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In answer to onr inquiry, 'Why support an invetérate SInveholder for the Presidency tlie Jacksnn Gazettesays among ollicr things: 'Could we by our voie, or influencie of our press, banisli frorn our country the evil of Iavery, we sltoulii not hosilate wliere our course of duty woulü be. But without tlmt point, and compolled to elect bctvvcen two alternatives, eiiher to snstain a sluveholder who i. willing to ruin the inirth f rom the nggmndize ruent of the f=ou;h, or a slavdiolder who is a bove personal consideratipn?, in tlie doclara(ion ofhis opiniona as a stytesman. we are tlie advocates of the election of a man who wil do the most o promote the intcrests of tlie eniire commnnity."In what sense are you "compellecf' to bubtnin witlj your press or your voto n slaveholderatall? Are thcre no Whigs en pable of benig President in the Free State? Ye., you rnijrht answer, inany; but tlien none of tliem could be electcd, bëcause ihe Wln'g Slavebiilders wil] nol vote for anj but one nfier their j own liearis. Tlms the Nor; her Whigs 6ro j kept in subjpction to the f-lavebreedcr?, and I "compelled'' to vote for tuch of their number as tliey sliall det-inate. Such is the degraded situation of the Nonhern Wliio?, nd socli U wil] te while Mie Northern and Southern por. tions act togtther.CGrThe Albnny Patriot says that at the recent charter election in Lockport, the whigs polled 20C vpteSj theL'berty men about 180, and t!ie locos fl Forly'. Tliink of that, Guv. Marcy! Furtjf Democratie votes! This is the spurt of 'fanalicisni' vhic!i yon so much deprecaïed in one of your nmiual messajreí!, and vvhich, you had the effrontery to ansure your bretlieien north ond sotith, 'Iip.vng served a temporary purpose, was liappily subsiding!" And ihet-e are the men - these - nearly 200 in one little villiige, whom vou wou ld hate "indicted at conimon luw," f . r this "species of interference" with the ' pecuItetrly1' rotten systein ofslavery which is now tostered by the Government of the Uuited Statse! (t?3 The Rirbniond Religioua Ilerald (Bnptist) denies that liliier Knapp was driven Trom the city by threats of personal violence. He was asked to come to RichrnDnd with tlie underslanding on the pnrtoftlie clmrch that "allusion to our dornestic ins'itutions in the mlpit would be deemed 'improper and offen sive.1' But he, not liaving the fear of slaveïoldcrs suflicicnlly before his eye, made alusionslo thesul'jcct which caused the trusees to close the meeting, nnd he departed of iis own accord. Thi.s kind of supervisión mnch resembles that vvhich the ancient Pliuasces attempted to exercise over Christ and heaposlles.Qr3 A writer in llie .Albany Patriot, reerring lo the strong feehüg in Western New York in favor of fugiiives, nnd in opposition o the human hounds ;from the South who came ofter them, says tliat this lalter class iave much more to (bar from the action of a arge portion of the meclianics aitu laborers of ha country, ïhan they have from profes-eci Abolitionists. 'l'lic lutter are men of ptaco, onscientiouF, and well principled; while you an hear the others siocar that they ore not bolitionists; and they are not: bnt thousands of them, from the mere s}"m patines of hu m:inity, will risk thcir livts before they will uffer a fugilive to be taken back into eerviude. Badbj off. The Mussachusetts Whig State Convenlion have resolved. that "the preent administration of uur State Government s wrong in ever y respect!" fcf" An English writer, remarking on the infatnous charucter of Bennett's IJerald, occounts for the fact that it is read by 100,000 person?, by saying that there are 100,000 Bennetts in America. A legitímate conclusión. l


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