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GREAT BARGAINS.-R. Bonká rcsp.c!fully mforms the farmers nnd oilicrs visitmg Detroit, that hc still cominucs at his old eland on Woodbndge st., adjoining WardellV block, and keeps on hand a general nssortnicnt ol UEADY MADE CLOTWNG, vhich hc is delcrmmed to sell ckeaper thun Ütt ch&ipcslfor Cash. R. . has just receivcd from the Enst an as eortment of Cloths, C.iasinicres, Satinctls and Vostings, wliich will bc mndc'up to order in fashiouable style at short noticc. _ . CANKS. Delroit, Scpt. 5, 1842. 20-6m NEW GOODS ! 1 FDEiVISON hae just reccived a complete stock of DRY-GOODS. GROCERJES AND CROCKERY, whiph will bc sold very cheap tor moncy or most kinds oí 'produce 1 criptions and prices will bc givcii at (iicStoré.TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscribcr s just in reccipt of a furthcr supply of CJothicr's stock, consisting of MACHINE CÁIWS nf tvc:y tlcscri. fm; ÖL'OTHiER'S JACKS, A7 TIXET1VARP. CARI) CLEÁN8EIÍ8 and PCKEMS, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KIITTUIS. ÜRi:WS. PARSON'S SllEARIXG MAVU IX !■:. EMIIRY. (crtrif sizc,) TEÜTER lioohs, PRESS l'Al'ER. tagetker mh a toril sdccliíl as.-or7u:nl. of Ij VI] WOODSjitul OYE 8TUFFS oi" the very best growih and manulacture. These roods (coming ns thcy do direct from Hrst hands) the suhscriber is cuubled to scll lowerthan any other house west ofxNcwYork, lic tlicreforc solicits the attemioa o( flrnis in the Clöthing business, lo theexarninaiion ofhis stock and piicta bti'urc goiog east or purehasinp clsewherc. 1'IEKKE TELLEU,Threshing Jlf achines. TJIE undeisigned would infürni tbc public Üiat they con:inue to mnnulhcture HnitsK Powkks and Thukshinu Maohinks. two nnd o half mil es trom the village oí' Aun Arbor. on the rail-rond. The llorse Power is a late invention by S. W. Foster. mul is dccidcdly superior to any olher ever oflered to the public, ;is will appear by the statements of Ihosc wlio have used iheni during the last year. It is light in wèrght omlamartfin cómpassj b'eing carried togethor wiili the Thrcsher, in a conimoii waggon box. and drawn with ease by uvo horses. Jt is as lutle liable to break, or et out of repair, as any other ïlorsc Power, and will work as ca5r and thrash ns much witli fuur horses attachcd to it ns any. other power with jiv; horses, as will appear trom the rccomhieiidaiions below. New patterns have been made for the cast Inm, ana additional wcight and strengthapplied wherever it had appcare'd to bc neecssary from one yenr's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a numberof liorse powers were sold last year in the viflage of Ann Arbor which wcre believed by the purchasers to be those invented by S. -VV. Foster. ond that most or all of theni were eithcr made materially different, or altered betore sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subseribers. Such alterations being decidedly detnmenta' to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returncd by the purchasers as unsatisfac torv were of this class. They are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and 'as put in use, as they made it, [has been condeiiincd or Iaid asideas a bad machine. Allwhowish tubuyare invited to examine tliem and to enquire of those who have uscd theni. There will be une for examination at N. ff. WiKfi'.B, Dcrtr.r rUliigr; and one at Marti s Wii.lson's storefiinsc in Drtfoit - both these gentlemen beirig agenls for the sale of them. The pricc will bc L120 fora four liorse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and :}i 130 for a horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to the following reconnnendations. S. W. FOSTER &, CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECOMMEXDA TIONS. This is to certify that we have used one of S W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers foj abont five monihs, and threshed wiih it about 8300 bushels, and believe it is constructed on hetter principies than any other üorsc Power. One of the undersigned has ownetland used eijht diflerent kinds of Horse Powers, and we believe that four horses will thrash as much with ihis Power as firc wifl with any other power with which we arcacquainted. II. CASE, S. G. [VES. Scio, January, 12. 