Classified Ad

WOOL., Flour, Gr..é Scel. Rnrter, Clu-esc. Pork, &c. wamcrl: also. BfrtCk S.ilis nnfi Ashes. F. DKNISON. Sept. -24. Id42. ,(23 CIA VfÃWS JÃMÃIV AR Y. SPRING TERM. TUK smli rciriilnr term of 12 weeks 11 comrueuce ón Mondiy. February (, Id4:j. TUITrON. Fof-cómmon Enlish brunches, 3 00 Kor liilii-st F!ngtièh biancl'cs, 4 ii() For L;uin and Grcek. 5 üO Board, incliiding Room, Furniïure, and fVohing. at $1 '25. Tuition to iic poiid in adv.inco. Lidies and gcntle.ucn IVdih nlirond wil! be rcqüireil to presejit n cprtific.-ne of good móra diameter; and ly a 8'ar)(jin rulo oÃ' Ue Sontioti ry. no tcli')iir wio "petsists in ihe usc ol ')r,) fniie or oljs'-cne Inngingc." is nllawed to cwninU' his cunuection iihus. 'Hr.s rule, wnh : mi.nher t others. have been adopied by u vu'.e oilic school. Tlic English text b;)'ks jhat are adoptcd are 4renerally sirch :is nre in upo in llic liest Acudemies nnd Higli Schools. The ètnssical are such as are rcquiicd for BlImiëSion to Colleft Co)iideralle hns ?)pen done to furriish mnnml lafior lijr thosc 4to svish, in this way, to pav fu; ji pari or nll of tlieir honrd. Students on entci at nny timr during the lernT, 'hougfi i: is rmich tu tlieiï auvant.i;c lo enter rit iho bot'it)nin. GKO. W. HA NC 110 KT. Preceptor. MUS. BANCROFT, Prvep'rcss. Cünton, Jan. 85, If 13. 41-tfcA'N AIS KOK STEAM FOUNDRY. (ATEAR THE RAIL ROAD DEPÃt.J PARTRtpGÃS, KK.T& 00. havétfrccted mui put in operaiiou a I'o .mini. and ore nów preparcd u inniisli order most kinds of' Cnstin's lor Milla, or othcr Mnchinery. Sugar and Cnnldron Kcit'es. Potnah Cfölèr, most kinds of Hoil.iw Ware. Sleigh Shora. Ftrc Dos, Wty on and BugL'y Efo.vts, Plouylis ;i;ui Pluugh Castingsof the variui.s kinds used in ilr.s Srnte. nnd tlic most approved patterns ussd Ãn Ohio, ail tif wluch they rcspcciiully inviiu the Public t-i examine. Tlu'y nre p rep red to furntsh Farmers and others wi:h PLOUGHS as èariy in (hè son as they may bc wad'ed ior use. nnd vviiich , will bc gooik Ail Crstmgs innóu by iliem will bc sold'CHCAP. stvd U RKADY PAY onlv. JOB WO1K, RON TURMNG AND FINISHING done to urdr, ;md on slion notie?, at the Mwchino Sh.ip of il. ft R. PARTUIDGKS & CO . nest door to the Papar Mtll. First Arrival Ii 1843. In conncr.nn wiiii the Fountliy nnd Machino Shop, IIARRIS. PAR'i'llinGKS &- CO. have just upened n wrell seiecied sock ot NEW GOODSà such r.9 Iliond Clothi, Shcetins, Morinos. Satitieti8. Shiniiiijs, IVInslin du Lains B-over Cloths, Cunileto, ShnHvls, KentucUy Jeans. Flan huls, Cjiüccs, Al.ipnca. I'.x.ipA: Slmcs. Cal! Skins. S0LEJ.D UPPER l.EATHER. A good awortïttftnj of Hanlwnré md Gmccries. all ol' whtch will bc &á aa iow ('or Cash, as any other store in Ann Arhor. II. P. & Co. will take in eschanc for Goods, Huis, Pnrk. Lnrd. Buffer, Flux Sead, Tmr.hj S-ed, TnUo:c. 4;on as favorable terms as anv Store hcre or elsewhore. Any qunnttiy of Wil E AT wanted. and ihe highi'st pi ico paid. lauwer Tuwn, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1843. '2-3tn171 S VA Kol Chailes Tuzur, (e of Webster, - m the Ci u ity of Washiennw, deeased. - i )i o undersigned h-ive heen duly appöinted by ihe Hun. G.:o. S;Jyi'ick, .'udgc ot Prob.ue ol the county a'oesii'i. Conün'ssioiier.. o reeeive, examine, a 'j is!, nnd nliuw ihe cl.iims ot ihe cre.litois to kaft!" estáte, whieh is representcd insolvent, and six months are n Ho wed by said judge, .o sii'l Ciciliiors 10 present nu! irove iheir clnims" he'ure s.inl conimissio: c:?, who v i 1 1 mee: lor ilie jufpso .i'orcsnid. at the Inii kept hy jolin Waldn. in ihe village of Dex.t;r.qn t'io (iisi Mondiivs of March nnd April, nnd at iht' 'Iweilin house of Siephrn C;;svcll in p-iid Webster, mi the 2iiu (!ay of June nex:, nt 1 o'ciocl;, P. M. on each d.iy rospr-fü.u!. MUN.VIS KRN'NY, ) JOHX ALhfiY, SCom'rs. JAMF.S 15 ALL, Jr. ) Webstar, Dec. 22, Iöi-2. YPrilLANi'I AOADt.Mà AND Teaihrs Seminary. TÃIE tentïi term of this Insiitution will romnirnce on Monday; Ftb. 527, and contÃniÃe 1 1 weoks. fl:ivinw proenred ih assistnnce of two compelent nnd suceissful Tcacheis. the principal is prepared ti) give a ihorough Knlish and ('IssiÃicai educatinn. Me vi)l devoic his wbole attention to ihe Enirlish departnien as lu'retolbrc. Fiom O to 3.) minutes is daily deeupied by the principal in lecturinar. with the wd of the apparatus end !;iiiiera!s: or oiherwise. áp-paralus. - The Insti'.ution is furnishe'! with Chomicnlj Phüosophiciil. and Astronomical ap pnratns. Survoyin Instruments. Geonnirical solâ is. &c. to the amonnt of #300; also, n good Cif'inp: ol Minernla worth v.u). TiiHui'in the English branelres. from $2 51 to 5T")0 per term: Lntin and Greek,' .3 DO: French. 3.00; Knglisli and Classicnl studiesutiited. fÃ,0Ã) on!y: MrzzötinU) nnd Chinese or Theorem pnintin, 3:üü each for J2 lesjon?, tuncl'.i by Mis. Griflih; The initiop is to be p.iid at the mir1d!e ot tinterm. No Jëducri m Tor absence will be madr, exeppt for pro'racred sickness. nnd no one will be rètsived for less than five and n half WcBtO. BoariJ. inrludiit!? room and washfrtg-. f'orsl.5i) por w(ü!c. For funlier particnlars enquiie OllllB principal. H. FF. GR1FF1N. Principa!. CHAS. WOODRUFF. Teacher of Lf.tin. Greck -"'rd Frencb. M ss C A R ü U . i: A H A M M ON D, A93Ã3'. kil!. Ypsi!a:;ii. Jan. 2G. Kc.'3
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