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Chaiicery Sale. Absolute, for Cash and to the highest Bidder. IN ilic cause pending in the Court of Chnncery, for the Second Circuit of the Staicuf Michigan, wherein James AhlnKt is c-omplninam. nnd Abigail Welch, David L;iton, George VVelch, Ilenry Wclch, j Inri iet Welch, nnd AugustJt Welch, ai e defenduns, the said George, JJcnry, Hiírrier, and Augusta Lenig Minors, under thé at,e of iwenty.ono yenrs, - Whercns, by a decretal order in the above cnuse. made hy his fJonor Elon Farïïèwonh tlien Chaucellor ol the State of Michigan, beur' ing date the fouricenn dny ol July, A. D. eighteen hundred nndMorty one, il was ordered and decreed, that the above named defendants ahould redeem certnin morlgaged ('remises in t)ie Complainant's bill contained, by the payment of the suin of lour hundred and ninety-eigln dollars and twenty-four cents, and the interest to accrue thereon, from the fourteenth day of July, eiliteen hundred nnd forty one, the date of a certa in report in said decree mentioned, and also the cosis of cuniplainaiu to he taxed. on or before the fourteenth dny of November, in the yenr eighteen hundred and forty-one, or that in default thereof the snid mortgaged premises with the oppurtcnances, or so tfimh thereof ns would be sufficient to pay the said dcbl and tho interest which had nccrued, or might ihereafter accrue with snid costs, and whicli miglit be sold separntely without injury to the partiesor cither ofihem, shoulrl be sold at public auction. at the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. in the County of Washtennw, by and under the direction of one of the Mustcrs of the said Court, the snid Master first giving aix weeks previous notice of (he timo and place of sale in some newspapor pubüshed iti s.iid Coui'.ty. as by the snid decreè, reference being thereunto had, nuiy more fally appear. And wherens, tlie said premisifs are yet unredeemed, and the nbove etated eüm with interest, nnd costs, is yet due and unpaid, ÍVow, therefore, notice is herebygiven. that n pmsuance of the direciions of the said decree. and by virtne of its authority, 1 will, on tho sixtconth day of Mny next. at the hour of Twelvo o'clock, at noon. ai the Court House of tho County of Wnshtenaw. in the village of Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Auction, the lands and premises in said decree mentioned, or so much thereof as may be sufíicient to pay the aforesaid sum. interest and costs. and can be sold sepniately without injury to any of the parties in this cause, which said lands and premises are known and drscribed as follows, viz: All that certain trnct or parci-1 of land sitnnto iü the County of Washtonaw. and State of Michigan, known os the Easthnlfof the South East quarter of Snction number thirty-two, jji Township number four. South of Range number seven Ritst, conWtining eirhty acres. The snli will be absolute - without redemption and for c.ish. G. T. GRIDLET. Master in Chanccry. C. H. Sti:wai:t. Sol. for Complt. Dated this 2fth dny of March, 18-J:"5.AltLlí AKBOK STEVM FOU.NDRY. (NEAR THE RAIL ROAD DEPOT.) PARTRÍDGES, KENT&CO. hnve erected and put n opeíation a Vnundry, and are now prepared to furnisli to order most kinds of Castngs for Mills, or otlier Machinery. Sugar and Caiildron Keitlcs. Potnsh Coulers, most kinds of Hüilow Ware. Sleigh Shoes. Fire Doge, Wagon and Buggy Boxës, Ploughs ind Plough Castingsof the varioi.s kinds sed in this State, and the most approvcd pailerns used in Ohio, all of wlnch they tespecifully invite the Public to exarnine. They are prèpnred to furnish Farmers and others vvith I'LOUGHS as early n the seaeon as thoy may bc wanied for use, and wliich vviü be wnrrantnd gopil. All C;istings macie by them will be sold CHEAP, and for READY l'AY only. JOB WORK, IROX TURMNG AND Ff.XISIJliYG done to order, and on short noticc, at the Machine Shop of H. & R. PARTJtJDGES & CO., next door to :he Paper Mili. First Ainival IN 1843. In connection with the Foundry and Machino Shop, MARRIS. I'ARTRIDGES & CO. have just oponed a well selected stock of NEY GOODSü sncli os Hroad Cloths, Shcetings, Merino.. Satinetts, Shirlings, Muslin de Lains Boaver Cloths, Cnrnlels, Shawls, Kentucky Jeans, Flannols, Calicóes, Alapncn. Boots & Shoes. Calí Skins. SOLÉ JJYD UPPER LEATHER A good assortment of Hardware and Giocer-' ies, all of which will be sold as Iow for Cash, aa any other store in Ann Arbor. II. P. & Co. will take in exohanrre for Goods, Hitlcs, Por,-, Lard, Butler, Flax Sced, Thnilhy Ssed, 'Vullow. Sfc. on as favorable tenns as anv Store here or elsewhere. Any nuantity of WHEAT wanted, and the hijrhest price paid. L jwer Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1843. 42-3m LANDS FOR SALE. TFf E undersigned is authonsed to sell several tract8 of land in the counties of St. Clair, Sasinaw, Sanilac, Washtenaw and Lenawee at their c.ish value. and take in payment State Scrip and Warrantsi par, or their equivalent 'n cash: orhe will proportionatc tenns on time. 1 iiecash value may be aseertained. if di-sired. by nppraiaers rhosen by the purchnser and subscriber. The Washtenaw lands consist of 118 acres in the town of Webster, slighjjj improved, of early nnd choice selection, and 214 acres 3 miles below Ypsilanti, on the River Iluron. having rich bottom and upper lands, jrood timher, running wnter, corn and wheat soil, excellent sites for buildinnr. surronnded by settlements, good toads nnd milis. About 30 acres have been under cultivation. CHA'S H. STEWART. 47 tf Jeflep6on Avenue. Detroit. ITliClincry & Drcss Tlakingr. Mrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, ■pESPECTFULLY announces to the n-l- habitants of Ann Arhor and vicinity, that she has opened a shop, inidwny, between the upper and lower villnges,vhere the business of MILUNERY fy DRESS MJKIJYG will be nrried on, in nll ts branches, with punctuality, despatch, and in the best and most iasliionable s'yle. Ann Arbor, April 8, 1849. 50 ly foütvdryT POTASII Kettles. Cauldrons, Sugar Kettïes, Potash Roilers. FivePail Kettles, and small 1-Jollow Ware, Mili Gearing, Wagon Boxe, Plough Castings. &c. &c. constantly oa h0 mode at short nolice at the ANN ARBOK STEAM FOUNPRY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. March 28, 1843. 4-9ni


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