1342. T.;is is to inform the public that I have purchased, and have now in use, one of the Iorse Powers recently invented by S W. koster, made by S. W. Foster, & Co., and iclieve it be constructed upon better priniples, and requires less strength of horses han any other power with which 1 ani acunmted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens. Sept. 8, 1841, This is to inform the public thatl have purhascdoncof the Horse Powcrst recently inentcd by S. W. Foster, and usod it for a numr of months. and believe it is the best power n use, working with less strength of horses han any other power with which I am auqu.iinted, and being small in compass. is sily moved from one place to another. ] bclieve 4 horses will thresh as much with l)is power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power have icen universally approvod of by furniers for rhom I have thrashed. E. S. SxMITH. Scio. April II. 1842. SMUT MACHINES. The subscribers make vcry good SM UT VIACH1NES which they will sell for $00. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who hns had many year's experiencc in tlie milling business. ' We invite hose who wish to buy a good machine for i fair price to buy of na. It is worth as mil :h ns most of the machines that cost from 150 to $:500. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactor y The subscribers have recently put in operation a woollen mnnufnetory for nianufi ctur'ing woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor villairc. on the raüroatl, wheie be ish to manufacture wool in cloth on shares, or for pny by the yard, on reasonable terms. They have employed expericneed workmen and fejl confideut that work will be well done. They therefore respectfully ask a sharc of public patronage, cspecially fromthose who are in favor of home industry. Wool may be left at Scio viílffge. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April IS, 1842. TOPHYSICIANS AND COUNTrF MERCPIANTS. THE subscriber invites the attontion of Phyeicinns and Country Merchants, to liis present stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paintf, Oils, Dye Stufts, Varnish, Brtishcs, ïic. Sic. comprising one of thelargest and fullestassortments brought ío the country. Iu his preseut stock will bc found: 100 oz Snlph. Quiniue, superior Freuch. and Engiish, 20 oz. Sulph. Morpliia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenters WitherilPs Extract Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rlmbarb, 1 Chet Rlmbarb Hoof, 1 bbl. Powdered JaJap, 50 lbs. Calomel, 3 casks Epsom Salts, 15 casks Falland Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Spcrm Candles, 2000 ibs. White Lead, dry and ground, 4 casks Linsced Oil, Dcnlists Instruments and Stock Gold, SilverandTin Foil Plu JFtincutre, Porccain Teelh. A general asortment of Patent Medicines, all of which will be sold on hc most reasonabte terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jeiferson Avenue, sign of the Giit March 13. Mortar, Detroit.TAILUIlfNOf BUSINJCSS ! A M. NOBLE, would respect fully inform -TjL the citizens of Aun Arbor and its vinily. tliat lic Was opened a shop in the Lowr Town, iniincdiatcly over the hite tnerenntile ánd ff Lu tul &. Gibsön, ainf opposite ilie ore of J. lieckley & Co., wlicre hc is prearcd at all times to do work in his line, with promptness, and in a neat 'and iturablc minner. Particular attention will be pava to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usuai priecs, for work done at hisshop. These who have cash to pny for setrices of tlits kind are purtieularly invited totalf. Aan Arbor, April 27, 18 VL üNEW FI.Iy AXO WINTER GOODS. NEW VORK CÍÍEAI' STORE ! ! THE subscnber hns just rcturned from New York wiih the largest and best selccicd as sortmem of DU Y GOUDS. GltOCElUKS, rnocKiinv, boots $ SÏÏQE8, AND VAXKI'j; Mmoxs, ever brought into ihis . markei, purchased previous to tlit; tarifFwhit-h 'will ennble bint to scll for ensh, as eheap as uiy establishment west of Bukfu.o. As we do bu sincss on the Rkady Pa y Sv.stem we wül not i be undersold by any one in tliis mnrket, which ' will bc for the interest of the purchascr and dealer. We would say to the farmers that we Bell goods in proportion to the price of whenj - a busliel of wheat will pinchase as mnny goods at the present !ow prices as it did last fa IL Nüw is the linie far people to buy goods if they want to buy tbem chenp Tlie assortnient consist in part of' the following anieles: BROAOCLOTHS, Pi LOT no. BEAVERdo SATI.NET and CASSIMERE, KENTUCKY JEANS. FULL'D