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Items Of History In 1844

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The following items aro ilhistratlvé of the :tLibcrty and Equality" existing in Democratie Republican America thispreaentyear. They are from the American Freeman, and are put on record for posterity. "Thirteen. Slavc States, in twentyThree m'.llions of human beings legally held, and used, and disposed of as cJuittel property. The Government courtingandnegotiating for the annexation of Texas - the avowed object, through its official agents, being to strengthen and perpetúate the institution of slavery, and to counteract the eflbrts of Great Bi-itian, whosé éxpressed desire to see slave'ry abolished throughout iha civilized world, is viewcd with the 'greatest solicilude!"' A man nominated for the highest office n the gift of ti f ree people, and likcl.y to je elected, who traiTick.s in the souls and bodies of his fellow-nien. A man sentenced to death in South Carolina Coü aiding in escape ot' a femalo slave. A minister of the gospel imprisoned in lïinöisfor the crime of harboring fugitives from oppression, of clothing the naked,and: of feeding the hungry. Partios organized in somo of the principal cities of the Union for the avowed )urposc of prosc ribing persons of foreign birüi, and tukingíroruíliem their civil and jolitical rights. Thig party triumphant in the commercial metropolis of the Union!" A riot in Phila'delphia, the effect of these prospectivo movements, aad resulting'ïn a most éxtèhsive dêstructiori of property and a w ful loss of humnn life!"ÖC The Voico of Freedom coirtains a letter from Mr. Work, one of the three Abolitionibtb who are cunfiaed in the Mis souri Penitentiary for helping a slave to escape from that State. They have ten long 'years yet to labor before they will bc rclcased. Bytheir fidelity and goodi behavior, they havo secured thé confidence of the keepers, and they are allowed to room together, and to have Bibles and otiier books, ond write to their friends. Their cell is large and well lighted. - They liave been permitted to hold prayer meetings, and some fifteen or twenty, through their agency, have been converted from the error of tKeír ways, and will go forth from prison, one after another,. no longer to curse, but to bcneñt society Such is the good that a Christian can do even when confined ia a felon's cellf jírs. Work has circulated a peritionto the Governor for the releaso of lier hustmnd. She was successful in getting sigriatures, büt she could get nó ■ ment from the Governor, unless the Abolilionisls would stop - an event not ntalli , , , r arobable.QlJ Astherehas been much questioit n all paris of the country, whether the Wnig party were or were not in fiivor of. a National Bank, wo subjoin the followr- ng extract from Mr. Clay's speech at Charleston, a few weeks since. It seemsa-be conclusivo, so lar as Mr. Clay's opinions can influence those of the party. Wonder whetfier Daniel will still regard i as an "obsoleto idea"? "I coníend that ít is necessary to cliarer'a 'National Bank to regúlate and conrol the monetary systeni, and keep it Vom explosión and - that a Nacional Bank is necessary to secure a nacional -ctirrency, whichis as necessary toa nation as naiianal laws." "One great and kindling thought fromi an. obscure man, raay live when thronesíte fallen, aha the metnory of those w-ho Wrá thein, is obliterated; and like ari' indying fire. it may illuminate andquicUen all future generations." - Dr. Chatiling. Here ís "a great and kindling thought," )eautifully e.xpressed, though not from aá1 bscure man.(H This is the, age of no velt ios. - xha laícsí is the proposal of a party of entlemep in New York to take a pJeasr.e trip to the Mediterranean, Greecey 'urkey, Egypt, &c, and home again. - he voyage, howevcr, is to be one of rade as well as pleasurc. In the ftext entury, there wiil be pleasuro par.ties 'rom New York to China. Ol? We wc re mistaken in saying that ie resolntion offered by D. L Cliilcfc at ie meeting of the American A. S.. Socity, that it "regards with satisfaction the etter of Henry Clay on the annexation f Texas," was laid on the table. lt was oted down almost unanimously - only wo persons voting for itT {jQr3 Tlie boiler of the s!eam enfrine fncory in Provulencr, R. I. recently exploded ilh a treinendous iepoit, tearing tlie buiklinjf o pioces, and everv t hing in ruin id confusión. No one was killed. Thirty r lbrty worknicn had just left the buildiug or supper.


Signal of Liberty
Old News