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To The Liberty Party In The County Of Lenawee: For The Signa...

To The Liberty Party In The County Of Lenawee: For The Signa... image
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Mkssrs.Edjtors: - Permit me, through the Srg"nal,to cali ibe ttention af Libeiynien in tlm Cóunfy of jenawee to the nll important subject of a more permanent and thoremgh organizatron f the Liberty Party therein. Frienda of Liberty of the County of Lenawee, you have d oubtless, ere this, diecovered ie great wnnt of a proper and efficiënt orranization in our rank:?, in this Countjr; efbrts have been made atdiffejent times by the County Oorresponding Committee to organize ach tovvnbhip by iu each, a Commiltfie of thrae to correspond with the Couny Corresponding Coramittee; but ail previous ndertakings have asyet proved unavailing. The County Committee, aftermuch delibertion on this subject wotild reeoinmend, and if possible, would carry into efièct the following ystem of organizalion : lat, That tbe County Committee appoint n each town a Committee of fhree, (or more r Jets, as circumsf anees will be udmil) to orrespond witli the Cotinly Committee - to eport the number of voters in their respec?ve tovvns - the namea and residence of the principal men belonging io the Liberty Party herein. 2d. That the Township Committee3 be mpowered to appoint District Comniittees hroughout thetr respective towns as may be eemed necesBary. Said District CominitteèB o report to the Township Committees in the ame manner that Ihe Township Committees cport to the County. Sd. If it should beileemed necessary, the County ComrniUee mig-ht report t'ne vvhole to the State Correppoudinof Committee; and thu3 a complete knowledge of fhe 6trength of our party in this Coimly would be had; and had, too, at very little expense, if every Liberty man who ftejs that interest ho eliouldfeel in the cause, woukl but oct his part. 4th. Thus, there shall be two reporte made in each year; one by tíio first doy of March, the olher by tbc first day el September - the first repoi t to mado the first day of September next. Such a pystem of organizntior. ns the above seems to the County Comrmttee, to be lotidly calledfor, the present crisis, eonsidering the uncommon eflbrt which is being made by jol h of the oíd political parlies to draw Liberty men inio their ranks. One of the principio o!jpcts of this organïzation is. io prepare and pave the way among the peopte of our County, for the dissemination of our principies by means of tracts, and otber valuable informal ion. We have, at present, on hand a nunrber of thousand pages of tnctF, which contain statistical information which; every Liberty man should have well and thoroughly digested in bis raind. At present, we are much ia need of a lectu rer to go through our County, into everytown and school district, and at tbo dame time tu distribute traeta that may be furnished by tbe County Commiltee. For a very small enm we might hiresome individual competent lo perfurm thig task. It is presumed that tbe influence and meana of no true hearted Liberty man wVll be wanted in thia itnpoi tanf enterprise. The object of iseuing this circular is tbat every Liberty man in Lenawee County may beapprised of hia duly, and of our systpni of organiza ion; and that when a Committee U appointed they will know, without ony preliminaries what their duty is. None but the most vigilant and active should be appoint ed to act as Committeeman, eiiher in townshipd or districts. It ib hoped when a Committee ia appointed thnt tbey wil) feel the deep responsibility resting upon thern, nnd that they will nol ehrink f rom anyduty which may be incumbent upon them as Liberty men. The Cornmittee would recommend to the friends the propriety of errly forming thern - selves into clubs or associationa to meet as often as once in each week, and as oflen as possib'f, to procure some one to lecture - meet ofïenany way, and talk the matter over invite your Whig and Democratie friends in to take part with you in discussing the principies of all parties. With such a 6ystem, frienda of Lenawee, we can do wondera in old Lenawee next fall - without itorsomething similar, it is to be feared onr vote will not be augmented. The Whigs nnd Democrats are all in marshal array - ready as soon as their candidate3 ehall benomiiiated, to take tho field and fight valiantly in tho present contest. Rcports are current abroad that Liberty men are coming out in favor of Clay; euch may be the ctse in a rery few instnnce; but wedeny it to be true u ono half the casea reported. Do not believe all that is told yon by the other partie.a, take notfiing for greiued, but eearch after the truth - tho gret foundation f the Liberty Party.


Signal of Liberty
Old News