CLOTIIS, FLANNELL. (of all kinds.) . SHEEP'S GREYS. UMBRELLAS. S1LKS. MUSLIN DE LANES. ALAPINES. MERINO TAGLÍ0NE, CASSIMERE SHAWLS, VICTORIA do. VICTORIA c?o. CARLISE do. ROB ROY and BROCUEA. do. BRASS CLOCK, SHEETINGS. IIOSE. SHIRTJNGS. TICKINGS. CRAVATS, TWILLED JEANS, COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLANNELS, GINGHAMS. COTTON BATTING, HDKF'S. DIAPER and Table Cloths. MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,') LADIES DRESS IID'KFS, GLOVES. (of all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. &c. A choiee ussortment or Grocerics. iich ns Teas, Subáis, Molapses. &c. Ac, r.ll of which will be sold at wholesale or retail. Pédlars enn bc stipplicd at this establihnient so low as to astonish them. Thesubscriber dcenis it useless to go into furthcr detail, but asks ihem to coll and kxami.n: for themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, JK42. 3ni75 DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATE1) FEVER AGUE PI LLS.- Purdij VjtgetabU, A safe, speedy. and snre remedy tor (ever and aguc. dum ague, chili fever, and the bilious disensos peculiar to ncw countries. These pulsare dcsigned for thcaíFüctions oftbe livcr and other interna! organs which attend the discases of the ncw and niiasmatic portionsof our country. The proprictor having (ried them in n great variety of cases confidently belioves that they are superior to any rem?dy that hns ever been offetcd to the public for the abovc discases. Itispurely Vegetable and pe;fcctly liarmless, and can be taken by any person, male or feinalc with perfect safety. 'J'hc pills are piepnred in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied with full direclions. A great nuniber of certificates might bc procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter lias thouiíht fit not to insert them, in as niuch as ie depends upon the nierits of the sanie for its reputaiion. The al)ove pill is kept con6tantly on hand by the proprieler and can bc hnd at wholesnle and rctail at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders froïni the country promptly aitended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) MaySth 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY RI VER RAISIM INSTITUTE. THIS lnsiitution is locatod in the town of Raisin, near the north bank of the bcautiful river whose name it bears, one mile east of the direct road from Tecumseh to Adrián. This eligible site haa been selected for il! quiet seclusion. the fertility and clevation of its soil, ils pure and luxilthfulattnosphcre. and pleasontsce'nery. Rooms. - Therc are now on the p-emises suitble rooms lor the accommodation of f'o-rty students; which are denigned to bi occupied for private sludy and lodging. Oiher necfssajy build ing areprovided for recitations ;ind boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition pee Term of eleven weeks, .$.!. 01 Board i% with 4 hours work each week, 7,.r7 Room Rem, yy Incidental, fu Totnl, jg.yr, Thore will be an addition.Tl charge of onp dn] lar for those pursuing the higher brauches as Philosophy, Algebra. Geomctry. Astronomy. &c. For CÍicmistry, Latin, or Greek an additíon oí two dollars wil! be made. Scholars are expeclcd to provide themselves with wliat furniture they will need in their rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and washing - none will hereafter board them selves. Bills to besetltcftin advance. Tlic school is open to all applicants ol Miitnble age and moral character irrespective of complexión or condition.. SJTir, sr.cnml term of this suvuncr will comnicnre Wahits lm. Juli Wli. Il is vcry desirablc that all who design to attend the schooi, should bc on tho ground - have their bilis settled, and their rooms prepnred, beforc the fust ilay of the Term. Any (urther informarion can be obtained at the Institution. by addiessing, post paid. J. S. Dixo.v, Principal, Rnisin. Lenawce Co. Mjch. Raisin, May J9th, 1842. n5- 2m ADMINISTRATORS SALK. PURSUANT to an order of the Judge of Probate, for thecounty of Washieinw, made on the tsventy ihird inst., authorizing :he sale of real estáte of Ellen Wilmot, deceased. I shall solí at auction the estáte, hercinaftcr described at the dwelling house formerly occupied by the suid deceased, in the vülage of Saline, on Thursdoy, the sixtecnih day of February next, at one o'clock in the nfternoon ofihat day, to wit: commencing on ilic south of Henery street ihree chainsand twelvc links east of the north corner, of the Bnplist meeting house lot, and running south fivc chains at right anglesof said street, t heneo east parallel wiihsaid street one chain. thence north lowards ilcnery street, parallel with said first line fivc chains, ihcnce west one chain, to the place ofbeginning; cjntainingone hal1 acre of land, being (he same prcm?ses on whieh the said Ellen Willmot üvcciprevtons to herdcccasc. ISRAEL WILLIAMS, Administrator. Dated Saline. August 29th, 1842. 