To Families & Invalids

The foltotrin? indispensablf; fiunily rcmedies may be fonnd nt the villnge drug stores, ! nnd soon at every country store in the state, j Kcmember and nerer get them unless they ! have the fnc-simile signatnre of '%ViC'?Hkrf?Vi on the wrappers, aa all others by the Bame names are base impositions and counterfcita. If tho merchant nearest you has thcm nor, urge him to procuro them at 71 Maiden-lane. the next time he visita New York, or to write for them. Nú family should he a week without these remedies. BALM OF COLUMBIA.FORTHEHAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore it on bald ! places ; and on childrcn make it grow rapidly, or on I thosc who have lost the hair from any cause ALL VERMIN that infest the heada of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it at oncc.i Find thc namc f %feá n [ it, or ntver try it. Remember this always. RHEUMATISM, and fRö positivcly cured, and all shrivelled muscles and limbs are restorcd, in the old or young, by the Ikdijuà Vegetable Ei.rxiR and Nf.rve and Bone Linime.vt - j but nevcr without the name of Comstock &. Co. on jt. ⦠are wholly prevented, or governed f thc attack has come on, if you use the only tnie Hays' LiwMENT.from and every thingr relievcd by it that admi's of an out. ward application. It acts like a charm. Use t. o HORSES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin Wind-Galls, &.c, are cured by Roofs' SrEcinc ; and JFottndered horses entirely cured by Roofa Founder Ointmcnt. Mark this, all horsemen. ⦠Dalley's XYIagical Pain Estractor SalvO.--Thc must extraoidinary remedy ever inventcd for all nevv or oldand sores, and sorr. Ã2jfl3l3 I' has tlelighted â thousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failurc. It will cure the Sj B3tJ5 LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and nso'ful anide never was made. All should' wear them regularly. LI.VS T 12 .71 PER A.à CE BITTERS: on the principie of substituting the tnnic in place of ihe stimulanl principie, which has reformed so many drunkards. To be used with LIN'S [ï J PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing the pyst'em and the humors affect ing the blood, and tor ail irregularilies of the bowela, and the general heulih.wfc r a [Sec Dr. Lin's sig. %D VLi JV nature, thus :] "â -- " ""â "â ""â HEADACHE DR.SPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will cfiectually cure sick headache, eitlier trom tho ÃL 9 â L v5 rsPJ orbilious. Hundrnds of families aro using u with greatjoy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH tor ihe certain prcveniion of Lg5&Sl3Ãi ? or any general sickness ; kecping the stomach in nxst perfeet order, the bowels regular, and a determina i.m to pains in the bones, hoarseness, and B Wi püPq gSia M are quickly curcd by it. Knuw this by tryïng. CORNS. - The Freneli Piaster is a sure cure A '" ' 'IT Mt 'â 7m ir lTjllirLLMJtlJini_j_i_Lii_Mi_ijT - V. " " ' â â "- -"i i i n S hnir any shade you wish, but will not ccior tho skin. SARSAPARILLA. comstock -r com. POÃND EXTRACT. Thero is no other prepara, tion of Sursaparilia thtit can exceed or eqtial this. If you are sure to get Comstock's, you will find it superior to all others. Il does not require puffing. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positive cure for the piles, and nu exiernal ailings - all interna] irritations brought to the surface by friction witli this Ba lm ; - so in coughs, swelled orsorc throat, tightness of the chest, this Bulm applied on a flanncl will relieve and tnre at Fresh wounds pr old sorcR are rapidly curcd by it. 33H JJ.irthoïrmfto's tvill pmvrnt or cure all incipient coriwi'wM'.Vtnj ta'ieii in tune, and ia u ddiglnïui reinuU).. itcmem[)er the name, and get Conutock's. K0LMST0CKyS VSBMIFÃGE & eradicaie all KJySglS 'n children or adul:s with a ceriainty quite osfonishing. It is ihe sainn as that niado by Fahnestock. and sclls .vith a rapidity almost incredibk-, by Comaiock cf Co., New York. TOOTII ÃIR0PS. KLINE'S-cure eflectually. Enmdaecordin; tonrtof Conrcss, in the yfnr 1S42, h Comrlock & Co., in üiuClerk'üotticc: ol'tlic ÃoulIutu District of New Vurk. By applyingr to our agenta in each town and "illage, papers may bo liad free, Bhowing the most ty 'oectabic names in the coisnir' for these facts, 80 tha. io one can fail to beüeve theni. Oy-.e sure you cali for onr nicle, and not be put cff with any stories, that others are as good. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be your inotto-?iti Ãue nevtr can bt trut and geuuint without our namt to tlum. All these articles to be had wholesale and retail only of us. $fl%Sfötfaéc Whole8aI i}n l Maidcn-Lane, New York, aud or om jcnts. Viu. t. .V J Vv. Muyuurd, Aütnt, Ann .rbo' Micii.
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