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A correspondían f rom Milwaukie wntcs as foilows: üur towu elections came ofFonTuesday. - Ia Milwaukie, Üie average Liberly vote nos about 100, out of G50 polled. Last fall the Librty vale here was 1 1 - en increase of ninefold in s)x montha. We sljall unqueslionably doublé or sirength by (henext fall election. In Prairieville, the Whig and Democratie porties united againsi the Liberty partj - the resuli is a dcfeat of the Liberty ticket, but by a mojoriiy of ouly three or Jour, in an ag gregate vote of 2(0! As illegal votes were adiiiitfcd by thé pro-siavery party, it is probable the election will be set aside. 'lf so, we shall without doubt, cary the town. Th ree or four of the western towns in the county have gone for b The estimate is, that in the coonty board of supervisors, composed of tyventy-three tnembers, parties will stnnd as follows: Democrate, 11 - VVhigs 6 - Liberty, G. But for a combination of Deinocraís and VVhigs ngainst us in sever 1 of the towns weshouldin o II probabilily have had cghl of the county board. Next fall we shall raake a strong push for the county. - West. Cithm.


Signal of Liberty
Old News