General Intelligence

YVhile a Virgininn préposés lbot the ponth sbould refu.-e t pay nny debts tr the noriij, ( no nrw thing ly the w.-iy ) Ilic Govrnor o!" Missouri; n his 1 Ie ines.-nge, próposes tlmt n law bliuiild be pnssori, lo imprison in the pe;iUcniiiryfbr lile, snch uorthcners ns aid r assist in the escape f fugitive slavus. TiVy will noed nrffe prisons in Missouri, to effect tliia object; Tor at ihe least cnlcúlaJioh, two t'u'rdri of Npw Englmd would he liablc to Ihe penalty, m-l ino-e tlian hnlf'of the "Hier (ree sïaies. We wmilil inore ver, recomiiifiui the Governor ol Missouri to road Mr.1. Glas 's rpceipt br cooking fiáh; it begius, First culch a lish.'' Does tic suppuse thnt the fp.e slats Inve no Iftws to,)ritPCt their citizcns? DeslÃe opprehen3 Uiat the pnSsagekifo sontliprn law c;m rer nvikt; tt ciitninal to reel the h'riry, clothe t.l.e .imked, and hide ihii ouica.-t? - 'utional Jl. 6'. Standard. The excess of expendifure over rcvonuG fr mail servires in tin? slnvn s!:i!es=. fir the yftnr endino June S0li lÃ4l. wns $576.727 10, nuri liinngli tliis deficioncy w:us quiie sis ret liie past i?.il the Nrth lia? lo pay tnX ofolxiut Ifj00,000 animnlly. to support the Southern brafeh of !he Department. Let tlic North lerneinher this! Trnvellers niny now lenve Portland (Me.) n the morning, diae and do business, in Boston, and be in New York before breakfast the next motnin. Distancc SL5 inile?, 25 ïours. The Somers multny Case.- The Washngtnn correspondent of the New Vork Morn'ng- Post. writes of the expected Couri. Mar ial - "Tiie Court will eonsit of ten posl-cap ains and thrce ]ieutenan!t?. Captain Biddle vill probablv preside, and it is said that Mr. Winder, of Baltimore, has been selected ns udae advocate.' Commodore Dallas liad eached Vyshingïon, The Report of the Cotirt of Irquiry was uil'lefstöf'fl. to be faorabie to Couiniunder Alac-kenzie. itOiir LeL'ilatnre has been rfnxious to vike üinne ch;i:ige in renard to the liuvr.--. iVe oommend to r hei r domci? n prou.-i ign vhirrh has jusl been introdiicod itno tlie Conrei-s of 'JVx;is. Ir. is pripn&ed there timi wo laivyejs only shall bf. lloved lo practire ïonch cifuúty, and tnnt tlwe shall be elccecÃJy the people. - Jidvcrtiser.Mexico. - Advices have been roceived ot New Orl.;;ms from Mt-xico to tbe 24th o! Dcrember, by wéy of IJavannah. Anothrr movvmrat of a iryhly importan! chanic!er iim! jnst been nndi; in the polÃtica! tnaticrb of'tlie Repulilic Bya nrarly sinmltaneousni'ivenient ll;rourhout the country; the nrmy fviddedared pLninst the new Poderal C-'nsÃitntion, recently [ronnilff.ited bv, ihen in session, and ni favor of Santa Annn. The Itevoltition was a very ow riaêd affSir, nnd '.vasaccompiished without violence or disorder. Congress beiii"without n part}', nnd destitute of rnenns, vn.s wholly unable to miimain its juithniity. - The members, therelirre, issned n innnifesto and quifMly disporsed. Forly of Uip mo-i respei-tnblo citizens of the Rcpub'ic h.idalrea(!y lieon sHectetl to drnf' n mw Ctn.ti tution, which waf= to lie submilled lo Snmn Anna nnd his minister. In tlie rneatitime, S:intn Anna rema ins invested witn power at all events forsix months to come. Relirfin Missouri. - The reüef bilà which otiginated in the Senatc, hns pased the Uous.e by a vote of 74 to 13. It. is now a ]aw, nnd 'vs effect vvill be io Mispend the collecüon ot' debts for n year. Tlie Hout;e had previonsïy passed a bül authorizinnrappeals from decisión of jns'.ice.", without requirin j afficlivirs fmm defendants - which renders the operation of the s'op laws complete. Lnterestio Law Case. - Tlie owners in itichmnnd, of Ihe Creóle slaven, sired th New Orleans insurnnce officers. fur the aiTiount of the inturaiice 20,000, and have recovered 318,400. Extensión of tkc Tiipht of Svffrage. - Rv n dpciAion ot the Court in B'ink, at i's late sittmj.' in ihis citv it luis boen bdtled thnt ppri-ons of mixed blood, in whii;h tiie whito predominat't, ar? volers niuJci our Constitnlion. Tliis decisión must have the eflrci to m;ike voters ff a clüss of ppr.ons vvhó linve never beiore oxerciaèd the eiective franchise. - Ohio Stule Jouninl. Polititsin ihe P,ltï - Tlie Rcv. Dr. Sp-inc ofthP Bnek Church, inurica eplendirl germ.'n oii 'rhaiikègivina ngñmét the doctrine of repuli liqn. JIis opimons of tlie nuwspepur pfeasniiri liiernuire of iliis country, wcre pretty imieh likc ilioso id l found in ihe (mioua Furciiin Qunr icrly Itcview, or Dickens"s Notes - .V. 1'. Paper. if rppudirition is sin. tlicn it i? right fo prench nninst it in Nw