3J-4w.TEMPERANCE HOTEL. BY HOI2HKT& TI ÏÏ8II MO. [COUNKK ÓF AIIClIUiAN AM) WASHINGTON AVE.NUES, ÖKTKOIT.) TUK übovc Houfc is plcninntly siluated nrar tlic Central ltailro.-u! Depot, and is now uniergoing thorougli repairs. The rooii's are picasnnt. th.: J]. ds and Beddirtgall ncw. nnd die Tnble will be snpplied willi ihe choictt oí ihc innrket, nnd the piopriiuors ámro those who will favor ilion wiih tiicir (.'ustoni, thnt a!l pains shall be taken to makc theirstay with theni agrceablfi. P-Akk, venj luw. aiul aecoininodation good. - Carriagca to convey passengers to and from the Hotel (ree of expense. Detroit, Apri'7, 1842. LUMJJKR conslantly on hand and lor sale !' F. DENISON. June W. lití. tfPeters Pilis. 'Tis fun thoysny to yct well wilh thcm, ALL mankind ihrougbout thcir wïSé and immense circulation ihat ever Iry tliem conmine to buy I hom. Peters' l'ills are purely vegetable; they work no mirnclcs, nor do thcy profjss to cure all diseases, been u se tliey are the scicmifi: compound of n regular pliysician, who bas made hts profession tlie sfudyof his 1 1 Cc! Dr. Peters is n gradtiate of Yale College, iilsu of the Massoduisctts Medical College, and has somcwhat distinguished himselfns a man of scietico and genius nniong the Ihinily of the late Gjv. I Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pulsare simple in iheir , ireparation, mild in their action, thoronri in ;hcir operation, and unrivalled in thcir results. - The town and country are alike fillcd with their praisc. The palace and the poor house alike echo with iheir virtues. In all climntes they will retain thcir wotulcrful powers and cxert thein unaltered by age or sitintion, and this the voiceofa grntelul community proclaimed. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep off disenses il' tiniely used, and have no rival in curing billious fever. lever andague,dyspepsia, liver sick hcadache, jaunclice, asthma.dropsy. rheumatism, cnlargenient of the spleen, piles, colic. femaleobstruciion. hcartburn. furred tongue. nausea, distention of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhena. fiatulence, habitual constiveness. lossof appetite, bloched. or sallow complexión, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, wherc n cathartic or aperient is indiented, producing neither nausea, grjping nor debility; and h-e repent all who buy them cominue to try tiRiii. The most triumphant success has ever atlcnded their use and cnough ia already known (f thetn to immortali'.e and hand them down to pos terity with the improvenients of the age in med ical science. Dr. Peters was bred to the healingnrt, and in order to supply demtnds, he has originatcd and cnllcd to his aid the only steam drive:) machincry in the world for pill workinjr. 'Tis perfec', and its process imparts to the pill essential virtue, because by bcing perfecily wrought. all the pills' bidden virtue is revealcd, when called into acüon, and here also it is Peters cxcclsall the world and takesall the premiums, medals and diplomas. So clenr the tract for the Engine - Peters' Pilis are coming - n, million of witnessescan now be licrd for ihem - resistiese - fo you liear that! while a liost can testify that thcy believc they owe their salvntion from diaease and death to Peters' Pill, and if calomcl and knivesarc getting partially into disusc wc are only mistaken. Ckktificatks. - Tliis paper coultl be filled with thein by resideuts of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors - nsk ourngents. Jt is now well known that the people will have Peters' Pilis, and to hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Price 23 or 50 cents per box. The resistless force of these tnulis - their universal reception, adi'ed to the testimony of millions, i;keep it bcfore the ueiple'' must and will bc heard ihroughout this vale of tears. Thcir happy influencc on }onng ladies while suficring undcr the usual changes of life as directcd by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyancy of hcart, feeling and action, an elastic stop, velvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexion by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in delcritemuations aiways nd'mit tfodr power and innocence, and take them two or at a time without in the slightcstdegree ineuirhg the hazard of an abortion; whicüfacts are of the utiiDst importance. Pimples; a yovng lady sent h r lovc to Dr. Peters, and says she feela more grateful to him for therestoïation of her beauty than f lic had snved herlife. 