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Miscellany: Knowledge Increases Industry

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Intellectual cultitiviuion tends to the iiuiuitry of a peopfc in two ways- bv ex citing :hem to excrtion, and by directing llmt exertioti. Intellectual cultivatlon excites to exertion. The Indian who kninvs of no conciitioo better ihan Iiis own, of no covierng better thaii a skin, of no habitation better thnli a Wigwam, and of no weapon better tija his bovvand arrow, hasno motivé to mdüstiy beyojid the acquibition of these simple necessaiies. Let hihi know that by additioüal eííbrt, he con provide hirnself with a blanket, and by etill further efibrts, he can exchnrige a bow und arrow for a rifle, and his wigwam fora comfort able house, and yon present motives for additional ]nbor.-Without a JcnovvJcdge of these conveniencia, he will never make eflbrts for their acquisition. Bat intellectual cuhivation also dfrecls industry to a profitable end. Thus, other thinge being equal, the farmer will succeed best who is most thoroughly acquainted vvilh the best modes and seasons of culture, and the laws of fcature on which the growth ahd perfection of liis crops dépend. That nianufacturer wül -be mü6t successfu!, who has the most knowledge of the improveinent3 of foreigntries, and who best understunds the means of applying the power of the natural ugents for the creation of liis producís. Henee, We see that an intelligent people will ahvays be industriou?, and an gnorant people ahvays indo Jent. It follows, that one of the surest means of Ijanishing indolence is to banish ignorance írom a country. But to be of signa) benefit, this knowledge 6hould be universal. The man of knowledge derives little advantage from his intellectual attainments if lie be surronuded by ignorontand ïudolent savuges. Just n proportion as men beconie useful to themselves, they wil! beconie useful to hun. The community also sustain many losses tlirou gh the ignorance of ts members. These losses occur in every departmenl of business; and though in most cases Binall, yet they are large in Ihe aggregate. Suppose each man in the United Sta(e3 to lose only a dollar a year in consequence of his ignorance of facts which he might know,and the result will be au annual diminution of some fonr millions of dollars from the net proh'ts of the country. It also follows that an ignorant people will ahvays be poor. Any person can perceivethis, by comparing sa vage nations with civil - izcd, and tliose where knowledgc is genorally diflfuticd, with those whcrc the rich oiilv arewell educated. The same fact may be ascertmned by comparing diflèrent portions of the same country. VVhat a contrast between the laborers of Massnchusctts aod Soutli Corolina Compare the intelligent, enterprising mechanics of the Bay State, with the slupid, indolent creatures who do the work of Southern planfers, who are employed in simple, rough, agricultural Jabor, merely becaueo they are not intelligent enough to be mechanics. Cotton and woüllen manufactures cannot be succesd. fully carried on by those whose oly 6timulu o industry is the application of the cart wbip. Wiien the overseers in South Carolina navIfteir lemale laborera from one to threo dollars every Saturdny night, as is done by the capitalista of Massachusetts, tbey niay hope to rival the manufactures of bnt white the only opplication they can devise to quiökcn industry and incito inlellect is the descending ash upon Ihe naked bodies of their female perativos, they need not wonder that thosc wliom they treat as brutes, are in many resects, brutes indeed. Yet the Southern Statesínen, )ike Cloy and Calhoun, would magnify the valué of their miserable, ignorant pens antry far above Üe free workiogmen of the North, and tauntingly cali upon them to look at their "Twelve hundred millions" of elave [ property !


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