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"J'íe íun iheysny tu get wcll wuh ihcín, AliL mankind li)i;ou)out iheir wide and 'uniliense circulalion ihiil eer !ry ihem : turne tobuy ihem. ]'eiTs' Pilis ;ire ptüdy cgctíible; thry vvork no tniraclcs, imr Jo thcy piolo cure n!l dieasef, hecaiise ihry are ihe ■ scieniific eompouiuJ o phyeréian, who üis niotlo íiíb profeas'o.n ll)e n:uóy "1 Ins Ititf. J)r. ; Peters is a gradúate Valu Colkge. ;iÍm o. ihe . Mi: .Medical Coílei-, ;ind lms fomewli.ii distinguished bilnselfaa n man oi' scicnce find gehiue Hinong-tbc'fisrTiiíly.oí' ilic Ime íi v. Petera; I'ieitj' Vegeiabíe l'ill are simple intheir i prepáralion, n.ild in thcir netioii. ilioiuugh ín (iiciropenuion. íirul urinvnlled in ihcir regutis. - (OWji :ii)'i country pre nlikc fillcd wiih iheir i i [iia'8t;. Thú paincfi íiinJ t lie p"or house alike i echo witli ilicir viruics. Jn all climntes ihey wíl) n tliir wonderTiil pqwora and ex en n nnalicrcd Iiy ag# or simifion. nnd ihis voice ot a grntefii! conimnnily prcl;iimc(i. - ís' f'itlfi preven! - keep (fTdisenses il limely ■!. end Imvn rio rival in cming billious fever ■ i and ngue.dyspepsia. liver complnini8;gr( k liendaehf, jauíidicc, nsthmn.diopy.. rheunia1 tism, ciilm gonicni ot' Lh(f eplwtt colic. feai tuirn, furred innue. nauciuion uf ihü Btoiiíacj) indbowels. incipi flíitulenee, habitual constivem . b!oc!icd, ur sal lo w complcAKHi, and-in all'cases vf tórpor oí ilie bowels, whrro ' n c.iilinrtic r njierieni is indicitied, produ' Ihar nu UBen, ; r i i ) ir nt)r debilify; atul Krc ii aH who biiy (hem continúe lo (ry r{iern Tliü most siicccss1 bns fiver atieiiLtlieir use and' enuugh is alrcady kfio.wn oí' í thern to ijujüyriulíze nnd hand ilieni duwuto pos ly uith tbe iinpro.ven)enle ofthe nge in moiUDr. Tetéis was brctl ! the hr; t.and in ordur fo supply dommis, he h oriffijwted nnd cnlled lo liis d tlie on! tiivcj inadifnery [n ihe wórlcl for pill workiri 'i'is pi-ifcc', nnó ! iis pïot'ess impares tó the p ntiül viituo. beeausG by beirig perfect ■■ïouiüu. nll dio jjüia' hid.-len virluc ís reverle .vin n ralled in'o ac:ion, ad herp nlso it is Pte all the world nnd talies all tfio premium múdala nnd diplomas. So clwir tlio tr.ict for il Kngine- Peters' Pilla are coming - n niillion i i now be hr-id för iliem - rt : - do yoö IteJif thntl vvhile a host enn m ,i ihcy l'cüevii they uu-e tdeir sálvqu'on hoi ulisease and dedthto Petera' Pili, nnd j j nnd knivcs-nrc getting pLrtifflly inio disiise v unly iijiaiiiken. rr.s. - Thia paper coiiJd bcfiiledwi .], i'hem hy re.sidenta of .Michigan, by jour fricml ij. :n néiglibors - nsk (jtu npents. Í! is dow wp er kmwt thnt fhe projWc will have Peters' Pil's as ;ind io !ii;i(ter Wüold ciosiop tij o rusliing wind i ifi? 2'y nr .r() cents per box. il I 1 .js lorre o riirse ('ui!i8 - thrir uní j] f ;t?rsal reception, ndOéd io the temimouy of mili.. I ione, '-ke')) ii lieiorc tl.e po'ple' must and will vd lliTOUgUoUt WK vnc nflcais. ir hnpp infiuencc on Jöuiig ladiés wlnlc ;_ siiffuring unicT the usual chnngcs of' lile ns