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W1IÖLESAJL12 & RETAIL. STAP LE AjYD FAJYCY BEY aOÖBS. Tf'iiC Subscribers keep constan tly on hand i larga and choico stock of Di Y GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY ÜROCER IES, 8fC. Sfz. which have been selected wili :are, and are of the newest styles and best qunliiies. As thej' are determined not to be underold, they solicit the patronage of those wishing o purchase. Arnong other thingsfoo numerous to mcri'iiün. hey have a largo and excellent assortment of MEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SU M MER STUF FS, CALICÓES, PULLED CLOTHS, SATINKTS, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSÍMERES, 3AMBR00NS, LÍNENS, JAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, fcc. fcc. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beami.ol assortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk. and Thibet. of the ichest pn items. Parasols; o" all kinds, qualities. and prices. Hosc and Kr.!f Hose, Cotton and Worsted. Bonncts, Leghorn, Tusca n and Siraw. The above assortment of GOODS will besold is cicap, or cksaper thau can be puiciiased in Detroii. k? WooL PotasSi, Flour, ju md all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in iayment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jefferson Avenue, July, 12. 18-13. (12-tf.) Detroit. KEEP GQING AHEAÏT. Nowr is the Time for Grreat Bargains, and no Mistak '. K, BA ]K89 WOULD respectfully nforni his oldcustomers and oihcrs visiting Detroit, that h has removed to the corner of Jeflbrson Avenue and Griswold street, opposite Micliignn Insurance whcre he has on hand a lurge Stock of RE AD Y MADE CLOTHIJYG, consisting in part of Oocr Couts, Box Coats, Dress and Frock Coats, 'Vests, Panls, and every nrticle in the clothing line, cheapor than the ;hcapest. A quicíc sixpence is better thnn ó 5low shilling. Only give us a cali and we will satisfy every one; that is our maxim. Detroit, Öct. 7, 1843. 25-3m.33. DSASTS CELEBRATED CHEMI@AL PIASTER. rHE füllovving is one frorn among the nu merous testimoniáis from persons of the ighest respectability, which the proprietors have eceived. FROM SAM'L D. KINGSBURY. H. Harsis & Co. - Sirs: Having been seiously afllicted with inilammation of ihe Eyes. nd hearing ol E.'s Chemical Piaster I had box procured. and on tlie first application I exerienced great relief, and in four d,iya a pennaent cure. So cffectual was tlie application and lie almost imrnediate relief resulling therefrom. liat in similar cases I ieel great pleusure in recmmending it as a remedy wórlny of patronage. Respectfully yotirs. &c. ■ SAM'L D. KiNGSBUliY. Kingsville, O. June 29, 1840. 33. tHFFor the disenses in which this Piaster ia aplicable, see adveniaenient in anoihcr coiunin of lis paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann irbor, (Lower ïown,) by J. II. LUND, and W. S. fe J. W. MAYNARD. ï Upper CHRISTIAN E13ERI5ACH, $ Town 40-ly SAL KRATüS. ÍTCTIIOLESALE and Retail, by ; VV II. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.MQRTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been mode in the pnymen of a certnm sum of money with the interei thcreon, secured to be paid by a certain ajniuanm of Mortgoge, bearing date tlie thirty-first da or October, in ihe year of our Lord ono thousaun eiglu hundred and forty, executed by Eli Gran gsr.ofScio, in the county of Washtenaw and iho State of Michigan, to Samuel Cltmens óf Lima, in the cout-.ty and State aíoresaid, which Mortgage was recorded in the Jlegister's öflice ofthe couniy of Washtenaw aforesa.d, on the sec oud day of April, A. D. one thousnhd, eieht hundred and iorty-two, in Liber ter. ofJViOtteiT es, at page ono hundied and sixty.One, 'and de fault having bef n made in ihe condition of snirï mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law hav mg been insiituted to recover the whole or anv pan of ihe money now due on said morto'aee -Z By virtue of which default ihere is now clnimed to be due on said mortgage, the sum of three hundred and fifty one dollars and twentv Cnnt for principal and interest. v-umo, Noiice is iherefore hereby given, that in n, suanceofa power of snle in said indenture nf mortgage contained, will be sold at public aurtim, ■ at lie front door of the Court House Ra 91 lage of Ann Arbor, in the county aforesairl 1" ihe seventh day of February ne.xt. at ten o'eCfc in the forenoon of said day, all the premises d cnbed in said mortgage, or so much thereof n mny be neeessary to.sat sfy the omount due II principal and interest on said mongage us wp ascosts for forcclosing the same.and described aï follows: 'lAll that certain iract or parcel of lamí' mg in the S.nte aforesaid, known, bounded and described as follows. tu wit: The somh half of tl south west quarter of seciion seven in town two south, frange five cast, except fifteen acres on the north stde of said quarter seciion, beinJ one half nnle in Icngth running cast and west1' Dated at Ann Arbor, this sixth day ofNoveny. ber, 1843. , SAMUEL CLEMENS, MortgagM. By O. Hawkiks, lus Attorney. ___j9-lg_w MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been made in the pav ment of a certain sum of inon. y with the interest thereon, secured to be pr-id by a ceriain indenture of Mortgage, bearing date ihe twenti eth day of November., in the year of our Lord one ' ihousand pight hundred and thirty-eight, execuled by LU Granger of Scio, in the county öf Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, c? Jthoda Phelps of the same place; which mortgage was recotded in th;register's office of the county of Washtenaw, aforesaid, on the twejity-sixih dny ofJanuary. A. D. one thousand eight hundred ind thirty-nine, in Liber ntmibersevcn of mortgages, at page thrce hundred and seventy four ind default having been made in the condition of said mortgage, anü no suit or proceeedmg at law [aving been instituted to recover the wholc or iny part of the money nowdue, on said Mort2-age, by virtue of which default there is now hiimed t be due on said Morigage, the sum of one hundied and thiity-three dollars and fifty-nix cents for principal and interest, which mortgage lasbecn duly assigned to Samuel. GJemens. Noticc is theïefore hereby given. that in pursuance of a power of sale in said indenture of uortg.ige coniained, will be sold at the front door of the Court House, in the v'üageofAnn Arbor, in the county aforesaid, on the seventh day of February next". at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dny, at public auction, all the premses described in suid Indenture of Mortgage, or so mueh tliereof ns may be neeessary to satisfy he amount due for principal and interest, on said well as costs for foreclosing the same, -ind described as lollows, to wit: the souih halfaf the wost halfof the south-west quarter of seciion seven, town two south of range five east, containing forty acres., be the same more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, November G, 1843. SAMUEL CLF.MENS. Assitinee. of RHODA PHELPS, Monguee! By. O. 'Hawkins, his Attorney. 2i)-12w


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