'Tis fan to get well with Peters Pills.for they can-se the bloed tocoursc aslimpid and gcntle through the veins as a rnountain rivulet; '.i or 4 is n com'mon dose, henee the patiënt is not compeiled to makc n mcal. TROUBLE IN PJLUTO'S CAMP. Quite n8tonished Old Pluto canieto New Y':rk. Hearing Peters liad got bis Pili Engine a.t work,) To resign his eunimission, his hoivr glass and scythe; I have come to deiiver thcm all up to you - Sir. my caPling i'a over - my business is through; I have been for three years na terrible stew, And I reaily don't know what on earth J'am to do; - Not of your mighty sirc do I come to complain, I5ut a tamal New Yorkcr, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of m;.nkimi, Are siiculued by this Peters, what help ean we fmd.' I would yield Htm N". York. sir, if therc he would stay; But, sir, Peters will have the wholc world for his swny. U'hile nmsingin cogncil what course to pitrsue. That Engine oí' Peters brokc forth into view. The King of terrors looked a while. As ihougli his soxl was tur cd bile, At thnt unsparing scourge of i 1 Is, By all men known as Peters' Pills. These Pills ol Peters' slop the shiughter. And lcnvc the blood as puré as water. Now Peters mrtfces. i've-hcard him say, Ftve hundred thousnnd pills a dny; So that the chance is very small Of people dying thereal all; For soon the cheeks, so mnrked for dbom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look linre! aU mho try oontinue to bvy thcm. For sale as follows, by Mcèsrs. Beatin t Abel, G. Grenville. P. J. B. ('rane. Maynord. & Co.. G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. il. Lund, II. Becker, Diclunson & CogswcH. nnd S. K Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dcater, Wm. A. L. Shaw. Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Hale, &. Siin'th. GrassLnkc; W. Jackson, Leoni: D. T. Merriman. Jackson; M. A. Shoomnher. Michigan Centre; Brotherson &. Co., L. Ji. Kief & Gilbert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood fe Co., Plymouth;. Stonc. Babcoek & Co.r and Julins. MoviusfcCo.. Ypsilanti: Prcrre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, Jind Dr. Undcrwood, Adrion; Hart fc Mosher, Springville;" Harmcn & Cook. Brooklyn; Smith &. Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicigo - and aiinost every where else. Oct. 19. 1S42 ly JR WALKER rcspectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that has rccently commeneed business, in the tailor ing linc'jOiic door cast ofBowcr"s dry goodsstou where bc is preparcd to executc orders in ihe neatrst and most fashionable slyle. Gnrments will be made to order, in strictcor.formity with the present prevailing faslnon and tatitc of the duy, and warrant e ï" to Ca or nc charge. Ladies' Ruling Ilabitsmade n the latcstJNcw York or Philadephia fashions. Friends, or Quakers' garments will bc made in the neatest and pfainest styfe. Cutting done at shortcst notirc. All kinds of Military Uniform nnd undreicoats and pnntaloons. made njrreeable to tl e present military or regimental order. .T. R. WALKER. Ann Arhor, July 2öth. 1842. nl4- 3m. Wool and Cfoth Dressing-, THE Suliscribers rcspectimly announce to the citizens Aftn Arbor and vieinity. that the are prepared to eard wool and dross eloih foï custonicrs, in tlic best style, and at the shortcst no tice. IJaving good inachinery, experieneed wr r!cmen, and long practicc in the business, they have the utmost confidcncc that they shall mVC com ■ píete satisfaetion. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arhor.. April, 25, 1M2. PARSON'S SHJEARÏNG MACHINES.Thko. H. Eatok fc Co. 138. JeOcrson nvenuc, arethe sofe ageats oí these vcry eelebrated luacliinc, 12-irw


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