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The Liberty Friends in other Srntes have iel; he necessiiy of extending a knowledge of Libery principies aniong tlmse wlio do not lakó i.vctkly anii siavery paper. In Ohio, Illiriots. VTaiiio, and New Ymk. ihe Trnèrt system is in 'uil operntion. Instond óf ihis, we propose ir urnish the Signnl of Liberty lor Wkkks. to new subscribers. for ilie low price o Ttoenty Fite Cents; nit for tlie s;il;e of an. jrolhs thnn cnn be realized at ihtit pricej bni bc ;:iuse we wish n know!edgc of our p iiiciplcs i je ex:cnaivily circuiüied among tliosc ho ar nol subicrihers. nnd no bctter and chenper nicdi um líion the Press cnn te ckvised. The pnpe wil! cotitnin more reading matter than any pa.e ín the S.ate.excepiing :bose pubhsheii ín Detroil:We shrill inferí irgc oniislavery scltctions. stm cd 10 ilie i nportani clection nov pendinir, oud ais-. (he usual vnrieiy oF ïmelligencc. The sub scriptinn price s stimll', and wc ougiit lo rcceive several thousnnd suhscribcrs ir. n few weeks. UT Vc hope t iis proposïtióri will bv iniroduced nto ènch coumy convcniion, nnd subscripuonstnkrn p nt Uie urne oftlie meeiinj;. tÜJ In conc'usion. we havo oue won! lo gny Ni úi genuinc wtfrlnttg Ii'is.riy man. You sometimes #ny t youiself,"! should hke lo do BOmcf hing loi the lilieriy cniipe; luit 1 ennnot wrhe, hor tfirfiveT le-Mireè. nnd 1 liave no Cundís. I wbúíd do sotiiftliinc f [ kiiew Iidw." Hert is s.mertiiñ'gyon can (lo. Yon have ni lcast neijlil-r i Viend who cnn bp íiiduced to tnke ai)d féu'd lí: Linerty papéis, and pny 25 crnis f"ir ihem. li lie ims nol tlie nioney. ynu cnn aeree wit'i hun to ■mler th'; p;iper fbr him. and clmr:e it to bim on IkioU nccount. I,i tliis wny lie cnn enbily piylor i(. ;md i will cist jku r.otliing. llench suhscri!cr will ce ns one more, though it le oiily toi tliree inomlis. ve will wnrrnnt an inervase i t he lilx;rty voie n tlic fall wliich wiil nsionish every ne. Do not wnit (br yonr neil)lors. but íééóHtíci tiie nce ófrhiroeles is pnst,Sr slitvcry cnn I only hv :ihol:sliL'd ihrouirli a chnnpe of views in the coiiiiniuiiiy. nnd ilini change can only be mduced ny tiik. tuth preserred lo single minds. Quriririly sul)scripiionsvill le received imtne.ün.vly.t-.,,tc on tl.f. I " -f "W. A l viy líiw piicc wc otfer Uieni, no papera will lie ent without pny. NT. B PoslttKis:ers will forwnrd pnytnerüs if rcquí.-sied.


Signal of Liberty
Old News