Ann Arbor Paper Mill

The propiietor of tliis establishment is nou prcpared lo invite to it the aiienlion of the busi nes.= commnnity. Hia Mili t.ns been reremly fïtted up by ilic nd luion of mproved. md veVy expènsive machine rv. cqnal il" not superior, to nny Ãn ih; Westen c uniry. Hefli'ieis hiniself thnt he can nou â nanulacturri pnper to the rntire sntisfnetion of'his cuploniors. biilh :is to quniity inii pricc. Prnriilel u'wvs ilint ho ge$ s;nis'actnry returns in Itif vvty oà ' pay nent: which lie has become nisfiet is n very esáomia! poin: in ihe paper mnkii g busi no8S. Mis pnpcr is of a kind iV wiil woik ensy npon â ypP8 set to nlmost my creed or principie, repu ii nion ddctrines nlw.-ivs exceprod. The grent e.penf; nnd tronils. to whrch lif na? bppn sniijert tn act up a respectnhle pnpn manufantory within this Stnte: isan argiiinont tba ipplies itsi-ll stronsly to the sincerity. nqijiotjsn nd enorosiiy.ol iho pro'e.Ãpd fÃifrtdiuf "floiÃn fndiisiry" nnd 'Domestir Mn.-iufnciiires." ns wc! is t. ;ill wlio ;ire disiose(i to cticoiirao-e manulnc mring ent'ÃrpriÃsfi wi'lün our infant Sintp. He asks (ijr ihe pntronnee oT the jtjijtfg por tinn of the com'iriniy. bnt upon n nfher jirinci plc thnn that of equal riglits. and rcr-irjroonl ad vantagc. C. N. ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, Jnn. 9, 1843. 3w-39
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