York. notwiihsmnding the sin exists .twny ( ffin Mississippi. Let SI ivery hr jarfgi-fl by the ;.tme rnlc. - Emmfipotor.Important f 'om Tacas - By au arrtYtfl from Gilve0t.11. at New OrJeans. with Texas papers 10 the 3d inst. it appcars the Texan iorces undei Gen. Sotnerville, c.iptured the Mexicun tówt 01 Liredo on the öili o!' December, wiih a forcé ol kiween scven :nid eijjU't hundied. The Mexican troops lelt the phec withoui firijig n gun. Alter tuVrnsj ihe lown, n few ol' ih; Te.xaiis crossci the Kio Grande, nnd plantod the lone Star on the west bank. ün the tentli uit. the army nuiiihering (rom Ãour '.o live hundied crossed the Rio Grande and look up liic line oà mnrcli lor Guerrero, a townsixty mües bèlQW Laredo. The greru TempÃ.k- ihc Oi;:cgn of all terrestria! ihings. is now in rnpid proross in Uoward in this city, and wiil prubably l'f fitnslied a!)out.ilie first of Februaiy nc.t. The wallsure :o be hu:lt of hrick, tilteen feet hiyli, ubpvo whicli is to ben roof running u a point in the centre ike a circus leut. thirty frvé ieet hiirh The building will probuhly accom'rnd.ite 8um live or eiht ihouaund persen?. 'Die walls are near!y conitlete. Tbey are veryjight, nnd.sejreral ninsDiis sty ennnot possib'y sust.tni tliu immense roof wliien wil! rest upón them. TInwork naturally attracts ureat crowds of spectators, ntid is the ubject of no linie tnlk and wond iment. Several zealous Millcri-cs. who li.-ive givon up all business and devqted ihemselves to the cause: are tiusdy cnngètl in shoveling havcl !ree gratis on the insid'; of the Tempre, which is yet exceedingly roiigh and uneven, nnd nveU nuieh levetling. A ground le-isc of tho lot has heen taken lof fificen nioiuhs. go as to ive amI!c ftilfilnient of Miller's propliccy. Several applicniions h ive been made t. ihe cuy LovernmtM)t, to prevent the opening ol this neweptfihlishnient. but our woit'uy lailicrs have wiscly deiermined that every npin must be leu to worslnn God nccordingtp llie dÃctales of his consoience. uniil he interfcres with the public jieace. - Boston Muil. ITTlie NTew Orlcans Picnyune of the Sth instinf nnnounccd ihat the new Americnn Tlieatrc in that ci'y wis to bc eloséd on the 14th. for wam oà suport: and far lu r. that Mr. J.imcs IJ. Cald wel!, the Manager, hns dVterinined to withdrnw alioueihor from ihe thontrica! orofession. MMri Caldwell assign. ;:sa rensoii for tnking this stej), ihat the drana hos susiained a shock, col only in ibis coun:iy, hut in Kuropi.-. from which il recovrr in a cériefatión. He thcref.ire tooks tu f&.e oiher fielri ofemerprize by which to sust.iin h.a Tomines. Me annoui:ces that sincc the opening of lus new thenire. the Joss has -xcecd.-d i.)Ã)) p. r night; and ho lar h :r states the nstonndina (act that ?iiire the compietion of the St. Ch; .r'es Ihfntieon the3)tli Nov. 1335. to its cinflaèration on lUeiiiHi Match, 1'4'J, lic inenrred hsses in su póitifig it to the arnount of SlOO.OüÃÃ."Jroslages - I lie Journnl of Commorce snys: We .ne gtyá to lenrn t Ji-it the cotnultatipná ut Washington liavc resul tcd n ñxing the highest rate of postage upuij a single letter at ten cents. Ãn 'he NTcv H.impsliire legisla Ãn re, a fcw days sÃlice, an air.endnient lo tlie Hiiliüa bilà v as adopted by a largj nrijority, foibidding C'áptáins of coirpanies to furniah, djrrcily or incürectly, intoxico! i:ig drinks lo the soJoiers under their commuiid, under ths penalty of $10. The Pos; Office- The Free States nre tnxeJ more ihan $5iil).ü M) evejy yenr, in ilie ?os ofnee Deparimenn alone, lor the ben'cni nir.l un ihe aculiht ol the ijreat system of pauperism and crime, whiclj ottr Southern brethren are so deturmined id cherjsh. Every man when he paya for n letieror news paper, is payivg tixes tu vpholil Slucenj ! He iá iuxi'.il nenily iwi-niy-five per cent, un id I lus ininily nnd bus'ness córr.espon((éÃ)cof and liis p'eijodical lite.rature, to su-tain y!iot VVt-sley cniled Mlie vilt-si glnyery iliat ever snw ti.c slu," aiiél ihese (nxes Ãireeonstnnt. while slavery endures. - No man can help pnying his Bháta. - Albany PutrL t. An anli-abmilion soc;eiy, formsc) in Cin cinnnti a year Dgo or rñft'rp, finj died, and it orpnn failtd fnr want o' support. I's edito sa id tliut he had lest more ijiin Uyo lÃmiiÃ-.-mà ilollarp, bj' liis s'ave holding siibscribers wirhin a lew nvwihs after liis pt:cr cuÃn ini'iiopd. And finálly lic had to cwise pub lishiiiij thf hcnrrilons lliinir. Several of tii napers of this state reftiïfd to exchanyn w'it! â in), and no body seemed lo care nnv tliine t'r
Signal of Liberty
Old News