Foreign News

The htest arrivnl from Europa Drings accounis of the truubles in Suaiu, md the bom baröment of Baiceloña. Londun, December 15. - Our ntelligence fiom liarcdom is tu ilie 5 1) -iiötufl , inclusivo. The bomburdmont commciiced at 11 o":iock in the morning of liie Sd, aud conlinued wiiii out iuierruptiun until lL-at nght. 817 p;ojeclile- we re throwri imu the city vyitii dreadiil effect. Arter Uit; hriii had cèasuu, ütii. Van Halen summoncd lin; city tu 6urreiider, and aliuwed tiie ititliuruies six hours lu disnrm tlie Ãroe coi ps. whu stili ho!d out, i.iul th eaienvd ui cas uf noi com resum i tde boutbard ment. The uulluiriiie callea n nieeti'ig of the ñócibÃt ÃnhÃi iTÃh á', tiixl, nided by n ci Ãijiderabie portian nf lÃie (opiilation, succeeded m dnrming tlm insuri ents. '1 Jiey then opened the üaÃcj, and lÃeneral Van HhIen and the troops ninde their sntiy iiu the city aboi tlite o clock in the afternoon uf tlie 41 J). Tel.gruphic Despalch. - Perpignan December 9. - "Yesterday tho shops were closed ot Bircoloiia. No officer.s being to be fnund, 200 soldiers or militiainen have tieeu nriébted, of w{ioii) severhl h ive beñ ájready sliot "The Formidable had been towc-d off fiom Barcelona by the Uyclop.--, accompanied by an Enjilish frÃcate. "The Gassondi 'liich left Barcelona, yesterdny, touched at Purt VendÃes with dUpatchcs, andLt military passen-jers.'" The Affghm Prisoncrs. - The resto red prisonera aro all in the higheat health, and aio ! said to look üke fresh people from England; ' tho fresh nir and exercie of ihe moimtams appearinjr to havo bonerktod them inoie laan the want of the lnxuries of India injnred thein. - The total number iucluding naives, which has j been reiovvrcd omourits lo upwards of 2UU0. Of these 130 are Europo.ins, 3Ã7 Ãepnys found at (ihuz'iee, ar.d 1200 sick and wotnulei', who wene beirniÃr at Cabul. Tlie smaHness of the number of tho ekeet"ilb discovered n tlie passe leails, to the belief tliat the aiinihilatiou of the army was loss complele than vas for a Jonjr time univcrsally supp.ised.AJiied tlutyon CuÃn. - It aj,peirs tliat her Mnji?siy s niiiiislers ore at Jengtli convinced of the nrcesÃ-'ily ofndopting n fixrd dot}' on curn, os the new liding scalc IÃhs worked sonnsutisfnclorilly fnr the public inie eMs. Wa ure informed that tlie schfine undcr con-idera!ion, and whicb wi!l prob:ibly üe subrnit:e:l ti the approval of Parl'ument, wit!) ceriain tuodification, is as foljows; ïn tbo beu'iiïnwg, to If-vy one uniform rate of diity of 12s per qnarU-r 011 wlieat. imporlcd from all foreiÃri conntries nol liritivlj posset?s:os; butnrterward t How the lixecutive to reduce the duty .no hnlf - 10 6s per qnartcr - in impurtr! froni tljose c nntries wliich may cl iiin the inriulgence a.scompcnBaÃion for ions nmde 10 us, or for currespoH'ling reducions in their duties levjcd tipon Bnti-li inQiiijf'acïurcs. ISnltfd Provisions. - By nn official note frorn the Privy Council of Tiade it Iks been onriounced, tbat the ham-1 dried nnd smoked in IC:inad;i from American snlted pork vvoi.ld be subjecteü only to the same duy as hotns of Cai'ditinn nrcdnco, riimèly, Ss Gil por cwt. Tiiis wül lend st 11 furllter to reduce the price of solterf provi.-ions. Litera ry and Typographicnl Qrnoiiïg. Wh havo nuw before us tlie Pjnily HÃnj1à of iisefnl in i orina t ion and amusement f.-r the million, pubiislied i London on Saturd.iv, "the fir6t specimen of a pnblicaiif.n proflucd entirnly by mncl)ii)f;rv_typcs, ink. aprr an.i printiuir " 'l'ne lypes were set up by Young a P'.ient Compo.-ing iNfnohine, to which frequont allüsion lias been tntde in our enlimin. The p:per. rqunl in éiietn four papes of The Albion, wyssf't u) by iwo young perrons (tem.iles n dmb!) 'in the mime spare ofiime as would have requued tlie ex(rt..n iffivo pkillful men by the ordinary tnctli'c!." It is a liundsome publicatioti. and is nt rincè n Jiterary ond typi'trrapiiicnl ctirio.ny. VVhat the :omposi uis c;']i Thelnfemiil Mnchiiip" is nmv in jirncÃicl nnd recular operaiion, and i's efTect suen in the ov price of tjie Hernld vvljjf h is pold for a prnny. Thr Fopt - ParÃs, Londnn nnd Liverpool have il! been visiied by vmy iftick fo'i dnrinor the luüt wefk. In London t has bern ncessary to bnrn gns at noon dnv. In Frunce th( feiepraplis have been imïible to woik forieveral daye; and on Saturdav it was so tliick at. the moth nftlie Merfey 'that the pilots conld hatdiv fi;id Ihe entrañen.
Signal of Liberty
Old News