diI by the Inws of nature, they irnpurt a buoyancy ol heatt, féclmg nnd actio. nn elnsiic st p, vclvet rheck, lillyand cninntion complexión !y r their hetfon on Mie cliylc. Are. nnd Lidies in f'elj ic.Ttcsitnations olways ndniit thcir power nu il inndceiicc, nnd tnltc ih m two or threë nt n linie '■ ■i:lioii' in llie siightfist dogree incuiring the hnz' nrd ofnii nbonion; wliich Incis ;ire of'ibe tmnost importance. Piriirjles; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Poters, .-ind oyeshc (eeís inore graic'n't'ihini for tlicrctoraiion of her beauty tlmn ifjié'hnf savéfl her life. 'Tis (uk t gt well - wirl) Peters Pilis. Tur they canse theblood tocourse - is 1 inipid and'gênile throngli fhVvftïnsas n nioün- j tnin fiviilet; :! or-1 is n comiiioii Iose. hencc the i , p-i'ient is nol oompelled to nvike i menl. TR00I21.K ÍN PLUTOS CA. MP. , Quite astonished OW Pluto cnmpto New York. f 'Hearing Peters liad got liis Piil Kngine nt work.) ! To resign iiis cduimissitfii, iiis hmir glnss and -the: , t liáve come to deliver themall np to you- . Sir. in'y calling is over - my business isilirongh: Í have been for three yenrs in a terrible stcw, = Aod i lenüy don'i know whaf on cnrtli I'am to I Not of your nngfity sire do I come to comphm. But a tarnal .New Yorker, ono PETKRS by name'; The flisi-iises vny nids. n this wnr of m&nkind. Aru stihdued by this Peters, whrit help enn ve fuid? I woujij yield hiiii N. York. sir. if therc lie Would 8iny: Hut. sir", Poters will Iiaye ihe whulc world for lus swny. VVlnle niueing-tii eogncü whnt course to purstic Thnt Ejigine o!' Peters brokc forth tnto view. The Kiiia of terror lookcd a while. Ás t'Iiougn liis .soul was tur' cd to bilc, At thnt unispriViijg scöjirgé of lis. By all men knnuii ns Peters' Pilla. These Pilis o.i Petera ?t(jp tho slaüghten And lenves the blood ns pure :. water. Peters nttikcr, l've neard liini say, Fivo hundred thoiisand pills a d,iy; So ihai tjie chnnce is very;sinoll Ofpcople dying tlicre at al]; For soon the checks. so mnrkcd for doom, Begin Hke íiny rose lo bloom. Look h re allmholry oonlinne io buy them.l For Bale ns (bllows, hy Meisr?. Beach 6 Abel, ! Cl. (Jrenvillo. F. J. B. Crane, Mnynard. vV.-. Co.. (r. Wanl. Si P. & J. C. Jewètt, J. U. Lund, II. Becker. Dickenson & Cogswell and S. K Jours. An'n Arbor: Geo. Warner & C6-. and J Millerd & Son, üexter, Win, A. I.. Sliiiw. Limo; J. C. Winaiis. Sylynn, Hnfo, & Smith, Grnss J.iiko; W. Jackson. Leohi: I). T. Merrimnn. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Michion Centre; Brotherson ScCo.. L. B. KieT & ÖHberf. Manchester; D. S. Hnywood. Svtlme; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scnttergood & Co., Plymomh; Slone. B.ibcock & Co.. nndJulins, iMoviiis&Co., Ypsilanti': Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. iS J. Bidwell. nnd Dr. tJnde'rwood, Adrion; flnrt Sc Mosher. Springvülëj Harmen '& Cook! Hrooklyn; Smith &, Co., JoncBville; L. Ml Boyce, Chicngo- and almost every where else Oct. líh I8J2 27-ly


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