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'B ' J1E uudeiaigned would iiifurm tbe public i ihnt thy CDitMiiiio tu monyfncl.ure i I f. and Thuksuikg Mauiini.s. two ntd a Iiíiíi mil fs trom the víílnge of Aun Arbur, on the rail-rood: 'J'he ílotaoVower i a Inte luvemioii by S. W. Koster, imd is decidedly superior to uny ciihor i (o lbo public, af il ihose 1 11 compnoa, n:rt: ■ ihcr svuli t ie 'J'hreslic-r, in a coniun box, nnd flrawn witl ense by tu-o hor.-K-H. Jt ís na htflc Jiable to liru-ak. oí ( ut of repair, ds ony oüier Horse Power, and wrtll vrork as easy ond thrasli ne mueii with Vir horses attnclicd to it nö jiny oiliei rwith Jir ; horocf , nt wiJI oppear from tiio rccorninend'j'.jous belovv. New patterns havo been made for tho enst írou, nrui nd'litional weiglit and stréngthapplied wherever it bnd appeared t( j Irom onc ycar's use oí tho rmcliifio. Tlio aabscribcf deern it proper 10 state, i iliat n nmnberof' horse powers were sftJd lost j year in tlie viJlage of Ann Arbor wliicli wcre believed by the purclinscrs to be those ihvented : by "A. V. Fosi'-r. anti thnt most or all oí tlioin ;wcre cultor niado matemlly different, or jnt tored he'ore suld, o aa to be niiitcrinlly l furcrii rum those mode aod mld by t!;t;s ■ho scribers. Such nljeratíona bcing decide Btriinèntit' m the utüiiy of ihe mnïhinë. Tl 'cd have good reason to believe (lint evory one l't tbose returned by tliu purcluiscis as unsaüe "i tor) wei They are nol aw; led ihat nny Power thnt uciu frofti their H;ifp, ;i was put ín nse, as they ma ie it, hns br A. coridcinned or latei asitleAfl n índ mpchine. All who wisli i.i luiy .-ir' nyitèd i'o e.xaini (i' ihoni and to onqrt'ire of tliosè tvho h j' thom. TJjere yvilliic onrt'or exnjjijntion nt 11. V'i.(,'(. Dt.rtrr eillapr; nnd one at iI,i in J)ltioit-) '■''■ tiitao gcmlcinen being ngenta for llie san rli therji, pricew.iJI !"■ $'120 fora four lioi iiJi ;i etn ivöor?en hnr cylin h ;ii) in nviiod io il '-' fol !Oïinnenilntin. S. Vr. FOSTKR &. CO. " SotOj April 20.. 1 -'!■?. RliCÓMMKNDATIONS. ' Thla i-i to cerijjy ilint :d onc !■ S V. Foatcr's newly in.entc iJin r ere lo.t ribout live inoinhs, nntl thicsiiod wi ñbuiíi oJU!) li:,-']i-!s. nnd bclicvo il is coi pn r,7rr principie? llian ny olh( Iíorai l'.ruvr. ' lie cii in . d it rifidami itsadeifjht diilhrentk'mde ot' tiois nnd tvo bïiicve ihnl '.mr i.j. tfinisii as uiüoli wiili iliis Powor as -ficú wil w'uh nny oiUcr power witli wliirh we ure ac rjiKiilitLii. II. CASE. Si G. LVES Scio. Jaminry. 12, 112. 'J is is to ininrni t h o publii1 that I hnvr pnr jed, fiiid Imve now in uso. one í il: Horse Powers rneonily invente] by S W [er, made by S. W'. Kotc.-. Sr (-').. an ' bclievo il bc conMnieted upon bettor pril) 1 i ciplcs. and reijiiiros lis s'i-f-iipt't of Iwisc. ihnn nny othor power wiih wbicli 1 atn ;tc Í quainted. A. WEEKS. Mouni Ciemens. Sept. Í, l'-il. This s ti) iut'oin) tle fmMic I havo purI clinspil oneof itio Morse Powors, rcecriily invented by S. VV. Foatèr,and lia 'd it lora nuni er onioiitlis. nnd helievy it ia the besi owcr in nsi'. workins witli lesa streugili of l;orsea thon nny other power with wliich I am acqnainied, and bcing sm.'dl in conip,uss. is 1 13Í ly moved froni one place t o nnofher. J beüeye -1 horson wrill tlircs.ii ns mucfi with iIh'h power ns á wifl with anv othnr power. - The plan and ilic Wörkiiïg of this power hnvo been universalJy approvod of by furniers for wliom I have thraehed. E. S. SMÍTH. Scio. April lí. I812. SMUT MACHINSS. The siibscnbers maUe very goqil SMÜT MACHINES which they will sell for,$Sb. This machine was invi-nted by onc of the spbacriberpj who hng had inaiiv year's o.xpo rience in the millinó; btisineás. We invite j those who wish to'niïy n ffood machine for a fair princ tobuy of na. ,'t is vvortli ns nunH ns most ol'thj nVachines that cost ffoni 150 800. s. w. & co. Rcio. April, 1fi, 1842.


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