished timt he great truths of the Science could be more generally diffused. Ttopensto the intelligent and thinking mind an entirely ncw field of investigation. No gentlrmin or lady who t'inkf, can fail to proÃit Ãiy n perusal of tliia work. A knowledgc of this subject wonld be cspecially useful to our legislators, many of whomr we presume, are not very familiar wlth its tno-mentous trutlis. But wc onnnot recommend it to the mere superficial render, whose only olj et U amusement. S.'ch wit! throw t away wiih disfrust. Jt is for snle at the University Bo k Store.
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