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Foreign News: Latest From Continental Europe

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April L, 1844. Yotir files of papers will bring you varied and in'eresting news froni the old world Greece has novv a constituüon, defective, indeed, but superior to any in-Europo. One urticie forbids the existence of slavery, or a slave within the Territory of Greece! Russian influence is'supposed to have received n check. Bemadotte, one of the great spectral figures of the Freuch Revolution, is dead and Oscar, his son, reigns in his siead; the kingdom is tranquil. Italy is writhing under the despotism of Austria. Naples and (he States of the Church nre in a very disturbed state. Expect to hear of Austria inlervention - perhaps an occupation of Ro.Tie itself. The executio ner is doing hiswork. Spain ia crnshed nnd mangled. The brutal, but energeüc Narvacy, holds sway. Christina enlered Madrid on the 2öd. Her pararneur, or husband lVIunoy, the ex-guardbnian is made a grandes of the first cluss. On iJia same day died Arguelles, who, as Ue rocked the eradle of Spanish Iiberty, was buried in ts grave. He was a true patriot. Condeir.ned to the galleys by the cruel idiot , Ferdinand VII, in 1314, he was releaeed at therevoluuon of 1820: and tho hand that was bardened by the galley penned the con6titution tü vvhich the liberáis of Spain were so enthueisstically attachcd. France and the French government are troubled by the clergy, who are streng to gei :he education into tlieir hands, nnd, ns a mean?, are violently attaeking the universities, ae infidel. The cliamber are against the cncroachments of Ü)e clergy; bilt they have Leen nursed and cherished, and now worry the government. Tis alwaye eo. Ecclesiastical corporations are the curse ofnatious. The Freuch ministers profess that eixty thousand men unnnally added to the army are notsuflicient t.o keep up the necessary 6trength, and sought last week to extend the term of service. Chambers refused. What a Moloch i s the spirit! üur ormy and navy rales this year are enormous-. So iv is; governments run a race f crime. The king of the French ato return the visi-ofourqneen, who has gratified a natural feeling by tulcing a niansion in the ile of Wight, thatPrecioiisgem set in the silver sea!' The queen spent mnny of her early days in the islund, and derived advnjjtage to her health by the residence. The nurse o the princesa royal was brought from the ia land.llie k'ing of Prussia das again yielded to Russian influence und a laae ntunber o Pole?, wIjo Lad made thenïselves a home ii Posen, are under eentenc? of bauishment, to wander tliey know not whitlier. See how extremes meet, or rather see the affiniies of despohsm. Here is the emperor of Russia treating his royal brotbr just as thesoutherners treat friends of the sJaves. I hardly know which is most detestable, the ferocity of íhe czar, or the baseness aud subserriency of the Prussian.


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